17 May 2011


Do you ever feel like the world is out to get you, even though you know that logically, that's not true??

Do you ever feel like the smallest thing can change, but then causes a domino effect that changed your whole life?

Do you ever feel like you're slowly losing grip on your own life, and instead being put behind a window to just watch it happen?

Yet again, welcome to my life!

Don't get me wrong, I love my brother with everything inside of me. He is my best friend and he is a big part of why I am the way I am, be it good or bad. But he's been home for less than 48 hours, and he's already turned my world upside down.
He took my car and won't let me drive it. I just filled up the tank with MY money, of which I have hardly any, and he's driving it all around town. &the best part? My mom claims that she won't let him pay to refill the tank. 
Well ya know what, mom? SCREW YOU. He is filling up my tank, even if it means me taking his card to pay for gas. There is no way in hell that I'm paying for gas that I don't even use. Bottom Line.

I'm so sick of being put last. To everyone. Is it such a crime for a girl to be put first, just once.
At work, I'm the girl that is disliked because of a rumor. At school, I was the girl that was... well, who knows. I hated school. At home, I'm just the stupid little sister that is always in the way.

I'm not ALWAYS the bad person, believe it or not. Yes, I do have my fair share of faults and mishaps, but I'm human. Just like you. Just like him. Just like her. Get over it.

Do I have a big sign on my back that says 'Kick Me"?!
My brother comes home for a week, and it's like I'm 8 again. I say one thing, my brother says another. My mom believes him. ALWAYS.

He takes my car. He takes EVERYTHING of mine out of it. He totally cleans it. He takes all of my things out of it. He takes the keys off the lanyard. Everything. He even had the balls to take off my bumper stickers. All because he's driving it around town for like 3 days. AND HE USES ALL OF MY F*CKING GAS!

Gah, people just rub me the wrong way and get on my last nerve! I can't even stand it anymore. He hasn't even been home for two days, and he's got MY car, he's got MY keys, and he's got my mom wrapped around his little finger. Ya know what, at this point, for all I care, go sleep with Amanda. Awesome. I hope you guys get crabs. Yeah, I'm bitter.

Sue me. I get mad over the little things. I get worked up over nonsense. I forgive too easily. It all just asks for me to get hurt, but baby that's just me. If you can't handle it, the door's wide open. Don't let it hit you on the way out.

Screw You. Bite me. I don't care. You all just piss me off.

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