12 February 2011



Ah, there's nothing better than a good song by a great band(: You could say that I'm slightly obsessed. With this song? Eh. With the band? Maybe. With music? HELL.YES.

There has always been something about dance. Maybe it was the grace, maybe it was the power, maybe it was that I never got to do it. Either way, I've always wanted to know how to dance. &I'm not just talking about high school dance, grinding, or anything like that. No, I want to learn classic ballroom, I want to learn tap, I want to learn ballet. I want to learn to street dance, I want to learn how to move like they do in the movies. I want to be able to really dance.

I've always wanted to be able to sing. There's something about being able to win someone over with your voice. Be able to take a message, and make people listen to it. There's something therapeutic about words in a song, versus words coming out of a mouth during casual conversation. Maybe it's the melody, maybe it's the instruments behind it, but I believe it's all in the voice that's singing the words. I've always wanted to be able to sit down, with a guitar, and just write a song. Then and there. On command. &have it be amazing.

I've always wanted to be able to draw. I've wanted to be able to take a pen and paper, and sit down and just draw, and have it turn out simply stunning. No, I draw like a 5 year old. I always have, I always will. I can't draw something that will move people, I can't draw things that make people laugh, I can't even draw something, and have people actually know what it is. I draw, and it looks like random scribbles on a page.

I've always wanted, to be, T A L E N T E D .

The beauty in it though, is that I am. You are. We all are, talented. We are all good at something. We may not all be great at everything, but we are all good at something. The hard part though, is finding that one thing. Maybe it's making people feel good. Maybe it's singing. Maybe songwriting. Maybe photography. WHO KNOWS!

But I can guarantee that we are all given a gift at birth. Some find it easily and know it from the second the experience it for the first time. Some of us go through life looking for it, but wondering if we'll ever really find it. Some of us, *couch, me, couch* stumble through life wondering if we were ever really given anything that we're really good at. But you know, maybe the adventure is in the looking. Maybe I'm not good at one thing. Maybe I'm just good at looking for it, &enjoying my time while doing just that.

What are you good at? Do you know, or are you still on the crazy ride of finding out?

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