07 April 2011


When it comes to life, which one can get your farther? Book smarts, or art smarts?
People with books smarts know everything there is to know about everything, usually discluding common sense. They look at everything for the logic that it has to offer, and anything outside of what is usually accepted, it considered wrong.
People with an eye for art, see the small things in life for something extravagant. They can take the smallest thing that usually goes unnoticed in everyday life, and make it into something beautiful, just by showing the world how they see that one thing.
I was talking to my digital photography teacher after school, and we got to talking, and it made me wonder. Yes, both 'smarts' are good to have, but most people don't have the brains to think both ways. And the sad part of it all is that the two opposite people, rarely see eye to eye with one another.
The booky person may see something one way, when the artsy persy can see it for something totally different. I personally believe that arts will get you further in life, but I am also more of the artsy type. You may choose to sit in a lecture hall for hours on end, always grasping what the teacher is rambling on and on about, but I would much prefer to be outdoors, with my camera in one hand, and paper and a pencil in the other. I would much rather be writing about what I know, taking pictures alongside, than sitting in a stuffy classroom, learning about things that I see as extremely irrelevant to my life.
But when it comes straight down to it, which one really gets your farther?
Books smarts can get you into all of the right schools, with all of the right professors, with all of the right degrees.
Art smarts gets you into all of your dreams, a chance to show the world what you see, and a chance to get your work, out in the eye of the public.
Now, granted, when I say it like that, yes, it may seem like books smarts will get your farther...
But if you think about it, it all comes down to the person you're referring to. Yes, books may be able to get me farther in life if I took the time to sit down and teach myself every useless thing there is to know in this lifetime.
I could go out into the world, travel to every country in every continent, photographing it all, showing the world what I see, and writing about it all the while.
I, Lydia Armstrong, when given the choice, will ALWAYS choose the latter.
But that's just me.
When it comes to you, your life, &your interest, which do you think can get YOU farther in life?

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