07 March 2011


The Back-up Plan::: New favorite movie! Every time I watch it I can't help but want that kind of relationship! I'm telling you, it's not good for the single hopeless romantic in the world. Ha
It's the relationship that I want to find, to a tee. Everything I want, this movie has, well, minus me getting pregnant before meeting the guy of my dreams.

During the movie though, Alex O'Loughlin's character says something along the lines of, "I'm good at idea, just not good at making them happen."
I feel like that lines describes my life so perfectly! I have a billion different ideas about everything, I just don't always know how to execute them so that they turn out just as well in reality as they do in my mind.

There's a quote that I always say because I think it's so true. It's that we all get bored with out lives and what we're doing, so we go ahead and make plans, and as soon as we do, then life happens. Plans go awry, things go wrong, good things fall out of place so better things can fall into place. As soon as we try to take control of our lives, fate decides it has a different plan for us all. We get bored, so we think that we have to take control of our own lives, when in reality, we all have a destined path for us preset before we're even conceived... Well, that's my opinion at least.

But lately, I've realized that I'm really good at making plans, it's just the carrying out of those plans that I sometimes wonder about. I have so many ideas, about so many things, but it's usually trivial things like money or time that end up getting in the way of those plans, which makes me wonder if I was even supposed to end up carrying out those plans or not. I'm very ambitious, and I know exactly what I want out of life, and I refuse to leave this world until I've done them all. But when it comes to actually making those plans happen, that's when I worry.

I'm good at living in the moment, because I've realized something lately; I hate planning things for more than like 2 days out, because I usually end up forgetting about them, and then I plan something else, which then gets me in trouble with work, friends, or babysitting. I'm good at spontaneous, hell, I'm PRO at spontaneous. I love the feeling of a friends texting me about something, and then 20 minutes later it's happening. There's a certain kind of rush that goes with it, and that's the kind of feeling that I strive for.

So, yeah, that's really all this post is about. I'm really good at ideas, but when it comes to carrying those plans out, that's where I sometimes fall a little flat... Yeah, I'm working to change that because I can't go through life, not knowing how to make plans, and actually sticking to them...

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