30 March 2011


She's so sick of never being beautiful enough. Never being stronger, or better. She's sick of going home everyday, and wishing she was someone else. For once she wants to look in the mirror and be happy for what she sees back. She's so sick of everyone telling her "You can do so much better than that." Maybe she can't? And people talking behind her back. Yeah well she found out. She's sick of people bringing her down and telling her that she isn't good enough. But I guess all she really wants, is to be more than second best

What is it with me always having so much to say? I mean, should anybody ever have this much nonsense going through their head at once? I personally think it should be a crime, but then again not, because I would spend my ENTIRE life in jail, so I guess I take all that back. I'm the kind of person that thinks if somebody wants to know something, they should either have the patience to figure it out, take the time to notice things, or just grow the balls to ask, but anymore, it seems like nobody is capable of any of that.

So, yes, this is going to be a long one. I'm sick of waiting for people to figure things out. I just want to grab you by the shoulders and shake it into you. The facts, the truth, the common sense, the honesty, the loyalty, everything that you don't currently possess, I want to shove it in your face and MAKE you realize exactly what you don't know, but sadly, that still wouldn't be enough.

Why is it that I can feel so much, but rarely actually be able to put words to it?
It all makes sense when it plays over and over in my mind, but then I try to put it on paper, and suddenly, there just aren't enough words, syllables, languages, for me to get it out. Bummer.
Why is it that the pretty people in the world are bound to get further than the 'averages'?
Why is it that whenever I have something pressing to say, there's never somebody around to listen to it?
Why is it that when people don't need to apologize, they are overflowing with plenty of 'sorry's', but when people NEED to apologize, they can't put aside their ego for two seconds, suck it up and say those two harmless syllables? Why am I always the one to apologize for things I didn't do?
Why am I the only one who seems to want to keep the friends I have while making new ones?
Why does everybody think they deserve an apology, when they were in the wrong to start with?

Why is it that I am constantly overflowing with questions, but the world is always lacking the answers?!

I'm so sick of tip toeing around everybody around me. I'm sick of being the only person who even tries to keep my friendships. I'm sick of being the one that everybody tries to take advantage of. I'm sick of being THAT GIRL.
The weather is finally starting to turn, my mood is at an all time high, the music on the radio isn't half bad, for once, and life is good. Er, well, it should be. At this point, I'm ready to fake it until it gets better.
I'm sick, my teachers don't even care anymore, I'm the only person who's ever having a good time, and I'm slowly losing my friends. Good or bad? I'm not entirely sure yet...
I'm ready to just look at everything and just say, "screw it!"
I'm so sick of everything at this point.

"We're all stories in the end."
This is so true, but so sad at the same time. The people we now see as the best friends, or the cute boy in class. When we grow up and have a family and forget all about what we did on Friday nights, we won't remember anything. We will all just be faces in countless memories. We will be stories that will be told to the kids, and then the grand kids. We will all, at some point, be just, that one girl, that one boy. We will all have the things about us that keep us in someone's memory, but we will just be nameless figures in a shadow of recollections. That's all we will ever be.
The people that mattered yesterday, don't matter today. And the people that matter today, won't matter tomorrow. Things change. People change. Either way, life goes on.

Ugh, well, I had so much more on my mind, but I don't want to take the time to write it all down. I guess I just get to go be alone with all of my thoughts now. Awesome. Ha, My thoughts tend to get me into trouble... Oops!

Life, High School, Fake friends, Graduation, Summer Weather, My Thoughts.

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