26 August 2011


I don't miss high school, by any means.
I don't miss the drama.
I don't miss the homework.
I don't miss the stupidity.
I don't miss the imaturity.
And I don't miss the fake people.
But I do miss all of the friends that I would see every single day. I miss being able to sit in class and do nothing but talk with my friends, make jokes, hang out with my teachers, and laughing at absolutely nothing while walking through the halls.
I miss having more friends that I knew what do with. I miss having a social life. Any more my life goes as follows: Wake up, shower, work, dinner, read, sleep, repeat. Every day. And It's driving me crazy. I don't know how people do it for life. It's driving me crazy, and I'm only 5 months into it. Kill me now. Please.
I'm dying here. I hate the people I see every day. I have no one to hang out with when I get off work, and whenever I'm free, the few friends that I still have are either working or in class. I hate being this girl. The girl that is already stuck in a rut.
And the worst part of it all is that I'm not going to school. BECAUSE OF MY BRACES.
If I didn't have the stupid things, I would have been gone long ago, but I have to stay in town until they come off, plus like 6 months or so after that. &I hate it so freaking much. The longer I stay here, doing the same thing, day in and day out, the more I hate my life. And it's not bad when I'm with people that I like, even at work. It's when I'm stuck in my house, with nowhere new to go, nothing new to experience, no new friends to make. It's all the same. People ask me why I hate it here so much.
Here's my answer :  It's all old news. I've spent practically my whole life in Colorado, and as much as I can love it at times, and despite the fact that to me, it's HOME, more than anything, I need a change.
I need new things to see, new people to meet, new places to go, and most of all, new friends. I'm so sick of the friends that have a negative look on everything, the ones that NEVER have a bad day, the ones that take me for granted, the ones that walk all over me, and the ones that always need an ego boost to be in a semi good mood.
I am just so sick of what my life has turned into. It's nowhere near what I want it to be. I just need out of here. ASAP.
But what I need most of all, are friends that will always be there for me, and for friends who are up for anything, and not willing to try new things with me. I need outgoing and insanely spontaneous friends. (: At this point in life, that's what I need more than anything. More friends that are more like me. I just miss having someone who I can tell anything and everything to. I miss having a true, best friend. That's what I miss more than anything.
And the more and more that I try to fill the void, the harder and harder it becomes. I just need a new, life. With everything brand new, with everything fresh, including the start.

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