25 November 2011

Be Thankful, No Matter The Day

What am I thankful for in my life?

Absolutely everything.

I’m thankful for every morning I get to wake up to such a beautiful view, with an amazing roof over my head, surrounded by the best family God could have given me.
I’m thankful for my best friend, my role model, and my everything: My Big Brother. I’m thankful for everything he does to protect our country, I’m thankful for the fact that he’s 21 and protects our country every day of his life. I’m thankful for the people like him that are willing to give up the holidays with their families because they know the duty they have to uphold for the safety and security of all of the random faces I see everyday.

I’m thankful for the friends God has blessed me with.
Sabrina, Sierra, Kellyn, Jourdan, Nicki, Bryson, Zach, Lindsay, Lindsey, Anthony, Jason, and so many more. These are the people that keep the smile on my face day in and day out, they keep my spirits high when I feel at my lowest. They are the ones who laugh with me at my jokes, remind me not to take everything so seriously, but there are time when laughter is inappropriate. My friends, past and present, are the ones who have shaped me into the person that I am today, and for that, I will be forever thankful.

I’m thankful for my family.
My mom and my brother are my best friends, and there will never be anybody that can ever replace them. I don’t know what I would do without either of them. My mom is my rock, she is my safe haven, she knows what I can and can’t handle, and she knows when pushing myself as far as I can go gets to be too much.
My brother is the one single person on the planet that I try to model myself after. He is the most down to earth person I have ever met, he has such a great head on his shoulders, he is one of the most loyal, and true people I have ever met, and for that, I will always try to better myself to be more like him.

I am thankful for my job.
No, it might not be the most glamourous, but it’s a job none the less. It provides me with the means to get my friends and family the gifts they deserve, and it allows me to meet new people every day of my life.

I am thankful for my passions in life, and the drive inside my soul.
I may not be good at photography, art, or writing, but I absolutely love them all, and my lack of gift of these three things will not go away. They are the things that inspire me, they are the things I turn to when life gets too much to handle. My artwork and my writing are the ways I express myself when words just can’t seem to cut it. I’m so extremely grateful for the love of at and beauty in everything that He has blessed me with.

I’m thankful for music.
The lyrics that say things that words I can’t. The melodies that express my mood better than anything else in the world. The beats that make me want to dance, the words that portray a message, and the meanings in the songs that bring to tears.

I’m thankful for my passion in life for everything.
I think there is so much for me to do with this life, I can’t even begin to express how much of a blessing it all really is. I find the biggest meaning and inspiration in the smallest of things..

There are so many more things in life that I’m thankful for. I’m thankful for life in itself. I’m thankful for all of the people who have been in my life that have taught me something. We may not be friends anymore, but we were for a moment, and those moments are the ones that really mean the most in life.

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