26 October 2012

I almost do.

I bet you think I either moved on or hate you / 'Cause each time you reach out there's no reply / I bet it never, ever occurred to you that I can't say hello to you / And risk another goodbye.

--Taylor Swift

24 October 2012

Looks like all of my wishing and crazy dances worked out for the best!
Snow dances, that is.
Because, well, take a look out your window. It's white.
And still snowing. (:

23 October 2012

Earth, Wind, Fire, Water

As the evening grows darker and colder, the technology slowly turns itself off.
I lay in bed, watching the flicker of my bedside flame bounce around the walls of my room, an experience so completely mesmerizing and calming. Just before sleep takes over my entire being, I blow out the gentle flame, and watch as my eyes adjust to the darkness.
As I turn over between my sheets, I notice the moonlight pouring into my window and flooding the top of my quilt, just as my overactive imagination decides to employ possible scenarios and run every thought from the day back through my mind.
As much as most despise those thoughts that their minds can't seem to get enough of at night just as they're trying to let the sweet sound of nothingness congest their heads, it's those thoughts exactly that gently lull me to sleep.
Knowing that I will sleep safely tonight, with the gentle moonlight wrapping me in its embrace; my multiple layers of blankets keeping me safe from the monsters in the closet and under the bed.
You say you're scared of the dark, I say the night is the best time of the day.
Only when the moon is highest in the sky do things take on the purest form of reality. Not only are words more pure, but thoughts have the freedom to roam at their own pace, dreams to push themselves even closer to the stars.
Only when the sun is on the other side of the earth, do we finally realize what is important to us most, do we realize we're safe and loved, do we realize, everything is magical, even when in the simplest form.
After all, the most magical thing at night is nodding off to sleep while watching the flame flicker back and forth to the slight winds seeping in through my cracked window, letting in just enough of the brisk Autumn air to be pleasant, finally giving my overactive imagination the chance to run away with itself.

Finally allowing my thoughts to overtake my mind, letting the possibilities of life resonate.

22 October 2012

I really need the first snow to come already.
I need the snow so I have a reason to spend an entire day sitting on my couch, sitting hot tea, watching as the angles have the most glorious pillow fight of the year.
I need the first snow because then I will have to get my glasses.
I need the first snow so I can finally turn on Christmas Music, pull out a new book, and bury my nose in it all day long.
I need the first snow so I can finally lose myself to the fantasies of some of the greatest authors in history.
I do need some new books, as well.

These are many reasons why I sincerely need it to snow. And I do mean pronto.

21 October 2012

RED by Taylor Swift is okay, at best. Sadly though, I will probably still buy it, because there are still a few songs that have decent lyrics. She has turned into a sellout, and that's putting it nicely.
Her best album by far was her debut album, followed by Speak Now. But the latest one?

In my opinion, she's gone downhill since her last album.
I think she need to go back to her country roots, and look into employing a little less of the autotune.

18 October 2012

Everyone has different battles, and people fight different ones.
You've got to pick your own battles.
If it's worth fighting for, never give up the fight,
If it's worth the risk, honey, risk it all.

17 October 2012

Eight days ago.
Oh how things can change in such little time....

11 October 2012

Let me get this right...

You have me blocked on Facebook, made your Instagram private, but follow me on Tumblr...?
Really? Yeah, you're cool. &To imagine, we used to be best friends.
So you're telling me that I don't have a boyfriend because I have standards? What in the world has society today come to?!
People always think to themselves that they aren't good enough for anyone around them. Like whenever anything out of the norm happens, it just reinforces in their mind, why they aren't and never will be, good enough for anyone around them, anyone important to them, or anyone in their lives that they love.
But have they ever thought that instead of never being good enough for anyone else, maybe they just aren't good enough for themselves?
Just food for thought.

09 October 2012

Adam Young

"Throw a lamp on this load of ice. Okay, suddenly it’s all become crystal clear and there’s no other way of saying that the 10MG we suggest is actually worth the billions of diamond shards in your eyes because they make you see things that aren’t there; but the more you look, the more you realize they ARE there. Dust in the eyes. Very skinny people in the pantry, climbing the shelves, hand over hand in a dangling daisy chain that reaches down to the tile I’ve always done a bad job keeping clean. But that isn’t even right, so we forget about those and we just stare at each other with big cow eyes and wonder what’s gonna happen next. So we drove and drove and wound up in Florence and there was clam chowder somewhere on the way back. She was so pretty. I was dizzy but somehow it was like the first time I really paid attention to anything. Later my hand slipped into hers and I still don’t know how that happened but I guess she liked it and it made me feel real — because even ghosts tire of living like ghosts sometimes, I’ll be honest with you…… Those eyes and the way she looks at you with them…. makes you wanna do things you don’t know how to do, like prick a hole in the milky way galaxy and thread a needle and pull it down like a big milky parachute for her to twirl under and collapse into. And then suddenly our faces are closer than I thought they probably should’ve been given the scenario and who’s mother might be around. And then I remembered there are no mothers in the industrial part of town when two kids are twirling with a parachute in a parking lot. For some reason my hand found hers and I don’t know how that happened, it was just so natural yet abrupt, I felt like I should say sorry or at least get down on one knee and apologize like a gentleman. Suddenly there wasn’t one growl, there were two of them and they were on opposite sides of the park and we didn’t know what to do. But we walked slowly and made it to the car and our throats were okay. The rest was blurry, beautifully so. This was a glass ring around the perimeter of a venue ceiling that caught the light and made me wanna climb things. And then I thought about islands and The Endurance and the journey I’ve got planned which is almost like a book with the last 10 pages ripped out. I like that though because it keeps me guessing; I don’t wanna know the end.

But the insects under the counter try to bite me with their long quills and sharp brittle black legs cut like razors and that keeps me distracted."
--Adam Young
&As she looked at her reflection in the mirror, the only thought that crossed her mind was, "I want so much more for my life than just this.

01 October 2012

The easiest way to my heart?
Just walk with me. 
We don't need words. 
Just take me on a walk, hold my hand, and let me listen to the sound of the leaves crunching beneath our feet.
Just go for a walk, and just be with me. 
Words just complicate things.