06 August 2011

Day 03- A quote about friendship

"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." 
I believe this quote to be one of the most true ones out there. You only realize who is a TRUE friend when you do something so extremely stupid, everyone else turns their backs and walks away. A true friend is one that you can get into fights with, but you still love each other. A true friend is one that is there for you when you need a shoulder to cry on, when it seems that everything is going wrong, and most importantly a TRUE friend is one that NEVER leaves your side. We may seem out of reach and out of sight, but all you need to do is turn around, and they are always right by your side, no matter the mess you get into, the amount you screw things up, or the amount you ARE screwed up. I live by this quote more than I realize.

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