26 November 2011

Happy Birthday to... Me?

Weird. I’m a whole year older that I was yesterday, apparently. I don’t know how it happened, but people kept telling me Happy Birthday all day today for some reason… Not quite sure what that is about…?
How did I spend my day?
Let’s recap, shall we?
I go to work, and it’s pretty chill. My birthday is announced to EVERY SINGLE COWORKER during huddle. Coooooool, Target. So much for trying to keep it on the DL. :/
+ I find out that my best friend’s boyfriend is trying to set me up with the new guy at work, but he’s too shy to come talk to me. Story of my life. Aha, awesome. Just another one to add to the list.
+ I cashier when I’m supposed to be working in Guest Service.
+ Mental Breakdown.
+ All of my guy friends give me a hard time for this new ‘back room plan.’
+ Jourdan comes in to surprise me with the best present EVER! Thanks Kellyn &Jourdan, I love you both so very much. (:
+ I go on break to see that I have like 9 text messages saying happy birthday.
+ Get off break and get bombarded my PC kiddos. I was informed, by more that 5 people, that PineCreek made it to state! So for that, congratulations to all of you Pine Creekers! (:
+ Go home!!! :D
+ Dinner out with my mom.
+ Time to open presents! (A new photography book!)
+ Reblogging photos on tumblr.
+And well, I guess you’re all up to date. Because now you’re reading this, and this is what I’m currently doing. Well, never mind. Right now you’re reading this, and I’m probably finding way too many MORE picture to reblog. Cool.
Yep, I’m 19. &That’s how I spent my birthday. (:
Thanks to the amazing people that I have in my life : Kellyn, Jourdan, Nicki, Bryson, Zach, Adam, Chelsea, Grace, Sierra, Sabrina, &Chad. You all mean the world to me, and make my life what it is. Thank you for the birthday wishes and for everything you do for me and thank you for putting up with me for as long as you all have! (:
(And thanks to all of the coworkers that wished me a happy birthday today, whether or not we ever really talk!)

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