12 September 2011

Get Mad For Once in Your Pathetic Life.

Do you ever just want to be able to get angry? Say what’s really on your mind &not have to think twice about eh repercussions of it all? Do you ever just want to be able to get into an argument and get heated about how you really feel, and have the other person have the balls to yell back at you? Do you ever just want to be able to say exactly how you feel, the moment you feel it?

Yell at the top of your lungs. Scream at someone. Not have to hold back the tears until you’re alone. Tell them what you mean, and mean what you’re saying.

Do you ever just want to be 100% honest with the people around you, and not have to worry about whether or not they’ll still be your friend afterwards?
I do. All the time.

Just once, I wish I could be so riled up and not think twice about saying what I feel. Just one, being able to scream in their face and know that they won’t get offended, or even if they do, they’ll come back with something besides the usual comment that makes you seem like you’re the bad guy for actually feeling something?

Do you ever wish that you didn’t feel inferior to those around you? Like for once, you would have a story that they would all be WANTING to hear, instead of always being the one on the sidelines listening to the stories being told?

Do you ever wish you didn’t have to cry yourself to sleep, because your pillow is the only person/thing that really knows how you’re always feeling? The one thing you never feel obligated to hide anything from. You hug it when you’re happy, you smile and laugh, it’s your shoulder to cry on when life seems to be crumbling down.

Do you ever just wish, you could run away from everything? Just pack up and leave whenever you feel like it? Just be able to get away from reality & maybe even get a new one? Do you ever find yourself wishing you knew different people, and not the ones you currently know?

Do you ever wish that things were… different? Honest? REAL?

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