26 June 2011


I swear, some people just lack normalcy. I mean, what is it with me thinking that some people will just never grow up. Now, don't get me wrong, making sure you keep some kind of naivety and innocence is good, but just flat out refusing to grow up at all is just annoying.
I work with girls that are immature, annoying, and don't know what the hell they are doing. I'm there to get a job done; they are there to get paid to socialize and do nothing. It gets so old when they call each other by Disney princess names, don't know how to do math, and always look to me for approval.

Gah, that's another thing! What is it with people looking to me for approval for the dumbest things?! I mean, come on. No, I don't like him, but what do you expect me to do? Jump over the check lanes and murder you both right then and there in the middle of work? Honestly I could care less what you do with your time, who your friends are, or what he has to say about me. No, I don't like him, but NO, I won't stop being friends with YOU just because of that.

And also, yes, I think you're cute. You ask her to walk with you and then look at me with that puppy do g face... Do you expect me to throw myself at you? Well, sorry, that's not gonna happen. Call me old fashioned, but I think the guy should chase the girl, not the other way around. Before I do anything in pursuit of YOU, you need to show me you're interested. But until that day, I'm happy being single and carefree.

&What is it with people NOT being capable of replying to text messages?! Isn't the point of having texting so you can have another way of communicating with people and not having to call them? What's the point of having a facebook, a twitter, a cell phone, ANY OF IT, if you're not going to utilize it? I really hate people, I really do! It's just so aggravating! I try to make plans, people think I'm overbearing. I try to be a good friend, people think I'm pushy. I try to do the right thing, people judge me.
Is it completely TOO much to ask for to NOT be judged every two seconds. Guys think I'm hot because I'm standoffish; They also think I'm stuck up and snooty because of my standoffishness...? Is that even a word? Guys think I'm a goody two shoes because I don't cuss, I don't drink, and I don't smoke. SUE ME for not wanting to die in the next 5 year!!!



--CGambardella, DBrinkworth, TThomas, KRedell, and so many others

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