11 August 2011


What is it lately with people being so afraid of saying something to me? I mean, what do you think I'm going to do? Rip your freaking head off? Yeah, not likely. Nice try though.

Honestly, I'm really not a mean person. Am I honest? Yes. Do I tell you what I really think versus just what you want to hear? Yeah. Will I spare your feelings either way? Probably not.

I got a new tattoo and posted pictures on facebook, no big deal, right? WRONG. I have had so many guys come up to me and compliment it on person, which is all fine and dandy. But then they tell me they felt like they couldn't say anything about it on facebook, or even like the pictures. Uhhh, what?! Haha, I mean, what is so wrong with liking a picture you like, or saying something nice to somebody in a public fashion? Is it suddenly wrong for a guy to compliment a girl for something? Because if it is, I definitely never got the memo for that one. Sorry, world.

And what is it with people being so afraid of being happy? I mean, I'm the kind of person that is so often optimistic, it wouldn't surprise me if some people thought it was so happy, it was annoying. I laugh at so much, I find humor in basically everything, I try to be friends with as many people as I can, even though I rarely let anyone close. &I hate it when someone can't take a joke, or they walk around like the world is out to get them. I mean, yes, we all have our extremely pessimistic days. Hell, last week was my very own personal 'eff the world' week.
So, I am by no means saying that having bad days is wrong, because we all do. I just get tired of the people that have bad 'years'. I mean, come one. Seriously?! Is your life really that pathetic that you can't be happy about anything, and you just have to drag people down with you? Because that doesn't make you friends, it will lose you friends. Just a pointer.

&on another note, what is it with people thinking that if they just add a little 'haha' to the end of anything, it takes away any kind of ridicule, rude-ness, or the littlest bit of sarcasm. It still hurts.
They say
There's a little truth in every JustKidding
There's a little curiosity in ever JustWondering
There's a little knowledge in every IDon'tKnow
There's a little emotion in every IDon'tCare
I say this is far too true.

Just because you add a 'JK' or a 'haha' to the end of something, it still stings. Like, exactly how true is that, because you wouldn't have said it if it didn't have the littlest bit of honesty in it.

Some People just piss me off. End.Of.Story.

+Bcovington, JGarcia, KGosnell

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