23 March 2011


Call me old fashioned, but when did it become okay for guys to go around harassing girls, making fun of them, hurting them, and all around disrespecting them? Yes I believe you have to give respect in order to get it, but when did this huge change occur?
I need to know this because I sure wasn't present at that meeting.
I remember when guys would hold doors open for girls, when they would call us ma'am and miss. I remember when guys would bend over backwards to please a girl. What changed?
"Ahh, there you are my giant friend."
I'm sorry, but when did comments like THIS become socially accepted when it's known everywhere that girls always relate just about everything to their weight...
I mean, come one guys, you have to have SOME common sense left somewhere!

I believe that a guy should have nothing but good things to say about women. I believe that if a man genuinely respects his mother, he will respect every woman figure in his life, especially a sister, girlfriend, or wife. I believe that the only men these days that have those traits are military personnel. This, this is the reason that I am so particular as to who I date. Yes, I will be friends with just about anybody, until they choose to disrespect me over and over again, then that will be the end of the friendship.I think that everybody deserves respect, even if they don't give it, but don't get me wrong, it's only to a certain extent. I will be respectful and honest until they choose to take my trust and respect for said person, and take advantage of it, them you no longer have my respect.

My mom and I spent a few hours last night talking, and I realized several things about myself.
1. I am very picky when it comes to certain things.
2.I will marry a guy that is either a marine or in the army. Or a European man, or a black man that was raised the RIGHT way.
3. People will come and go throughout your life. Some stay for a lifetime, some only stay for a short while, but it all happens for a reason. You're brought into their life to teach them something, of they're thrust into your life to show you something. It may hurt when it's time for them to leave, but as long as you always remember that people come and go, but life goes on, you will make it through.
4. I hate to admit this, but there was a reason for my stupid, former step father to be in my life; he taught me that respect is one thing that will get you far in life, and in order to get it, you have to be willing to give it.
5. I may be friendly with a lot of people, but I can count my TRUE friends on one hand. I used to think it was a bad thing, but I now know that it's not. I only trust certain people, and I only tell certain people, certain things. I trust everybody to a certain extent, but when it comes to my real secrets that I'm afraid of anybody knowing, there are only a select few that I trust them with.
6. I'm not like everybody I know. Not by a long shot. Yes, I have the typical teen similarities, but that's not what I'm talking about. I don't want to go to college, not right away at least. I want to save money, and then I WILL travel. I know a lot of people have that on their bucket list: travel/see the world. But the difference between me, and them? I'm actually going to do it. I refuse to stay in this country my whole life, when there's literally a world out there just waiting for me to see it.

So, yeah, just a few things. haha.

But back to the main topic...
When did it become socially acceptable to disrespect any person? I don't see it as okay at all, I don't care how old, what race, or what reasoning you have to be rude, I don't see the point in it. Cliche, but why can't we all just get along? Just get over the trivial stuff and just get along.

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