21 June 2011


What ever happened to people being their own person? People going around saying they came up with something new, just because that's what everybody else has been doing for the last week.
People walk around like they are the shit, when in reality, they are absolutely no different than everybody else. I see people who go to work or school wearing something that everybody else sees out of fashion. &Yet, within a matter of days, everybody that was just caught saying that it was 'so uncool' or whatever, is wearing the exact same thing that they were bashing less than 72 hours before.
On facebook, one person posts a survey thing, whatever, and before I know it, my news feed is being blown up by everybody doing the exact same thing. The main thing that bothers me though, is the fact that 99% of people don't have the courage to do what they want to do. They have to wait until somebody else does it to see how everyone reacts. And if peers react well, that one person that was terrified of doing their own thing, is now trying to take credit for something they didn't even have the courage to do for themselves in the first place. I'm all for people sticking with their friends, because that's somewhat natural. But I mean, come on.
Our society has become so extremely screwed up, I don't even know what to say about it anymore. I want to get out of here and experience a place where people do things because it's the only way they can survive, they do things because they have honest to God confidence, and they only do things, because they want to. Not just because it's what everybody is doing anymore.
I want to meet people that inspire themselves every day, and don't sit around on the computer, playing video games, camping out on facebook, or myspace, to be find something to inspire them.
I want to meet people who have true drive.
I want nothing more than, at this point in my life, to meet somebody who is comfortable enough in their own skin, they have no problem doing whatever they want to, despite what others think. I want to meet somebody who is willing to put themselves totally out there, even if it means making a total ass of themselves. I want to meet ONE PERSON who is different than your average, run-of-the-mill- 'original' teenager. I want to meet somebody that flip my world upside down, turn it inside out, and completely change my life.
Is that really so much to ask for??

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