30 April 2011

Do you ever just want to walk out into public, and just scream at the top of your lungs? 
Do you ever feel so out of place, you can't help but fight the urge to run as far away as fast as you can?
Do you ever feel so misunderstood that there's no point in even TRYING to explain yourself to people, because they will never get it?
Do you ever feel like you're doing something unique and totally original, just so that a week later, everybody is doing the exact same thing?
Do you ever feel like you are the only one who sees the truth, and everybody else is just stuck seeing a lie that is put forth?
DO you ever feel like you're the only one who gets it?
Do you ever feel like you're the only one in the world, that is any different from the rest of the carbon copies that walk around the streets?
Do you ever feel like you're the only one that people don't trust, just because you ARE the only one that they can?
Do you ever feel like a dirty, nasty, basic rock, surrounded by diamonds and rubies?
Do you ever feel like you have so much passion inside of you, and so much to offer the world, and so much that you want to do with your life, but nobody will take the time to listen to you, or even believe in you for that matter?
Do you ever feel like you're screaming in the middle of a crowded room, yet nobody can hear you?

Welcome to my life.

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