10 September 2012


After reading through blog posts that I published over a year ago, I've really started to realize just how much has changed. The people who used to be my best friends are no longer in my life. People that I didn't even know last year are now some of the most important people in my life.
I feel like I used to be such a deep person, my writing used to reflect things I couldn't bring myself to find the words for. What happened? What changed?

Did life happen? Did something occur to make me feel like something trivial was more important than the time to myself every day when I would sit down and just write?
What ever happened to me wanting to be a writer? What ever happened to me being able to find something amazing in every day to sit down and want to share with my blog?
People might not have even read it, but just being able to sit down and find words to put parallel to the emotions, what happened to that?

I miss setting aside that time every day, literally, and being able to analyze my day; Tell myself the good things that happened, along with learning to accept the bad. I just miss my time that I had for me.
But the worst part? It's completely my fault. Reading through blog posts from over a year ago, I was so ambitious, I wanted so much out of life, the next five years; I wanted to accomplish so much, I had goals set... What happened? At what point did my dreams take a back burner to work, and just the trivial day-to-day stuff that stresses me out anyways?

I feel like I used to have so much time to sit down and get my feelings in order and I would have time to spill them onto the keyboard, only stopping when my fingers were sore from hitting so many buttons. What happened in my life, that has caused so much to change?

And more importantly, what do I have to change in order to get that time back?

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