30 September 2011


Note to Reader: Before you read this, just know. None of these references are about any one person. They are all just referring to observations that I have made over the past couple of months that keep proving true.

Why is it that things in life are always backwards?
The ones we adore are the ones that ignore us, yet the ones that we ignore are the ones that adore us.
The ones we love couldn't care less, and we couldn't care less about those that love us.
The people with the biggest hearts suffer the most heartaches and get treated the worst, and those who take everything for granted are the ones that get everything handed to them and have the world at the tips of their fingers...?

There are so many amazing people in my life, but when I sit down with them and talk to them, and we start to swap stories about the good things in life, the heartache, the way things have turned out, there's always one consistency. Those who thank God every night for what they're blessed for, and ask Him every morning for the day to be a good one, are the ones that get used, walked over, made fun of, taken advantage of, and mistreated. They are the ones who get the bad guys to treat them well until they get what they want from him/her, and they are the ones left out at the end of the day with nothing left.

Yet when I look around me, those who have so much going for them, good looks (but a rotten personality under it all), more friends than they know what to do with, and take everything for granted, are the ones that get the most. They're the ones who get the good guys to fall for them, they're the ones with the best clothes, and they're the ones who never seem to have a dull moment.

The girls with the biggest hearts and are always willing to put their heart on the line for a guy, are always the ones who land the biggest jerks, who get played all the time, and are the ones that fall hardest for the guys that never treat them right. &They're the ones who, even at the end of a day when nothing has gone the way they wanted, they're still smiling.
Yet those who are rude to everyone and take what they have for granted, are the ones that land the good guys in life, who have a great family, an amazing support system behind them, and have people who would do anything for them, are the ones who always make it seem like they have the worst life. They over dramatize all of the nonsense. They make the smallest things out to be the biggest, the guy who didn't say hi to them is made to be the end of the world, and when someone says something to them in a 'tone' they think it's acceptable to throw a fit.

Why is it, that those who are honestly thankful for what they have, and wouldn't trade anything, no matter how bad things may seem, are the ones that work the hardest for what they have, and still make it out at the end of the day with little?
Why is it that those who take life for granted and think the world should be handed to them on a silver platter, are always the ones who land the best guys in life, have the best family and have everything going for them, always the ones that make it seem to the world as though their life is absolutely terrible?

Those in life who truly need a break, never get it, but go on without complaint. &Those who have all of the time in the world, can waste their whole day, and still complain that they need a break.
Those who bend to the point of breaking are the ones who manage to still be able to hold it all together at the end of the day when the world would understand if they broke down. Those who have nothing to worry about complain about the smallest bit of stress on their plate and claim they are going to lose it if one more thing goes wrong in even the smallest way.

Maybe it's just me, but I think that's wrong. I get it, those who have been to hell and back and are still alive are going to be more thankful for the things they have. Versus those who have had it all their whole lives and don't know any different.

But really? KARMA. At what point in life does all of the good stuff start paying off and all of the bad stuff come around to bite people in the butt?

Just an observation... Maybe you agree, maybe you don't. It doesn't matter. Either way, this is the way I see it.

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