21 February 2011


Yes, to the right, IS a picture of my tattoo. Remember what it looked like when I first got it? Yeah, me neither.
It got infected, hard core, and the best part?
Tattoo: $260
First Doctor Visit: $75
Second Doctor Visit: $95
Third Doctor Visit: (Well, I didn't pay anything today because I'm broke. BUT If I had the doctor just LOOK at my foot for like 3 seconds, it would have cost me ANOTHER $75.)

Now, you tell me, knowing all of that, that this country is not a scam. Don't get me wrong, I'm so thankful that I live here in the US, but really?!
I went in once and they gave me medicine, that didn't work. So I went back in. Should it be MY fault that the medicine they gave me didn't make it any better? Should I have to pay another copay just because they were wrong with what they gave me? I don't...

It's absolutely ridiculous. If you ask me, someone shouldn't have to keep paying for medical treatments if every time you go into the EXACT SAME PLACE, they always tell you that what the last person told you to do, was the wrong thing. All three times I went in, they were all different people, they all told me to treat it differently, and every time, they said that I would have to pay the copay, plus any extra fees they felt like charging me for. IT SHOULD BE CRIMINAL!
Yes, it is my fault that it got infected in the first place because I didn't properly care for it, BUT, should it also be my fault that the 'professionals' told me different things, three different times? Should I have to pay, over and over and over again, for different treatments, just so someone else can tell me they didn't tell me to the right thing, YET AGAIN?!

This is absolute nonsense. I hate people, for just this reason. It's not my fault that YOUR staff 'forgot' to tell me about your protocols, about the different treatment options, about the fact that every fricking time that I go in for a follow up, I would have to pay AGAIN, just so that the doctor could make sure it's making the necessary progress. It's so stupid, and for this reason exactly, I'm thankful that I don't get sick more often than I do. I would kill someone if I got sick really often and had to keep going to the same stupid, incompetent people, time after time.

Ugh, it's just so frustrating, that our society has come to this. Usually, I don't get involved in politics and government and stupid stuff like that because I know that I have a very strong opinion, and it tends to piss people off, but I mean, really? This is common sense. Our country was founded on the idea that we would be different from Britain.(?) We have more taxes, taxes on everything, laws saying practically when we can &can't breathe, we have general rules for society as to what is and isn't acceptable, basically, you name it, there's a law, a rule, or just generally known that it's not allowed. This country is tighter than most, and for that, I hate it. What's the point of life if you're living by nothing but rules. To me, we should live life the way we want to, and all of these restricting rules are exhausting. Our country is broke beyond broke, we spend hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars on useless things that the general population doesn't know about or agree with, we vote on meaningless things when we could be doing so much more.

Is this really what this great nation has come to? Really???

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