03 August 2011


Just a quick thought before I leave to run my errands and do all that fun stuff :
What is it with stereotypes in our day in age?

I mean, think about it...

Am I trying to fit myself into a stereotype by doing certain things
Is society trying to fit me into a stereotype just by looking at something they know nothing about?

I have tattoos and piercings, so I must do drugs and be a bad influence.
I shop at American Eagle, so I must be some stuck up rich kids whose parents pay for everything.
I have three jobs, so I must be broke.
I have few friends, so I must a be a world class bitch.

What you don't know though, is that none of this is true.
I have tattoos and piercings, but I've never smoked nor have I ever done drugs.
I shop at American Eagle, with MY OWN MONEY. I have been paying for all of my own things since middle school.
I have three jobs because I like NOT being broke, but that doesn't mean that I currently am.
I have less friends than I do fingers on a hand because I don't trust anybody, and I find it even harder to let anybody close.

Before you go and judge somebody, make sure you know what you're talking about. Too many people think they know everything about somebody just by looking at them or talking to them for 5 minutes. But the case usually is just that we all do things as a cover for something else, something deeper, something that very select few actually have the slightest idea about.

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