23 September 2011

Current Day Society &The Flaws That Go With It

Don't you love it when society goes from confronting someone face to face, all the way down to technologically attacking each other? But then face to face denying to the person it's about, that it's actually about them.

Baby doll, I am calm. Completely calm, cool, and collected. You're no longer in my life, because apparently to you, having a boyfriend justifies ditching all of your friends. Well, I'm not the kind of person to sit back and let you walk all over me just so in the end you can come running back to me. I may not always know what I want, what I deserve, or anything about life, but I do know when someone is using me and just expects things out of me, that I'm not okay with.

You've never seen me truly riled up. So before you go and TELL me to calm down, you might want to check yourself first.
&Before you go and start blaming me for this 'sucking' for you, why don't you take a look around. Do you see me anywhere in your life anymore? No. Your happiness is not my problem. You are responsible for your own happiness and sorrow. If you were truly happy, you'd ignore my nonexistent snide remarks just like you used to. You wouldn't get mad about me being sarcastic, or me not talking to him.
Well excuse me for not giving him a reason to think I hate him, and there is no way in HELL that I will be 'proving' to him anytime soon that I don't hate him. He has no reason to believe that. I've never talked to him in my life. And I won't be 'proving' anything to anybody any time soon. As soon as I start to care that random people think I hate them for absolutely no fucking reason, I'll let you know. Until then, SHUT UP about it. Gosh.

You are just so full of bullshit. You put yourself in these spots in life, not me. Don't blame me for something when I have nothing to do with it. You want to be happy? THEN BE. Ignore me. Let me leave your life without starting stupid drama. People come and go. Apparently I was only there for a season, not a year. So be it. Whatever. I'm over it. I have new friends. I'm good at making them. But if you're going to let something as trivial as a BOY tear us apart, apparently what you thought was a 'great friendship' wasn't so great after all.

&It's not me causing all of this. Have you ever thought that tumblr is for posting pictures. Do you ever just see a picture and you're like, "Dude, this is my life in an icon. How sad is that?!" I do, all of the time. Hense the hundreds of pictures on my tumblr. Just because there's one that's on there that might have the slightest resemblance to you, does NOT mean it's about you.
Just because you're self conscious about something, doesn't mean that the world is out to get you. We were friends. You got a boyfriend. Now we're not. That's all it is. Let it be &just move on.
I don't feel obligated to be your friend when you're just going to treat me like I don't exist when you are with him. Not gonna fly, sweetie. I've moved on, now it's your turn.

Bottom line. If you're not happy, how about you look inward for the problem, instead of just blaming it all on me when I have nothing to do with it. You make or break your own happiness. We haven't talked in weeks. How in the Hell could this be even slightly my fault?! When you figure out how to balance a guy and a 'friend' let me know, then we can reevaluate this situation. Until then, I'll be having fun with friends who enjoy actually hanging out with me.

&Why am I saying this over blogspot instead of to your face, you ask? Because I haven't see you in weeks. "Best Friends" my ass. Stop blaming me for your 'unhappiness.'

&Just for the record, no, that wasn't about you. It was a picture that has applied to me my whole life. Just because it also works for you, doesn't mean it's ABOUT you. It's true for 99% of my life, and you just happen to fall into that percentage. Get over yourself.

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