12 March 2011


You want the truth? Well, here it is. Eventually, you forget it all. First, you forget everything you learned - the dates of wars and Pythagorean theorem. You especially forget everything you didn't really learn, but just memorized the night before. You forget the names of all but one or two of your favorite teachers; and eventually you forget those, too. You forget your junior year class schedule and where you used to sit, and your best friend's home phone number and the lyrics to that song you must have played a million times. And eventually, but slowly, you forget your humiliations - even the ones that seemed indelible just fade away. You forget who was cool and who was not, who was pretty, smart, athletic, and not. Who went to a good college, who threw the best parties, who had the most friends - you forget all of them. Even the ones you said you loved, and the ones you actually did. They're the last to go...."

Again, one of my friends posted this, and it's so true. This isn't what I was originally going to write about, but I read this, &it ties in really well. Some day, we will all forget the stupid things that seem so important to us all now. We will forget who was friends with who, &who were the cool kids versus who were the school loners. We will forget those memories that we think will stick with us until we die. We will lose friends, and forget about them. We will forget the things that once made us laugh, and we will forget about all of the things that seem so vital today.

Lately, people at work seem to hate me. For what reason? I'm not entirely sure. Well, that's a lie. I told something to someone that was completely true. I have proof of it, but words were said, things were blown out of proportion, and someone believed her lies over my honestly. They told people that I was 'friends' with, and now they are no longer talking to me either. Some friends, huh?!

"those are the people living in there parent's basement eating Cheetos at age 35 when we have 6 figure jobs :P:P"
Don't you just love it when you vent to a friend, &this is what they come back with?! I miss having friends like this around. All of my friends anymore just try to comfort me with 'I'm sorry' and 'Just move on...'
No, that's stupid &annoying. I like having friends that tell it like it is. It's a total breath of fresh air(:

But there's so much drama at work, it's just so exhausting! I just want everybody to let it go, get over it, grow up, &move on. But apparently, for them, that's asking way too much! I mean, really?! The only thing you have to do, is talk about me? Get a life, I mean, really. I'm not that interesting, and you talking crap about me to my friends isn't doing anything for you in the friendship department. You want to be friends with me? Yeah right! That boat sailed a long ass time ago, &baby, you missed it, but a LONG shot.
But they beauty of it all? A few years down the road, I will look back and laugh at the memory. I will look back and realize just how stupid everybody is being, and realize that Karma will visit them, and probably won't be too nice to them. And a few years after that, I will forget.
I will forget all of these insignificant people. I will become a somebody, &look back asking themselves, 'Why was I such an ass to her?'
But in reality, I won't think of them once they are out of my life. They just have nothing better to do with their life, than talk about me. 24/7. I mean, come on, grow up &just get over it already.
Someday, I will make something of myself, and will live the life you can only dream of. Have fun, mooching off your mom until you die, and have fun being the 40 year old virgin that everybody hates. (: I'm moving onto bigger &better things, have fun staying in the high school mentality, for the rest of eternity.

--BCovington, DZimkas, LSpeight, RBahu, KGosnell

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