12 August 2011


I mean, you can't really think girls are that stupid. You hit on me one day, then you go and hit on her, when we're basically best friends?! I hope you realize when you do something as blatant as that, she WILL tell me. And the only thing that does for me is give me even more of a reason to despise you and for me to NEVER want to talk to you again. You may be cute, but dude, that will only get you so far.

I just want you to know that you're known as the 'man whore.' Yep, that's the truth. And the more and more I see you, the more and more you seem to be living up to that nickname. You DISGUST me more than words can even say.

I thought I was falling for you; looks like my mind was playing tricks on me again. You are the worst thing that could possibly happen to anybody.
I thought you were cool &chill, but apparently you're only good at playing girls against each other, leading people on, and giving girls a false sense of hope. CONGRATS.

!@#$%^&*()(*&^%$#@! There simply aren't enough words in the English language. Well done, you've manage to cause me to lose all respect for you that I previously had. I hope you're happy, because I no longer have any desire to know you in any way shape or form.
Have a nice life using girls and leading them on.

This, my friends, is why I don't date. I flat out refuse to. Because the moment I find a guy I think will prove to be different than the rest of them out there, they go and do something stupid like hitting on my friends.
&What is it with annoying little girls that have such major self esteem issues?! I mean, no, you may not be the prettiest girl on the block, but when a guy reacts to you like THAT, you're just annoying. Obviously, you get plenty of attention from guys. No, they may not be the guys that you want attention from, but honey, you clearly have nothing to complain about. SO STOP. You're annoying. Maybe that's why we aren't friends anymore. Or maybe it's something else. You'll never know.

But seriously, I'm just so sick of guys hitting on me until something better comes along. You say I'm pretty? Yeah, &how long is that statement true for? A day, an hour? Awesome, I'm so glad I was just your entertainment until you found something more fun to look at.

The day I find a guy who is genuinely interested in me for me, and not with ulterior motives, and proves that he is willing to pursue me and not just up and leave when I don't give him the attention he thinks he 'deserves'... that is the day I might change my mind on this whole dating thing. But until then, I will continue to just be one of the guys, the little sister, the stuck up bitch, or that one girl who is fun to mess with. :/

When it comes to my daily life and the amount of fun that I always manage to have &find, I have a beyond spectacular life. When it comes to guys, relationships, or anything dealing with any kind of commitment, FML.
I need new friends, a new life, a new house, a new job, and new people all around. HELP! I'm suffocating every day of my life, and it's not getting any better.

+JGarcia, CGilreath

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