22 February 2011


On the first note:::
Yes, so I realized something today. I thought that if I ever did end up realizing this, I would be so lost, but surprisingly, I'm not. I have yet to tell anyone, but... the internet??? Hmm, maybe not the smartest idea. Oh well!!
Well, TODAY, I found out that I think I'm falling... for a friend... who has a . . . girlfriend... Yeah, that won't make things complicated or anything! Ha, what a joke.
But yes, this could become very complicated. I've known him for years. It's just amazing, isn't it? How one day, you're just friends, but then the smallest thing happens, and you start to think... what if?
Now, here's the catch. He has a girlfriend. BUT, he doesn't really like her. Well, he does, but he doesn't want to date her anymore, &he hasn't wanted to for the longest time... He is still going out with her because he doesn't want to risk breaking her heart if he breaks up with her. Now, yes, the idea is really sweet, but if you really didn't like someone, would you keep dating them just to ensure that you don't break their heart?
In my mind, that's only going to make things worse. Because he's in a way leading her on. When they do break up, she will be so crushed, and it will suck for everyone involved because we'll all have to take sides... And if she ever finds out that he went on for so long not wanting to break her heart, I think it will just make things that much worse, but hey, who am I to talk? I don't know her, I can just imagine what it would be like, as a girl, to know that your boyfriend really didn't want to date you anymore, but he didn't have the guts to break up with me... Just food for thought, yet again...
BUT, I do think I'm starting to fall for him. I really want to go to prom with him, whether it be friends or more; either way, he's the one that I want to go with... For now. ;)

On the second note:::
What is it with facebook becoming more and more like myspace? Seriously, if you want myspace, just go recreate a profile over there! I got facebook to keep in contact with friends and family, I really don't care about your stupid surveys, all of your dumb posts on hundreds of people's walls. I just like to know what people have been up to lately, new friends, new relationships, new heartbreaks, new pictures, you name it. BUT, I hate the fact that every time I get on, someone's asking people to like their status if they want a 'you remind me of...' or, 'send a number to my inbox and I'll tell you what I think of you over a status..." If I wanted to know what you thought about me, I would ask you, face to face. In my opinion, people do it online because someone's not going to be too likely to trash talk someone publicly over facebook so the whole world can see it. If you really wanna know someone's opinion of you, grow some balls, walk up to them, and ask them. Most people will tell you if you ask them.
It just bugs me when people leave on site because it's not 'in' anymore, but move to a different site, and in the end, end up making it just as bad as the initial site. Am I the only one who notices this?!?
And what's the deal with people 'creepin' on pictures? Really? Just because someone liked a picture that was from last summer, doesn't mean they were stalking your page. It means there was nothing better to do so they're going through friends' pictures. I do it, but it's not creeper status, that's for sure. &if you don't want people to stalk your pictures, then why do you have them posted in the first place??? Yeah, that's my question to the people who complain. If you don't want people looking through your pictures, TAKE THEM OFF! It's a no brainer, really.

, PThorton, BPaulsen

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