02 December 2011

Dear God

Please give Nicki a break. She's been through so much in her life, and all she needs is the slightest glimmer of hope. She's got the biggest heart I know.
She laughs at herself, she tells it like it is, she makes friends with more people that I know, and she is simply beautiful, inside and out.

Please give everyone a friend like Sierra. She is extremely pure of heart. She's got such a head on her shoulders. She is one of those people you see and hear talk, and you just want to get to know her. I'm so very thankful for being blessed with a friend as magnificent as her, I just wish everyone could get the chance to experience that kind of friendship.

Thank you so much for Zach. That's all there is to it. Thank you for showing me, a girl who had nearly lost all hope in ever finding a genuine gentlemen, that there is still hope out there for boys. He is absolutely the most level headed person I know. He's a year younger than me, and knows more about what he wants in life that most people I know. He's such a wonderful person, thank you so very much for blessing me with such a great best friend as him. He is the glimmer of hope for the populous of teenage females.

Please help Kellyn figure out what is right for her. Tonight was the first time in our friendship that I've seen her truly vulnerable. We've had our share of talks and conversations about life, and all of the deep things you never talk to anyone about. But tonight, tonight was rough. I just pray that you give her some kind of inclination as to which road is the one she's supposed to be on.

I just want to thank you so much for Sabrina. She's one of the best friends I've ever had, and I thank you for giving me her for the past 7 years. Please show her that she can get and keep a guy interested without going out of her comfort zone. Please give her the guy that will push her to do her best, always ask more of her, but never push her over the edge. She's such a delicate person, I just hope you would help her find the one that's for her.

Thank you for Jourdan. That is literally all I can say. She is so much fun. She has an amazing sense of humor, she gets along with so many people, and she is the definition of beauty, inside and out. Before we had even known each other a month, she cried in front of me. &That takes guts. I've had friends for years that still have never seen me cry. They may have seen me right before, or right after, but none have actually seen me cry. So for her to be that comfortable around me so soon, I'm so thankful for that.

Thank you for Bryson. He is one of the greatest people I know. We've been friends, then we hated each other. Like downright hated each other. We couldn't stand to be around each other, or in the same room for that matter. Work sucked for the longest time. So thank you for letting us makeup. He is one of the best people I have in my life today. He is so funny, so good looking, and all around a good guy. He just goes to show that you can't judge a person by what you see at first glance, because if I did that with him, I would have written him off before I ever even met him.

&Last but certainly not least, thank you for Adam. Thank you for blessing my best friend with such a wonderful guy. He is the sweetest, most genuine guy that I've met in a really long time. He is such a great guy, and I'm glad that he and Kellyn found each other. Hanging out with them is such a breath of fresh air. When they're together, things seem so easy, like they just come naturally between them.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for blessing me with such amazing people. They are what make my life worthwhile. I would do anything for any of these people, because I know they would do the same for me. These people have shown me what true friendship is, and how to find it in a room full of fake people. They're the ones that show me on a daily basis, that there are still good people in the world. &For all of that, I will be forever grateful. Thank you so much.

Love, Lydia (:

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