08 February 2011


What if? Do you ever think about the past? Do you ever sit in your room going back over memories, thinking to yourself, 'what if?' Do you ever think to yourself, 'what if I had done that differently? What if I were friends with different people? What if I had done one thing differently? Just one little thing that we could have done differently, how would my life be different today?'
I do; all the time in fact. I can't help but wonder, that's what my mind does best. It wonders about how the littlest things in life, can somehow make the biggest difference.
What if I had never changed schools? I would have all different friends, and the ones that I made at other schools, well, I wouldn't know they exist, I wouldn't have learned the lessons they taught me.
What if my mom hadn't married the guy she did? (BTW, I'm NOT referring to my dad. I already know the answer to that question.) I can't stand the guy. The meer thought of him drives me insane, and whenever I see him, on the rare occasion that I do, I have to do everything I can to refrain myself from punching him in the face. But there's always the question of 'what if?' Would I be the person I am today? Did he really effect the person that I've turned into, more than I like to admit?

What if I hadn't joined that club? What if I hadn't befriended that one person? What if I had talked to that person when they were having a bad day, instead of just standing by as my friends made fun of them? What if I got a different job? What if I hadn't warned him, and they had continued to break each others hearts right in front of me? What if I didn't trust as much as I do?

There are so many question I could write, but to be honest, what's the point? I love questioning, but why question the past? It's already happened, and we all know that we can't change what has already happened. But, do you really believe that a small choice you made years ago, really could have had the power to have changed your life? Do you think, that one single moment, has the power to change EVERYTHING?
I believe that one single moment, a word, an action, or a smile, has the power to change the ripples of the world. If we had done one thing differently, the response from people around us would have been different, therefore changing the reaction of the people around them, and so on &so forth. I believe that one smile, can change a person's day. One rude comment, can end a life. The sound of laughter around you, can change a perspective. One picture, can bring tears, laughter, and nostalgia.
There is so much that can come from one, anything. One thing, can truly change the world. It won't have an immediate effect, or ever a big one for that matter. But everything you do, is seen by someone. One thing that you do when you think nobody is looking, is the thing that is seen by more people that you even know exist. Every action has an equal &opposite reaction. Everything that is said or done today, will forever effect the world. You may not know it, but one smile you show someone today, could stop someone from killing themselves, therefore stopping a lot of suffering from people that are close to that person. One rude remark can cause a person to go home and proceed to kill themselves, forever changing your life.
There is so much power in every action, that most people don't even realize it. But truth is, what you do today, will effect you tomorrow, &for the rest of your life. So why spend the time you have, ridiculing the people around you, making their lives miserable, when you freak out when people give you a hard time? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It's the golden rule that we all learn in grade school, but believe it's a lesson we should never forget.
That, and Karma. What you do to others, will someday come around to haunt you, or thank you. Either way, how you choose to act today, will have it's consequences. Do good today, be nice to the people around you, laugh &live like there's no tomorrow, &no matter what, always treat others how you want to be treated. Yes, this may sound childish, but I believe they're things that can change a person's life for the drastic.

So, I leave you with this. Do you ever wonder, how your life could be different? What if the mean girl in school didn't make fun of you for a day? You'd feel amazing, and like maybe you're doing something right. Just image what you do to the people around you, can effect them, and in return, you.

--THale, KHastings, SWilliams, KFeldman, NDion, and so many more.

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