21 April 2012

The problem with working out

For me at least, there are several...

For starters, who really wakes up every day thinking, 'today, is going to be a spectacular day for working out!'? Not me, that's for sure. But don't get me wrong, I do enjoy working out, quite definitely. But let me run through my thought process.

Eh, I don't want to work out today, but I know I should.
I really don't want to work out today.
Meh, maybe I'll work out later.
I'm so bored. But I really don't want to work out.
:: hours later ::
Well, I still have nothing else to do, so I might as well workout. It's better than just sitting here.

Before any workout, I hate the idea of actually putting on my gym clothes and going to work out. But during my workout, I push myself as hard as I can for as long as I can. But the problem is, is that usually once I'm done, I never feel as though it was enough. 10 minutes after I'm done working out and have showered, the only thought on my mind is going back downstairs to workout even more until I'm happy with the results. My problem? I have a hard time grasping the idea that results don't just happen overnight.
I hate getting myself to work out. While I'm running and jogging, and everything else, I have a hard time getting myself to stop, and once I'm done, I'm hardly ever happy with what I did. Most of the time I wish I had done more.
I hate working out, but I do, then when I'm done, I'm convinced it's just not enough. If only I had done a little more.
Tonight I ran/jogged two miles and did 100 squats in the matter of approximately half an hour, among other floor exercises, and tonight is the first night in months that I actually feel pleased with what I did in a matter of one workout.  But looking down at my legs in the soft glow of the computer screen, they do look better than they did even a month ago, so I am slightly pleased about that. The one thing I strive for in a workout that I rarely get, but I do have tonight? The post-workout pains. (: The feeling of stretched muscles that will repair themselves overnight(: That is the one feeling that I strive for in a workout, but I hardly ever get anymore. But tonight, I got just that, so I will go to sleep one happy camper. :D

My gosh, my head is one major contradiction.

What gives you the right?

People who have the nerve to sit in front of a computer screen and type things like, ‘You need to kill yourself,’ ‘why are you still alive, you’re worthless,’ and ‘have you ever tried killing yourself, because you really should’ absolutely disgust me. Just because you’re on the other side of the computer and don’t see the immediate repercussions of those words doesn’t mean that they don’t hurt someone. Just the thought of someone even thinking about sending those kinds of thoughts to someone makes me want to vomit. But those of you who actually think it’s okay to voice those thoughts out loud? So you may have the freedom of speech, but what gives you the right to think it okay to cause someone to want to take away their freedom of life. Every life is special, whether you think so or not. And the fact that you then think it is okay to send ANYONE at all hate mail, texts, threats, is beyond revolting. What makes you think you’re any better than anyone else? What makes you think you have the right to cause someone to push themselves over the edge. You never know the battles that someone is fighting.
Just because you don’t like someone, give you absolutely NO RIGHT to tell someone that they aren’t worth the life they have been blessed with. Someone out there loves them, just as someone out there loves you.
&Just because you might not think that those words truly impact someone’s life, does not, in any way, shape, or form, give you the right to tell them to end their life. And the fact that you have even thought this about someone, is absolutely revolting.
So the next time you feel it’s okay to sit behind an anonymous, grey face on tumblr, telling someone that they’re not good enough, why don’t you just pray for them? Pray that whatever it is that you don’t like about them, gets improved. Pray that they get better. Pray for them to improve their life, not that they end it.
Everyone should watch the movie ‘CYBERBULLY’ with Emily Osment and Kay Panabaker. It jsut might hit you the kind of effect that your words can have on someone. And it just might cause a change in you. But next time anyone goes to send hate mail to anyone, just think that you could be the one person to finally push them over the edge. Do you want to be the one that basically took someone’s life? Do you want to live the rest of your life, knowing that the hurt and suffering of so many other friends and family members of this person will forever be on your conscience? No.
So next time you go to send something like that to someone, wishing for them to take their life, turn around and pray for them.

15 April 2012

&You say the weather here is normal?

I wake up: Snowing
I get out of bed: Sunny with snow on the ground
I leave for Church: Breezy
I get to church: No wind, sunny
I get out of Church:Windy and freezing!
Get to restaurant: Breezy
Get out of restaurant: Sleet, wind, and suckiness
Come our of Kohl's: (See Above)
Get home: Overcast, breezy
Now: So snowy you can't see anything, windy, absolutely no snow adding up to anything, and suckiness

Cool, Colorado. Way to be.

05 April 2012


Fake or Fiction?

This question has been stuck in my head for a while now. We all say that we want the perfect love, but what does that mean exactly? All of this coming only from the perspective of a female, keep that in mind.

We all say that we're lonely and that nobody wants us. Yet when a guy friend, or even a guy we hardly know, comes up to us, at one point or another, and they tell us how they feel about us, and about the fact that they have had feelings for us for some time now, we refuse it. We want love from a significant other, but we're picky about it. In my opinion, if you're complaining about being single, you should take what you can get. Because if you're really that desperate, it probably doesn't really matter who the affection is coming from. We want to feel wanted, but our problem, is that we only want to feel wanted by certain people.
My thing, is that, if you really are that desperate to feel needed, and wanted, and like you're a vital piece of something, you should be thankful for ANY kind of kindness from anyone. It may be the best friend that has a crush on us, or the weird kid in class, but if you're really that in need of feeling wanted, who are you to say that someone else's desire for you isn't good enough?

&The novel kind of love. Those pages we read in our favorite books that give us chills, cause us to look up from the words, take a breath, and gather our thoughts. Those words that cause us to tingle from the tips of your toes all the way though your being, all the way up to the tip of your forehead. Those scenarios that we read through, and wish they could happen to us. Honestly, if those scenarios were to actually present themselves in front of us, who would really take advantage of them?

Care for a few examples?

The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks
If you were at the carnival with your friend and some random guy came up to you and asked you to dance, would you? Probably not. Most people want the ideal love story, but nobody wants to abandon their comfort zone in order to achieve it. Anyway, so he asks you to dance, and you refuse. &He then proceeds to find you several times all over town, and doesn't leave you alone? How many people would actually be flattered?  In today's society, that's called being a creep. And nobody I know would think anything differently about that if said situation were to ever arise. Bottom line, put yourself in the shoes of the character, Allie. Can you HONESTLY tell me that you would handle the situation the exact same way in order to get her end result? If your answer is yes, then congratulations, you're one in a million. &If your answer is no, then you just proved my point.

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
As we are all reading through the books in this series, we all wish we could be Katniss. Because she's such a strong character, and she has no idea. There is so much about her that we all admire and wish we could somehow embody. Through the story, we all make the choice of who we think she's really meant to be with: Gale of Peeta? For argument sake, let's go with Peeta on this one. He claims he madly in love with Katniss, the day before they go into battle of kill to the death. At this point, how many of you would really be flattered? Personally, I'd be pissed of for just NOW sharing that little piece of information. But once you get into the game, to find out that that one person who just claimed his undying love for you, has apparently betrayed you? I'd say you would probably handle the situation just like Katniss did. I really don't think you would fall in love with him even more. Even when we find out that he's sacrificing for her, we, as the reader, are gushing about the romance behind it all, but if you were in that arena, would you be thinking, 'Wow, I'm finally getting to live out my ideal love story.' Absolutely not. And even at the end of the book, we get mad at Katniss when she reveals to Peeta that it's all been an act for her. We think, 'How can you not be in love with him?!'
I'll tell you why. Did he help to save her life? Yes. Did he declare his love for her nationwide, and then protect those feelings, even if meant losing his life? Yes. To us, it seems absolutely rational for her to love him back, after all he has done for her. &To a certain extent, she does love him, but she's not IN LOVE with her. &There's a big difference.

That's the thing, we as the reader, are submerged in the story, just with our minds. While the completely fictional characters are actually living out the scenarios presented. If we were in the story ourselves, how would our perseption of the story line alter? We say we all want the perfect fairy tale love stories, but when it comes down to it, nobody is willing to go through the things in real life, that the characters do in books or movies. After a movie or book, we are all, to a certian extent, part of the story. We picture people we know, or ourselves, as the main characters. Who would be the lead, who would be which characters. But if you were the lead character, can you honestly tell me that you wouldn't handle the situation the exact same way that it was handled in the book or movie?

But that's the beauty of it all. We all want something we don't or can't have. We all want the 'perfect' love story that we can tell to our children, who can tell their children, who can then tell their children, so that your love story is passed down through the decades. We all want the love story every one dreams about, but if you ask me, if the opportunity were to ever actually present itself, very few would even think to take advantage of it.