03 June 2012

The First Time, In A Long Time

Standing in the middle of my living room, I'm listening to my mom talking. I can hear my brother rev his motorcycle engine in the garage. A turn on the ball of my foot and walk out to see him, and before I know it, he and I are conversing. The whole thing is such an out of body experience. I go back into my living room and stand at the back door, just listening.
Listening to the music playing upstairs in my room, by brother working in the garage, my mom talking and laughing, and the birds chirping, noticing the simple way the tree limbs sway slightly in the soft summer breeze.
Meanwhile, I'm just standing there, with a cup of tea in my hands, listening. Observing. Enjoying. Peaceful.
Going back over the memories of the past few days that have made me laugh so hard they've brought me to tears. The experiences I've gone through lately, and just life in general.
For the First time in a long time, I can truly tell you that I'm happy. Nobody is fighting or bickering. No one is holding grudges. No one is dying to get out of the house and away from each other. Things are just how they're supposed to be. For me. For once. I don't feel like my life is flashing it's way by.
I may be out of my body and mind, but for once, I feel like I'm more me than I have been in years.
The family is together. We're all safe and healthy. We're not breathing down each others necks.
For the first time, we're all individuals, but all completely in harmony, in unison, and completely together.
I look around and think to myself, "My life, as far from perfect as it is, in this moment, is my definition of perfection."

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