05 November 2011

I hate you all

Can I please just say for the record, I hate people who go around referring to every single person in their life as their best friend, bestie, or anything else of the sort. I am a firm believe in the idea that a best friend is someone who you can trust with anything and everything in your life, they’re the one who you can turn to for anything, and you know you will be friends no matter the disagreement you two may come to.
I believe that anyone who has more than like, three ‘best friends,’ they’re not true best friends, they’re just title they give people to make them feel important in their lives.
I have two best girl friends, and one best guy friend. This is besides my family, because when it all comes down to it, my mom and my brother are truly the only two people I would ever trust with everything in my life. After all, no matter what, they will always be there, whether or not I want them to be.
I hate it when people walk around referring to everyone, even people they hardly know, as their best friend. Seriously, PICK ONE!

Yes, there are quite a few people that have earned my trust in life, but there are still time when I look at my life and think to myself, do I really trust them, or are they just the kind of person that I want to be my best friend?

I have learned the hard way in life, that few can actually be trusted. So when I say that I trust someone, it's a really big deal. Trust for me, is the hardest thing to gain and the easiest thing to lose. It takes years to build up and just a moment to completely shatter. And once trust is lost, in my eyes, it's gone forever.

My family are the only people that will always have my trust, no matter what happens. Because deep down in my heart, I know that they do things with my best interests in mind. They tell me the truth, whether it's what I want to hear or not. They are the ones that have been there for me through EVERYTHING in life, and still love me unconditionally. They teach me the things no one else can, and they are the people that will be with me until my death bed.

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