09 August 2011


Realization time :
It will take a very strong person to be able to handle me. I'm extremely independent, and that is why I don't have boyfriends. I don't need to rely on anybody, and I don't look to others for happiness. I know that in order do be happy, I have to be happy with myself, before I can make others happy.

It will take someone very special to be able to handle me. My moods go up and down more often than a roller coaster, and I never know what I want.
I will seem distant most of the time, I don't like public displays of affection, and I make sure my personal life, is MY personal life. I don't feel the need to share something so special and so fragile with people who want nothing more than to see it break.
There will be times when I may act like I could care less, there will be times when you doubt my feeling for you, and there will be times when you want nothing more than to bash my face in.
I'm not easy to handle. I'm not the typical girl who changes what and who she is just to get the guy. I am who I am, and that's all I can ever be. Don't like it? Cool, move on. I don't care.

It will take a person who is very secure in who they are and what they want. It will take a very strong person to handle me, because I myself am the strongest person I know. My feelings are strong, and they don't waiver easily. I'm hard to get, but if you think I'm worth it, I will be everything you will ever need. I'm hard to get, but the easiest to keep. I know how I feel, and I always let the people close to me know. But when it comes to guys, they have to make the first move. That's my one, 'rule' if you will. I have to know your feelings, before I bare my heart to someone I'm taking a chance on.

Whoever take the jump and falls for me, will be one very special person. I'm over baring, a control freak, I laugh at everything, I play up stupid situations, I love/hate laughing at myself, I make jokes about everything, I know who I am, but I have my insecure moments.
I don't want to say I have a checklist that I look for in a guy, because I hate girls who don't date unless they find guys that meet certain requirements. I know what I'm looking for, and I won't settle for anything less. The one guy that I fall for, will be everything I'm looking for, and so much more. I just have to wait for him to come find me, and take the leap of faith, and never doubt what I feel in my heart to be true... (:

The one thing I've learned in life, is that no matter what is going on, you just have to smile, as if you've never been h u r t . <3

Thanks for reading my little pep talk to myself, I hoped it helped you as much as I'm sure it will continue to help me(:

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