14 September 2011

Note to the Unknown Reader

Don’t try to solve my problems. Just listen.
I don’t want to tell you my problems. Don’t force them out of me.
Don’t blame me for finally telling you what’s really on my mind. Suck it up &take it.
You think I’m mad, I say I’m not. Deal with the answer &move on.
When I tell you what’s on my mind, don’t pity me. Just sit there and pretend to listen.
People say they’re not made to date. I’m not made to date or have friends.
I don’t know what the word ‘trust’ means. &There’s a 99% chance I don’t have it for you.
I don’t want/need a boyfriend. I just want someone who will lay with me for hours &not have to say anything.
I hate most people. You’re no exception.
My highs are higher than yours. But my lows are much lower.
Don’t judge me before you know me. You WILL be wrong.
I’m sarcastic, I don’t lie.
I’m not mean, I’m just more honest than most people.
I love laughing. You won’t be able to tell the difference between the fake one &the real thing..
I want a relationship, but I DON’T KNOW HOW to be in a relationship.
I want a true friendship, but I DON’T KNOW HOW to be at true friend.
Things piss me off. All the time. &I won’t ever let you hear the end of it.
Don’t blame me for one thing, when that’s not the reasoning behind it.
“Put on your big girl panties, and get over it.” Yes, PLEASE.
I want forever. I know forever is a lie.
I’m a mess of emotions. Can’t handle it? Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
I want you to fight for me. Show me that you want me in your life. Even when I do everything I can to push you away.
I like having guy friends more than girl friends. I hate making new friends.
I say what I mean &I mean what I say. I don't say it for reassurance from you or so that you'll contradict me. I say it because I MEAN IT.
“Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you. The right person is still going to thin the sun shines out of your ass.”
Don’t try to make me do things. Ask me nicely.
Don’t expect me to dress up for you. I’ll do it if I want to.
I hate staying at home. I’m a homebody.
I won’t tell you how I feel about you. I expect you to tell me exactly how you feel about me.
Don’t judge me based on what you see once, what someone who hates me has to say about me, what you overhear me saying to someone, or what I wear once in my life. I can’t be summed up, not can I be taken seriously for once. I’m a walking joke, a world class hypocrite, and an overly honest person. Can’t take it, no ones stopping you from leaving &you wouldn’t be the first person to do it. I’m screwed up. For many reason. Reasons that you’ll probably never know. No one sticks around long enough to find out. I laugh too loud, I’m too emotional, I’m strong when I should be weak and I cry when I should be sucking it up. I attack when I’m hiding what I’m really feeling, and I take all of the crap when I don’t want to fight. I have no fucking idea what I want out of life, who I am, or anything else of any importance. I’m a mess. That’s the bottom line. I hate my life &odds are I hate you. Goodbye and goodnight.

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