01 September 2012

The weight of the world

Isn't it amazing, what just getting your thoughts out does for a person? Even if you're not actually voicing those words to someone who can hear them, just putting them somewhere that's not your mind can do great things for someone.

Writing letters does just that for me. It allows me to release what I'm feeling inside and forced me to take the time to put words together, to form complete thoughts that actually make sense. Writing allows me to put words to my feelings, and it always amazes me just how much better I feel once I get done writing.
It forced me to slow my mind, to actually take the time to figure out just what it is that I feel about something or someone.
In talking to someone, noises, sighs, smiles, and grunts can be enough to get the emotion across, but when you're just talking to a non responsive piece of paper? Those things won't get you anywhere.

But now for the hard part. I've managed to put my feelings out on the paper, now I just have to get that little piece of paper into the hands of the recipient, and hope for the best.
The easy part is done, now it's just for the sucking it up part, which is always the hardest for me, especially when it comes to my ego.

Welp, here goes nothing. Wish me luck. Seriously.

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