31 August 2011

Amazing, The things you manage to miss 
I miss coming home from school &being able to play video games with my brother all evening.
Grand Theft Auto, Halo, Need for Speed, and so many more. Sometimes, I just want to be able to come home, take off all my makeup, put on my yoga pants &a hoodie, and just loose myself in a video game with my brother.

The thing I never thought I’d miss, is one of the things I miss most of all. Being able to spend the whole evening &night trying to beat my brother on something as trivial as a video game. And the odds are, when I did manage to beat him, he wouldn’t let me save my score, because it would mess up his scores.

Sometimes, I just want to be able to have guy friends that will come over and do things like this with me. Along with being able to accept the fact that I’m off work, and I’m not in makeup, wearing a huge ass hoodie and yoga pants, and be willing to just sit with me for hours and play video games with me and treat my like one of the guys.

That one of the most calming feelings in the world for me. Just being one of the guys. That’s what I’ve been all my life, and now that I’m loosing all of my guy friends, and I’m finding that I have very few girl friends, it’s sad. I miss just hanging out with the guys. For hours. And them treating me like a sister or just another one of the guys.

I’m more comfortable around guys that I am with most girls. &I miss all of the guys I grew up with.

But most of all, I miss my brother.


29 August 2011


I had this conversation with two of my friends. Their reaction? THE EXACT SAME.
“I realized something the other day. It wasn’t intentional, but you know, I love the kid, and if he didn’t have a girlfriend, I would probably be want him to be my boyfriend. I mean, we’re good friends and all, but really the only thing stopping me, is the fact that he has a girlfriend of like two years.”
“Yeah, I can see it.”
Ahaha. I love it when my friends and I all agree on the same thing. :P

26 August 2011


I don't miss high school, by any means.
I don't miss the drama.
I don't miss the homework.
I don't miss the stupidity.
I don't miss the imaturity.
And I don't miss the fake people.
But I do miss all of the friends that I would see every single day. I miss being able to sit in class and do nothing but talk with my friends, make jokes, hang out with my teachers, and laughing at absolutely nothing while walking through the halls.
I miss having more friends that I knew what do with. I miss having a social life. Any more my life goes as follows: Wake up, shower, work, dinner, read, sleep, repeat. Every day. And It's driving me crazy. I don't know how people do it for life. It's driving me crazy, and I'm only 5 months into it. Kill me now. Please.
I'm dying here. I hate the people I see every day. I have no one to hang out with when I get off work, and whenever I'm free, the few friends that I still have are either working or in class. I hate being this girl. The girl that is already stuck in a rut.
And the worst part of it all is that I'm not going to school. BECAUSE OF MY BRACES.
If I didn't have the stupid things, I would have been gone long ago, but I have to stay in town until they come off, plus like 6 months or so after that. &I hate it so freaking much. The longer I stay here, doing the same thing, day in and day out, the more I hate my life. And it's not bad when I'm with people that I like, even at work. It's when I'm stuck in my house, with nowhere new to go, nothing new to experience, no new friends to make. It's all the same. People ask me why I hate it here so much.
Here's my answer :  It's all old news. I've spent practically my whole life in Colorado, and as much as I can love it at times, and despite the fact that to me, it's HOME, more than anything, I need a change.
I need new things to see, new people to meet, new places to go, and most of all, new friends. I'm so sick of the friends that have a negative look on everything, the ones that NEVER have a bad day, the ones that take me for granted, the ones that walk all over me, and the ones that always need an ego boost to be in a semi good mood.
I am just so sick of what my life has turned into. It's nowhere near what I want it to be. I just need out of here. ASAP.
But what I need most of all, are friends that will always be there for me, and for friends who are up for anything, and not willing to try new things with me. I need outgoing and insanely spontaneous friends. (: At this point in life, that's what I need more than anything. More friends that are more like me. I just miss having someone who I can tell anything and everything to. I miss having a true, best friend. That's what I miss more than anything.
And the more and more that I try to fill the void, the harder and harder it becomes. I just need a new, life. With everything brand new, with everything fresh, including the start.

23 August 2011

Day 23- Favorite Disney movie quote

I haven't watched a Disney Movie with a good quote in a very long time.
Day22- Quote that reminds you of someone

Every single quote that I see, makes me think of someone that I know, have known, or hope to know.
Day 21- Quote you would want inscribed in your wedding ring

1 Corinthians 10:13
Day 20- Quote you would write on your bedroom wall

"If you´re lucky enough to be different from everyone else, don't change."
Day 19- Quote from a headstrong female

"To me, Fearless is not the absence of fear. It's not being completely unafraid. To me, Fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death."
Day 18- An anonymous quote

The only quotes that I really like, are the ones that I find everywhere, and they always have been written by someone. And I like to look up more of their quotes.
Day 17- Quote your favorite lyrics

Anything Taylor Swift. I kid you not, just about any lyric from any one of her songs would fit this day, and to ask me to narrow it down to just one, should be a crime.
Day 16- Quote from a tv show

I don't have TV. Ha
Day 15- Quote from a movie

Transformers II
"You're pretty confident, huh?"
"No, it's not that. It's just that my low self esteem is at an all time high."
Day 14- Quote from favorite author

“I don't know that love changes. People change. Circumstances change.”
Nicholas Sparks
Day 13- Quote from a book

"When you're struggling with something, look at all the people around you and realize that every single person you see is struggling with something, and to them, it's just as hard as what you're going through." 
--Nicholas Sparks
This isn't the quote that I was looking for, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. So this will have to do for now.

22 August 2011


Did I ask your opinion? Was my post about you? NO
Then get the fuck off my page and don't try to start stupid drama with me. I've never spoken to you in my entire freaking life, and you want to go and start shit with me? REALLY?
That seems like a good idea?
Just because your life is so incredibly boring and pathetic, you choose to take something that isn't anything, and turn it into something?
Gah, I hate highschoolers. Yes, I used to be one. Just like, 4 months ago. But honey, I hated everyone when I was there, and I still do.
You're just another prime example of WHY I hate you all.
You're dumb, you're annoying, and you aren't even half as 'cool' as you think you are. You find pleasure in creating drama? OVER FACEBOOK?
Seriously? Yes, because that proves how cool and mature you really are. You can't even say it to my face.

I hate you all. This is why I don't have friends in high school. Because you're all annoying, stupid, immature, and I hate you all. The End. Bye.


When something happens &I think it’s so beyond amazing, my mind decides to get in the way, and I end up processing the information. WAY TOO MUCH.

I take a simple situation, and over think it, and think the hell out of it. It gets so bad that I think something good isn’t nearly as good. I think something bad isn’t nearly as bad. I don’t let people in, and I never tell them what I really want to.

Have you ever been asked a question or seen something, and you know exactly what you want to say back, but can’t bring yourself to actually say? Like, when you get a text from that one special person and they’re asking you something really personal or private and you know exactly what you want to say back to them, but once you have it typed into the screen and you’re about to hit ‘send’ that little voice in your head whispers your doubts into your head, and you end up erasing it and saying something that probably isn’t true, but you know it’s what they want to hear?

Have you ever sat on someone’s facebook, myspace, twitter, tumblr, whatever page, just wishing they would take the leap of faith and tell you how you know they feel? Have you ever sat there, waiting for the day that they would put THEIR heart on the line for you, sparing you and all of your feelings? Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, they’re waiting for you to do the same thing?
Don’t you ever think that maybe it’s your turn to take the chance? Take the leap of faith. Maybe, it’s MY turn to put my heart on the line for someone, and feel what it’s like to be the one putting yourself out there, and not waiting on someone else who may never come around.

Do you ever just want to be that person that takes chances and doesn’t worry about the outcome of the situation? Like putting your heart on the line, and even if you don’t get the response you want, nothing really changes?

I wish I could be that person. But I’ve been hurt so many times. I’ve been betrayed by the people that I never thought would leave my side. I’ve been stabbed in the back too many times to count. And because of all of that, my heart is the one thing left that isn’t ruined, so I keep it all to myself, trying to save it for something special and for someone that won’t break it.

I just wish sometimes that I could say to people what I really want to. I wish I could look at a guy and tell him how I really feel and not think twice about his feelings for me. I wish I could just be bold like some girls are. But I’m not.

When I like a guy, I have a hard enough time admitting it to myself, let alone the people around me. I hate the label of ‘best friend.’ There has only been one person in my life that I trust with the title, and it’s my brother. Whenever I hear it, I get defensive, my walls come up, and I automatically distance myself. Do I do this on purpose? NO! I just do. There has been so much in my life that has screwed me up emotionally.

It takes a very special person to handle me. Flaws and All. Laughter and Tears. Good and Bad. I’m a very independent person, and it will take someone just like me to be able to handle me.
My biggest fear is finding someone that I think will be able to handle it, and then they leave me, alone, just like everyone else in my life has. I don’t have self esteem issues. I have trust issues. And in my opinion, that’s the worst thing you can have.

I just want to be able to jump, and  know I will land on my feet at the bottom, &never look back.
I want to go from </3 to <3. I just want to find someone who won’t ever break the one part of me that’s left whole. I want to find someone who will break through the walls, and never want to see me cry. I want to find my love story.

&If you think about it, I think that is part of the reason I love tattoos and piercings. It’s pain, but I control it. I know what to expect. I can get more and more of them, but they all hurt the same. And after a certain amount of time, it numbs and goes away. A broken heart will never be fully healed. The scar from the break will always be there.

Tattoos and piercings are a personal ‘eff you’ to myself, proving that I can take the pain. Just maybe not the same kind as everyone else. I like putting myself through that kind of pain. It’s a high for me. Knowing that I can handle it, and that I can make it stop whenever I want to. It’s pain, but it’s MINE. I know what it feels like. I know when it will stop, and I know when it will start.
With your heart and your feelings, it’s all uncharted territory. They say a broken heart always breaks the same way. I say differently. I say when it comes to love, and your heart, and your first heartbreak, it’s all new. And it’s never the same twice.

I fear the break. I fear the pain. I fear the honesty. I fear, not being loved in return. </3

+JGarcia, SWilliams, KGosnell

20 August 2011


I hate them.
You like me, You hate me. You can’t get enough of me, You don’t want to be seen with me. You want to spend all of your time with me, You want to make me jealous. I hate immature games when it comes to relationships. I mean, seriously. Why can’t two people just look at each other and tell each other how they really feel?
Yes, I like you. Yes I want to be with you. Yes, I think you’re amazing. Yes, I think you’re the one for me. But will I ever be able to tell you? With the way you treat me, probably not.
Am I trying to make you jealous? Uh, no. Do I have other guy friends? Well, yeah. I had them before I knew you, &I won’t stop talking to them just because I’m into you.
I just wish you would realize that I have feelings for you. I want to spend time with you. I want to just be with you. But what you don’t realize are the little things. Like, you want my number? Bud, all you have to do is ask for it. It’s not like I’m going to say no to the one person I want to talk to most!
I say I hate boys, and I really do. I just with they would grow up &turn into men. Is that really so much to ask for? At this age, apparently it is.

&Can I just say that I'm sorry I haven't posted much on here lately. I have been really into tumblr &posting pictures on there. I will start posting on here more often. I need to get back into the swing of writing a few times every week...

12 August 2011

Day 12- A quote about fashion/style

I believe being who you are is a style in itself, so here.

"I’m intimidated by the fear of being average."
Day 11- Quote from a band member

"But I realized that if you’re lucky enough to be different from everyone else, don’t change.”
--TSwift (:

"To me, Fearless is not the absense of fear. It's not being completely unafraid. To me, Fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death."
--TSwift(: <3

Yes, both of these qualify. Don't hate.
Day 10- Quote from a solo artist 

"I suffer from girlnextdooritis where the guy is friends with you and that's it." 
--TSwift (: <3
She somehow manages to sum up my life in a 3 minute song, when I can't even find the words myself to explain how I feel.
Day 09- Quote from an actress

See previous post.
Day 08- Quote from an actor

Not necessarily a quote as much as a line from a movie. I just love it so much and it basically sums up my life in two lines.

"Wow, you're pretty confident, huh?"
"No, it's not that. It's just that my low self esteem is at an all time high."
Day07- An inspirational quote

1 Corinthians 10:13
Not a quote, but a scripture. It;s a huge part of my life; after all, I did just get it tattooed on my arm. Ha. Don't know it? Go look it up(:
Sooo, I've kind of been forgetting to do this? Oops. I guess right now is the perfect time to try &get caught up...
We'll see how long it lasts before I get tired of it again. Here goes nothing.

Day 06- A quote about life

I mean, you can't really think girls are that stupid. You hit on me one day, then you go and hit on her, when we're basically best friends?! I hope you realize when you do something as blatant as that, she WILL tell me. And the only thing that does for me is give me even more of a reason to despise you and for me to NEVER want to talk to you again. You may be cute, but dude, that will only get you so far.

I just want you to know that you're known as the 'man whore.' Yep, that's the truth. And the more and more I see you, the more and more you seem to be living up to that nickname. You DISGUST me more than words can even say.

I thought I was falling for you; looks like my mind was playing tricks on me again. You are the worst thing that could possibly happen to anybody.
I thought you were cool &chill, but apparently you're only good at playing girls against each other, leading people on, and giving girls a false sense of hope. CONGRATS.

!@#$%^&*()(*&^%$#@! There simply aren't enough words in the English language. Well done, you've manage to cause me to lose all respect for you that I previously had. I hope you're happy, because I no longer have any desire to know you in any way shape or form.
Have a nice life using girls and leading them on.

This, my friends, is why I don't date. I flat out refuse to. Because the moment I find a guy I think will prove to be different than the rest of them out there, they go and do something stupid like hitting on my friends.
&What is it with annoying little girls that have such major self esteem issues?! I mean, no, you may not be the prettiest girl on the block, but when a guy reacts to you like THAT, you're just annoying. Obviously, you get plenty of attention from guys. No, they may not be the guys that you want attention from, but honey, you clearly have nothing to complain about. SO STOP. You're annoying. Maybe that's why we aren't friends anymore. Or maybe it's something else. You'll never know.

But seriously, I'm just so sick of guys hitting on me until something better comes along. You say I'm pretty? Yeah, &how long is that statement true for? A day, an hour? Awesome, I'm so glad I was just your entertainment until you found something more fun to look at.

The day I find a guy who is genuinely interested in me for me, and not with ulterior motives, and proves that he is willing to pursue me and not just up and leave when I don't give him the attention he thinks he 'deserves'... that is the day I might change my mind on this whole dating thing. But until then, I will continue to just be one of the guys, the little sister, the stuck up bitch, or that one girl who is fun to mess with. :/

When it comes to my daily life and the amount of fun that I always manage to have &find, I have a beyond spectacular life. When it comes to guys, relationships, or anything dealing with any kind of commitment, FML.
I need new friends, a new life, a new house, a new job, and new people all around. HELP! I'm suffocating every day of my life, and it's not getting any better.

+JGarcia, CGilreath

11 August 2011


What is it lately with people being so afraid of saying something to me? I mean, what do you think I'm going to do? Rip your freaking head off? Yeah, not likely. Nice try though.

Honestly, I'm really not a mean person. Am I honest? Yes. Do I tell you what I really think versus just what you want to hear? Yeah. Will I spare your feelings either way? Probably not.

I got a new tattoo and posted pictures on facebook, no big deal, right? WRONG. I have had so many guys come up to me and compliment it on person, which is all fine and dandy. But then they tell me they felt like they couldn't say anything about it on facebook, or even like the pictures. Uhhh, what?! Haha, I mean, what is so wrong with liking a picture you like, or saying something nice to somebody in a public fashion? Is it suddenly wrong for a guy to compliment a girl for something? Because if it is, I definitely never got the memo for that one. Sorry, world.

And what is it with people being so afraid of being happy? I mean, I'm the kind of person that is so often optimistic, it wouldn't surprise me if some people thought it was so happy, it was annoying. I laugh at so much, I find humor in basically everything, I try to be friends with as many people as I can, even though I rarely let anyone close. &I hate it when someone can't take a joke, or they walk around like the world is out to get them. I mean, yes, we all have our extremely pessimistic days. Hell, last week was my very own personal 'eff the world' week.
So, I am by no means saying that having bad days is wrong, because we all do. I just get tired of the people that have bad 'years'. I mean, come one. Seriously?! Is your life really that pathetic that you can't be happy about anything, and you just have to drag people down with you? Because that doesn't make you friends, it will lose you friends. Just a pointer.

&on another note, what is it with people thinking that if they just add a little 'haha' to the end of anything, it takes away any kind of ridicule, rude-ness, or the littlest bit of sarcasm. It still hurts.
They say
There's a little truth in every JustKidding
There's a little curiosity in ever JustWondering
There's a little knowledge in every IDon'tKnow
There's a little emotion in every IDon'tCare
I say this is far too true.

Just because you add a 'JK' or a 'haha' to the end of something, it still stings. Like, exactly how true is that, because you wouldn't have said it if it didn't have the littlest bit of honesty in it.

Some People just piss me off. End.Of.Story.

+Bcovington, JGarcia, KGosnell

09 August 2011


Realization time :
It will take a very strong person to be able to handle me. I'm extremely independent, and that is why I don't have boyfriends. I don't need to rely on anybody, and I don't look to others for happiness. I know that in order do be happy, I have to be happy with myself, before I can make others happy.

It will take someone very special to be able to handle me. My moods go up and down more often than a roller coaster, and I never know what I want.
I will seem distant most of the time, I don't like public displays of affection, and I make sure my personal life, is MY personal life. I don't feel the need to share something so special and so fragile with people who want nothing more than to see it break.
There will be times when I may act like I could care less, there will be times when you doubt my feeling for you, and there will be times when you want nothing more than to bash my face in.
I'm not easy to handle. I'm not the typical girl who changes what and who she is just to get the guy. I am who I am, and that's all I can ever be. Don't like it? Cool, move on. I don't care.

It will take a person who is very secure in who they are and what they want. It will take a very strong person to handle me, because I myself am the strongest person I know. My feelings are strong, and they don't waiver easily. I'm hard to get, but if you think I'm worth it, I will be everything you will ever need. I'm hard to get, but the easiest to keep. I know how I feel, and I always let the people close to me know. But when it comes to guys, they have to make the first move. That's my one, 'rule' if you will. I have to know your feelings, before I bare my heart to someone I'm taking a chance on.

Whoever take the jump and falls for me, will be one very special person. I'm over baring, a control freak, I laugh at everything, I play up stupid situations, I love/hate laughing at myself, I make jokes about everything, I know who I am, but I have my insecure moments.
I don't want to say I have a checklist that I look for in a guy, because I hate girls who don't date unless they find guys that meet certain requirements. I know what I'm looking for, and I won't settle for anything less. The one guy that I fall for, will be everything I'm looking for, and so much more. I just have to wait for him to come find me, and take the leap of faith, and never doubt what I feel in my heart to be true... (:

The one thing I've learned in life, is that no matter what is going on, you just have to smile, as if you've never been h u r t . <3

Thanks for reading my little pep talk to myself, I hoped it helped you as much as I'm sure it will continue to help me(:

08 August 2011


I need a laptop. Like, A LOT. Yes, it NEED it. I love to write, and I have so many pretty epic quotes in my head when there is something around me that inspires me, but my problem, is that in the moments I'm most inspired, I have nothing to write with, nothing to write on, and my mind goes so fast I can't possibly remember it all.
I think that will be my next investment. Well, I have three pretty big ones. A laptop, an iHome, and bad ass head phones. All extremely vital, yes. (:

Yep, I just felt like sharing. That way, I can take it with me everywhere, have it with me when I'm too inspired, and I can write everything on it. I type faster than I write, so getting a laptop just seems more logical, yeah?

I just felt like sharing, with a webpage that very few will probably ever read. Ha, awesome.
Oh well(:

07 August 2011


Before you get started, this is going to be hella random. I'm just ranting and venting and letting loose. Feel free to read if you dare, but don't expect it to make any sense at all.

I hate my life.
I think I'm bipolar, I think I have anger problems, it wouldn't surprise me if I had ADD or ADHD (I really don't know the difference), and I think I'm slowly going crazy.

Sometimes I just think life would be so much easier if I had no friends.
I mean, think about it. One minute I love life, I love my friends, and I'm going out of my way to do things to make everyone happy. The next minute I hate the world, I want nothing more than to just up and punch somebody in the face and just run away from everything.
One minute I want to live my life to make others happy, I want to change who I am in order to fit in with everyone else, and the next, I just want to stand out, I want to make a name for myself.

One minute I have huge plans for myself, I know exactly what I want in life and am ready to just get on with it, and the next, I have no idea what I want, who I am, if anybody really likes me, and I start to question everything that I am and know.

I realized something today. I don't know how to cry anymore. I mean yeah, I know the feeling and my eyes get glassy, but honestly, I can't remember the last time I felt tears run down my face, whether it be out of pure joy and happiness, or out of anger, pity, or honest to God sadness.
I have spent my whole life being strong for people, and that's all I know anymore. I don't know how to be weak. I don't know how to lose myself in anything. I've spend the past 18 years standing up tall, talking smack, gaining and losing friends, taking in the pain of my friends so they don't have to feel it, and making sure that I stay strong so people don't have to deal with my sadness. But then there's days like today, when there's nothing that I want more than to just sit down and cry. And I mean it, like full on bawl my freaking eyes out, but no. I don't know how to anymore. It's actually really sad. The person I've turned into.
I don't trust, I have very few friends, I rant, I'm all talk, and I can't cry, and I don't know what it means to be a true friend, or to have a true friend. I mean honestly, what kind of a person can say that? NOBODY but ME!

There has been so much happen in my life to make me the way I am today, and sometimes I wish I could change it, but I don't know how to. I don't know how to give myself more confidence without being cocky, I don't know how to trust without being walked over and used, I don't know how to have a friend because I don't REALLY know how to be one. I mean, yeah, I can be friendLY, but that's not being a FRIEND.

I don't have a male role model in my life, and some people are convinced that is the main reason I am the way I am. I don't know how to fall for people, I don't know how to trust a guy, I don't know how to let myself fall for somebody, and I don't know how to fight for what I want. I say I know exactly how to do this, but who am I kidding?
I am the most lost person you will ever meet.

The longer and longer I stay here, the further and further I start to go down. I'm suffocating, drowning. This place has nothing left to offer me except hurt, raw memories, bad people, scars, and everything bad. I need a new adventure. I need new people, new scenery, new chances, new experiences, and above all, a chance to find myself. I need to move out, move away, completely alone, with nothing but myself and a dream. I don't know who I am, who I trust, who I need, or what I want out of life. I just need to get away.

Anymore, this place is poison to me. There is nothing but girls taking away what I thought was mine, guys falling for my friends, people using me to get past me, and taking advantage of me. I need to start somewhere new with new friends, and new guys. I want a friend that is willing to go out of their way for me, and I want a guy who genuinely wants to get to know me; not through facebook, not over text, and not constantly asking me for dirty pictures. I want people to get to know me the old fashioned way. I want to go to a coffee shop and meet my best friend. I want to take an elevator somewhere and meet my future husband. I want to get away from technology, from the world, FROM REALITY, and just find myself.

I don't know who I am anymore, or what I want out of life. &The sense of being lost is one of the worst feelings you can have.
I hate feeling worthless, useless, and unwanted. I feel like all I'm doing anymore is just existing, and that is one of my biggest fears. I don't want to just exist. I want to live a life people look at and envy. I want to get into fights with people, but know that at the end of the day they'll still be there for me. I want to be able to voice my opinions and not have to worry about what others thin.
I want to be able to go somewhere and not have to worry about who I'll see, and what they've heard about me that may or may not be true. I want to be able to go somewhere and NOT have people stare at me the whole time for whatever reason.....

Have you ever had that one guy friend that you knew would never get anywhere? The one that is super cute and super fun to flirt with, but it was never anything more than that? Yeah, me too...
Until I gave him a hug yesterday, and now all of the sudden, it's something more. &I swear, I thought he was going to go in for a kiss right after, and I'm kind of surprised it didn't happen...
I know he feels it too because it's tense whenever we're around each other. And then he goes and hugs a friend today, yet he's watching me? I mean, I'm flattered, but that's the most awkward thing EVER.
Why can't a guy just tell me that he likes me, so that I can tell him the same thing, and then none of the questioning is there?!
I mean come on, we're done with high school, now can people just start acting like it?! PLEASE?!

And what is it with guys hitting on me out of nowhere? It gets really annoying. I don't know you, I won't send you pictures. You're a pervert. Thanks though. You want to hang out? Don't text me every two seconds, and when you do, don't act like a baby, you're older than me, start acting like it. Grow up a little. I want a REAL guy, not some creeper on facebook, to like me. Is that so much to ask for, I mean, REALLY?!
What have I done so wrong in a past life, honestly?!

Well, that's all the ranting I can do in one sitting. It's movie time. I'm going to lay in bed until the sun sets so my brain doesn't have to do any work, and then I think I'm gonna go for a walk. Blasting my iPod. Yep, that's what I'm gonna do. Where will I go? Good question. We'll see where I end up.

This is the kind of group of friends that I want someday. Guys and girls; they fight all the time, but at the end of the day, they're best friends, and they would do anything for each other. TRUE FRIENDSHIP <3

+ JGarcia, GCelesting, SWilliams, SLaird, ARaynes, LMiller, SMiller, THale, all the fake friends I've had, all the true friends that I've had that I've pushed away, and Father, for royally screwing me up. THANKS.

06 August 2011

Day 06- A quote about life 

"The purpose of life is a life of purpose."

Plain, simple, bot so very true. (: If you're not living for something, then why are you even alive? He created us for something, so why go through life, just existing, when we were meant for something bigger?
Day 05- A quote about the future

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
--Eleanor Roosevelt

I love to quote soooo much! It's so true, and the future only looks bright for those who have plans and have dreams they the will chase. Dreaming is such a powerful thing, and without it, life, and our future, would all be so very dim.
Day 04- A quote about family

I don't have a quote for this day for two reasons: I couldn't find one, and I don't think everything a family is can be summed up into a simple quote. Family is different for every person and it implies certain things to certain people. For me, my family is my mom & my brother. It means trust, honestly, long talks when I don't even want to look at someone, my family is my rock, they are my truest mirror of myself, and they are the ONLY two people that haven't left my life, nor will they ever. My family means so much to me, a don't believe any words can even start to say what all it means to me.
Day 03- A quote about friendship

"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." 
I believe this quote to be one of the most true ones out there. You only realize who is a TRUE friend when you do something so extremely stupid, everyone else turns their backs and walks away. A true friend is one that you can get into fights with, but you still love each other. A true friend is one that is there for you when you need a shoulder to cry on, when it seems that everything is going wrong, and most importantly a TRUE friend is one that NEVER leaves your side. We may seem out of reach and out of sight, but all you need to do is turn around, and they are always right by your side, no matter the mess you get into, the amount you screw things up, or the amount you ARE screwed up. I live by this quote more than I realize.

03 August 2011

Just the Latest Addition, NBD(:


Just a quick thought before I leave to run my errands and do all that fun stuff :
What is it with stereotypes in our day in age?

I mean, think about it...

Am I trying to fit myself into a stereotype by doing certain things
Is society trying to fit me into a stereotype just by looking at something they know nothing about?

I have tattoos and piercings, so I must do drugs and be a bad influence.
I shop at American Eagle, so I must be some stuck up rich kids whose parents pay for everything.
I have three jobs, so I must be broke.
I have few friends, so I must a be a world class bitch.

What you don't know though, is that none of this is true.
I have tattoos and piercings, but I've never smoked nor have I ever done drugs.
I shop at American Eagle, with MY OWN MONEY. I have been paying for all of my own things since middle school.
I have three jobs because I like NOT being broke, but that doesn't mean that I currently am.
I have less friends than I do fingers on a hand because I don't trust anybody, and I find it even harder to let anybody close.

Before you go and judge somebody, make sure you know what you're talking about. Too many people think they know everything about somebody just by looking at them or talking to them for 5 minutes. But the case usually is just that we all do things as a cover for something else, something deeper, something that very select few actually have the slightest idea about.
Day 02- A quote about love
Not a quote, but a bible verse. You all know it : 1 Corinthians 13:4 .  Look it up(:

02 August 2011

Day 01- Favorite quote

There are so many quotes in the world, and to choose just one is next to impossible, but this one is a pretty good one. (:
"There is one thing that I've learned about life that can be summed up in three words : It Goes On."

01 August 2011

Need a Quote for your mood? I'll be here for the next 30 days to bring you one every day. Here's the topic for each day, so look out ! :D

Day 01- Favorite quote
Day 02- A quote about love
Day 03- A quote about friendship
Day 04- A quote about family
Day 05- A quote about the future
Day 06- A quote about life
Day07- An inspirational quote
Day 08- Quote from an actor
Day 09- Quote from an actress
Day 10- Quote from a solo artist
Day 11- Quote from a band member
Day 12- A quote about fashion/style
Day 13- Quote from a book
Day 14- Quote from favorite author
Day 15- Quote from a movie
Day 16- Quote from a tv show
Day 17- Quote your favorite lyrics
Day 18- An anonymous quote
Day 19- Quote from a headstrong female
Day 20- Quote you would write on your bedroom wall
Day 21- Quote you would want inscribed in your wedding ring
Day22- Quote that reminds you of someone
Day 23- Favorite Disney movie quote
Day 24- Quote that makes you smile
Day 25- Quote that reminds you of sadness
Day 26- Quote you’d want on a Tshirt
Day 27- Quote that describes you
Day 28- A quote you made up
Day 29- The first quote you saw today
Day 30- Whatever quote you like
Why is it that I always come up with my deepest thoughts, stellar quotes, and I have the most life changing realizations, when I'm laying in bed trying to fall asleep? And when there's no pen or paper anywhere near so I can write it down to remember it in the morning?
Why is it that guys are so perverted and don't know how to just have a conversation with a girl?
Why is it that people text me at like 1am when I'm sound asleep and don't want to talk, instead of texting me midday when I have nothing else to do?
Why is it that I feel my mom is the only person I can truly talk to about anything?
Why is it that I always try so hard to impress people and end up losing them?
Why is it so hard for me to express what's really in my head to anybody?
Why is it that I start to think about things for the littlest amount of time, and I end up deep in thought about life, and what my purpose is, and if anybody in my life is genuine, and other heavy details like that?

Why is it, that I am the way I am?
I came up with a few very good, and very legitimate, reasons last night when I went to dinner with my mom. It's amazing the things you realize when you just think out loud, and have somebody who you know cares, and doesn't mind listening.
My family is everything to me. They always have, and they always will. They are my rock, they are the reason I am the way I am, and they will always be there for me, no matter the stupid choices I make, the dumb things I do, the things I get myself into, or the number of friends I go through. They will be the one rock that won't ever drift away with the rest.

&For that, I will be forever thankful.