30 November 2012

Hypothetical situations,
Ponies that Derp,
Similarities with an old manager and a current one,
If Target had a sleepover,
The possibility of being serenaded,
and so much more.

Yep, that basically sums up my night thus far.
<3 (:

Guh'night, all you bloggers!
Sweet dreams!

29 November 2012

I'm really good at answering a question without an actual answer, I'm good at saying things without saying anything at all.
I'm a master of beating around the bush when I don't know what to say.
As she babbles on and on about things nobody really cares about, do you think she notices that half of the class is on their computers, while the other half of the class is near sleep?
Probably not. Old people don't notice those little things.
But hey, it's true.

I mean, I'm just proving my point. As she babbles on about God knows what, I'm updating a random internet page that someone may or may not eventually ever actually read...
But this is what I do in my spare time. Write. Check every random site and I either subscribed to, a member of, or I just like visiting.

Oooo, let's go online shopping!


28 November 2012

School work:

Late Assignment, all caught up
Assignments due tomorrow, still have to do
Assignment due Friday, Manitou later! 

I feel like I might actually pass this semester. haha, that's a weird feeling. 
And I won't be passing because a teacher feels sorry for me, I'll be passing because I actually did the work! Wow, it's been a while. 


27 November 2012

I officially have two jobs.


Looks like it's time for just another day in the life of me.
And then tonight, homework,
Tomorrow, homework,
Tomorrow night, MOVIE!
And then, probably, more homework....


I hate school. I hate people.
Can't I just sleep my life away? That's easy and FREE!

26 November 2012

&Yet, I still can't stand people. Crazy how some things never change.

I need to move. Sincerely. I need a new group of friends. I need a separate group of friends, I need multiple groups of friends.
I need a new job. I need a new city.
I need new scenery.

I just need NEW.
And at this point, I'm willing to do just about anything to get there, even if it means pissing a few people off.

25 November 2012

It's so sad when your friends remember your birthday... And you don't...


24 November 2012

The future, the options... I find it all to be extremely terrifying. What to do, what to do, when your future is right in front of you.

21 November 2012

Today was an epic day. Like, epic beyond epic. So, really good.(:

19 November 2012

Ahaha, the irony in my life.

I seem to be the most sincere towards the one person everyone else seems to be hating on at this point in time...

18 November 2012

Catch 22

If you think this is about you, it has nothing to do with you. And if you don't think it has anything to do with you, it's all about you.
The sexiest thing about a guy, or about anyone really? The use of proper grammar, full sentences, complete thoughts, and the correct uses (and forms) of words.
The harder you try, the less I want to do with you.

17 November 2012

Facetious, Extremely

He held my hand!
Guys, he actually held my hand!
He showed me different ways to hold hands, what they all meant.

And then he let go and ran away.

Bahahahahaha, Anthony. What a tool.

In other news: shut up.

Goodnight, you weirdos.

16 November 2012

15 November 2012

Guys, I need a new job. I just don't even know where to start looking. Help?

14 November 2012

But at the end of the day, I don't know if you're really there for me, or if you're just still there because I want you to be.
So much changes in so little time. It makes me sick.

11 November 2012

I look every kind of sick right now.
In other words, SEXAY!

08 November 2012

Oh, dear body, I am sincerely sorry. If it were truly up to me, you could sleep this whole thing away. But school says I'll fail if I don't show up; Work says I'll get fired if I don't show up. But trust me, if it were up to me, you would have slept every day for the past week, just so you could get better.
Eyes, I'm really sorry to you, too. And head, I know you're pounding, but can you please just hang in there a little longer? As soon as class is done, sleep is all yours. That much, I can promise you. So PLEASE just hang in there a little longer. PLEASE.
Given recent happening, you've voluntarily given up that right. 
Well done. Just, well done. 
But due to your choices, you now have to live with the consequences. 
I just hope that's something you're ready for. 
Because if not, well, you're straight up SOL.

07 November 2012

Note to self:
Figure out why you have commitment issues
Fix said issues
Live Happily Ever After.

05 November 2012

Those days when I don't like you?
Those are the days when you remind me of him most.

04 November 2012

Last night was magical beyond magical.
If I could tell you about it I could write you a novel.
There were so many amazing things that happened,
Things that I hope my memory will never erase,
Things I hope my heart will always hold near and dear.

No matter what happens,
Nights like last night,
The magic and amazement that was last night,
Needs to happen much more often than just once a year,
And more often than only at LIGHTS concerts.

Last night was magical,
And no matter what happens, Ever,
Last Night will always be a Night to Remember.

01 November 2012

Goodnight, world.
Goodnight, friends.
Goodnight, future husband.
Goodnight all that I love and will love.

Goodbye, October.
Hello, November. I just wish you had waited a little longer. I'm not quite ready for you yet.