09 February 2011


Mmm, my newest addition(: &it's easy to say, I love it. I was supposed to get a simple heart/peace sign, but this is about a million times better! I absolutely love it.
There are so many people out there who disapprove of any and all tattoos with everything in their beings, but to be honest, what's so bad about them? The fact that they're permanent?
Yeah, that's why you don't just walk into a tattoo shop &ask them to tattoo something random onto your body. Both that I have, hold great meaning to me. I'm not going to get into describing this one on here, because to be honest, if you really want to know, you'll ask me in person &I'd be more than happy to explain it to you.
But I have to say, there is something about getting a new tattoo or piercing that is completely indescribable. There's something about them. They're just you, and there are no two tattoos that are exactly the same. Every piercing &tattoo, in my opinion, are unique. Everything we do hold special meaning to each &every one of us.
So, do me a favor. Before you judge me because I have tattoos, or countless piercings, get to know me, and see just what they all mean to me, and then tell me that you disapprove.

"There's only one difference between people that have tattoos and people that don't. Those who do, don't give a damn whether or not you have one!"
I heard this once, and it's so true. If you have tattoos, you don't really realize when others have them unless they're in obvious sight, but if you have virgin skin, you will always notice what people have that you don't, and most will judge.

Don't do it. Every tattoo means something to it's wearer; see what it means before you hate on all of them. Who knows, one day you may feel strongly enough to get one. Don't hate; appreciate. That's all I have to say about that. (:

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