21 April 2012

The problem with working out

For me at least, there are several...

For starters, who really wakes up every day thinking, 'today, is going to be a spectacular day for working out!'? Not me, that's for sure. But don't get me wrong, I do enjoy working out, quite definitely. But let me run through my thought process.

Eh, I don't want to work out today, but I know I should.
I really don't want to work out today.
Meh, maybe I'll work out later.
I'm so bored. But I really don't want to work out.
:: hours later ::
Well, I still have nothing else to do, so I might as well workout. It's better than just sitting here.

Before any workout, I hate the idea of actually putting on my gym clothes and going to work out. But during my workout, I push myself as hard as I can for as long as I can. But the problem is, is that usually once I'm done, I never feel as though it was enough. 10 minutes after I'm done working out and have showered, the only thought on my mind is going back downstairs to workout even more until I'm happy with the results. My problem? I have a hard time grasping the idea that results don't just happen overnight.
I hate getting myself to work out. While I'm running and jogging, and everything else, I have a hard time getting myself to stop, and once I'm done, I'm hardly ever happy with what I did. Most of the time I wish I had done more.
I hate working out, but I do, then when I'm done, I'm convinced it's just not enough. If only I had done a little more.
Tonight I ran/jogged two miles and did 100 squats in the matter of approximately half an hour, among other floor exercises, and tonight is the first night in months that I actually feel pleased with what I did in a matter of one workout.  But looking down at my legs in the soft glow of the computer screen, they do look better than they did even a month ago, so I am slightly pleased about that. The one thing I strive for in a workout that I rarely get, but I do have tonight? The post-workout pains. (: The feeling of stretched muscles that will repair themselves overnight(: That is the one feeling that I strive for in a workout, but I hardly ever get anymore. But tonight, I got just that, so I will go to sleep one happy camper. :D

My gosh, my head is one major contradiction.

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