27 March 2011


I remember when, well, actually a few different accounts of which, I have been heavily judged. Usually it doesn't bother me, because, well, we're all human, and we all judge.
But, since when does the library discriminate? Never. But the people that go to the library sure do. Yes, I am a teenager and I have a tattoo, so what? Since when does that automatically mean that I sleep around, or do drugs, or anything else that just goes with the stereotype? It's amazing. As soon as I walked in, I could feel people looking at me, and usually it doesn't bother me. But with my tattoo being across my shoulder blades, I usually forget that it's there, so I got dressed and didn't even think about the fact that my shirt was low in the back and my tattoo was showing.

On the other account...
I went to the store to pick something up, but I had no make up on. Just a few years ago, I had no problem waking up, taking a shower, throwing my hair in a bun and going out all day, but anymore, society is getting more and more harsh by the day. I go out with no makeup, and people stare. I go out WITH makeup, and people stare. I go out in sweats, and people stare. Anymore, there's just no winning. Why is it that society pretends to be accepting, but the world is nothing but hypocrisy. People say that they will accept you, but if you do something that isn't 'normal' then everything changes. This world is getting worse and worse, and at this rate, it won't get any better, any time soon.

If you wear makeup, you're a slut; if you don't, you're poor.
If you wear nice clothes, you're stuck up; if you wear sweats, you don't care enough.

If you have tattoo(s), you MUST do drugs; if you don't, you're a pansy.

If you have piercings, you sleep around; if you don't, you're naive.

Anymore, with society, if you have one thing, you're seen one way, but if you don't have it, you're the total opposite. If you do one thing, you can't do the other, EVER. If you dress one way, you're seen one way, but if you change it just slightly, you're seen a total different way. Society says that you will always be accepted, but when it comes down to it, if you don't do something they way they want you to do it, you will never be accepted.
In today's society, you will always be judged. You can't win. EVER.

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