22 December 2012

I just want to live with a group of friends in a loft in the South of France.

16 December 2012

15 December 2012

In all honesty, though,

I don't care if you're a fan or not, you have to admire the fact that he is one of the few stars anymore that can do an acoustic performance and sound the same live as he does on a track. I, personally, am not a huge fan, but he gained some major points in my book for this performance. Just take a listen and decide for yourself:

They sacrifice the rights that we all take for granted, shouldn't someone be willing to sacrifice their life for them?

14 December 2012

But in the end, people shouldn't be saying these things, feeling these feelings, claiming these claims, just because of what happened today. People should be saying these things, feeling these feelings, claiming these claims EVERY DAY. Don't let death be the reason behind why love should happen across the world. Shouldn't it be happening regardless of what goes on?

12 December 2012

That moment when, after a semester of not doing homework, you suddenly feel guilty about not ever doing your homework on time, so you really want to be productive and do your homework.
And that even worse moment when you realize the only homework you really have still to do requires sunlight, and it's the dead of night.

11 December 2012

So I'm officially trying this new thing where I actually fight myself to make something last, instead of always giving into myself because giving up is so much easier than actually trying.
Wish me luck.

Ahhh, shoot, I just scored myself a hot date for... Uh, well, I don't actually know when...

09 December 2012

I know what I want for Christmas.
The only thing that I would absolutely love to unwrap in 16 Days:

A complete compilation of poetry by Sylvia Plath.


I'm about to go buy like 50 scrabble games just for the sake of having that many wooden letters at my constant disposal.

Forget passive aggressive, I'm about to get wooden aggressive. TAKE THAT, WORLD!

04 December 2012

When will it finally be my chance? I'm sick and tired of waiting.

03 December 2012

I feel like the harder I try to stay in touch with people, the more it's starting to bite me in the butt.
Since when is doing everything to keep your friendships in tact a bad thing? Because I definitely missed that memo...
the harder I try, the more I seem to lose.
"When you cuddle you must always be the spoon because you're so tall."

Screw you, sir. just because I'm taller than you, does NOT mean there are no guys taller than me. Gah, just go away. -__-

Deja Vu

I just want to fall hopelessly and irrevocably in love;
Is that really so much to ask for?

Story of My Life. ((But Not Really))

&Yet, people still think I have ulterior motives.
Believe it or not, people,
I am a twenty year old girl, with guy friends too. And no, I don't plan to hook up with you when it's just the two of us hanging out. Whether you want to believe it or not, what you see with me is exactly what you get. I just want to hang out with you to either get a break from everyone else, or because I actually just want to hang out with you.
I know, crazy concept, but get used to it. I am able to have platonic friendships with you guys, PLATONIC relationships. Can we please move on now?!
My gosh. Grow up, seriously.

And another thing, why in the hell are there certain things people feel they can only say via technology.? I mean come on, we were just together, yet as soon as you walk through the door, you're texting me saying something because you were too afraid to say it to my face? AWESOME. If you can't say it to my face, then why the hell are you even bringing it up?

"Think you're funny, Think you're smart, Think you're gonna break my heart. Think you're funny, Think you're smart, Yeah you may be good looking but you're not a piece of art."
Thanks, Marina, for always having the words. (:

02 December 2012

And as they look out over the city,
She whispers, "I love it up here; it's the best view in the world."
He looks at her and says, "It most certainly is."

And they live happily ever after, blah blah blah.

Forever Alone

I think too much,
Feel too little.

I fall to fast,
And hate to easy.

I realize too late,
To feel even later.

I hate myself,
And you really should too.

I would understand,
I really would.
I take it back, I take it all back.
It was a terrible idea to wish for just myself in my head.
Turns out that me alone is worse than someone else being stuck in my head.

Somebody come save me from myself. PLEASE!

My mom asks, "Are these late nights at target starting to get to you?"
(( In reference to why I'm so tired to day ))
My vocal response, "...maybe a little."
My response to myself, "or maybe it's those long chats on Skype that you don't want to end and you don't end up going to bed until nearly 4am, and then have to wake up four hours later..."

Maybe, just maybe, it's the latter as to why I'm so damn tired. But in the end, so worth it. (:
Confession: before I die I want to kiss someone with a lip ring.

01 December 2012

Lately I've been really good at getting to the point in a very round about way...

Hmmm, this better not turn into a habit!
I'm an open book; if you don't take the time to read, you'll never know.