11 February 2011


So, it seems that I have just had a revelation. I have learned so many things in such a short amount of time.

1.) NEVER get a tattoo on your foot if you then have to work for the next week straight, and your job consists of you standing on your foot for hours a day. IT WILL NEVER HEAL.

2.) Because of this new tattoo, I will now be calling into work for my next 3 shifts and calling off. Yes, I need it to heal because frankly, I'm sick of coming home, and having to peal my sock off of my foot, &finding that there is an outline of ink pigment on the inside. Yeah, I'm not looking forward to having to get the thing touched up a million times before it starts looking like it's supposed to.

3.) Boys, for the most part, I find extremely annoying. Their voices, their laughs, and just the stupid things they do that they think makes them cool. I've noticed that a good portion of the guys I know walk like they have a stick up their ass, they think they're on top of the world, &most of all, they think they can treat everyone however they please, and think they can get away with it.

4.) I will be single forever. AWESOME. This is just the kind of thing that I love realizing. I am very particular. I know exactly what I want, and I refuse to settle for anything less. I won't date someone that I have known for less than a year, at the absolute minimum. I get so tired of people, I need a guy that will have a life outside of our relationship. BUT! Since that's like impossible at this age, I'm gonna stick with being single. Great.

5.) I'm going to work on growing my bangs out. I want nice side swept bangs that are thinner and more graceful. I'm sick of waking up every morning dreading the moment when I get to style my hair. My bangs are way too short, they're choppy, and not one bit flattering. I want to be able to wear baseball hats &not have to think about my frickin hair. I've never hated my hair, in my entire life, but for once, I hate everything about it. I want to dye it, get a new cut, a new style, and something just fresh. I'm sick of the same ole, same ole.

6.) I truly dislike school. There are very few classes that I actually look forward to going to. I rarely do my homework, and the motivation? Yeah, it's just not there.

7.) I need a change. In every way. I want new faces at work, not the same stupid faces that piss me off at the mere sight of them. I need a new state, a new home, a new wardrobe, a new EVERYTHING. I'm sick of it all. It's time for Springs cleaning, and this year, I actually wanna do something. I want to color my hair in a million different ways. I want the world. &I want it NOW.

8.) I'm done. With school. With stupid drama. With two faced coworkers. With the same stupid music playing on the radio. Nothing new to listen to. UGH! I'm just done with it all. I need a change, and I mean pronto!

9.) Yes, I laugh at just about everything. Key words? JUST ABOUT. Not everything, just about! Is it really that hard to take someone like me seriously. Yes, I am a peppy person. Yes, I do laugh at just about everything. But is it really so hard to believe me when I say that something's pissing me off? Is it really that hard for people to want to take me serious for once in my life!?

10.) People don't keep their promises. What most people don't know about me: I do still make pinky promises, and when any kind of promise is made, I expect it to be upheld through everything. BUT once a promise is broken? Yeah, sorry means very little. People say one thing, but they do the exact opposite.

11.) People like to take advantage of the fact that I'm trusting. Yeah, I never saw that coming. Honestly. I always assume the best in people, but it turns out, they lie to my face, and when the apologize, they just assume they'll get a second chance. In truth, they will, because I believe very strong in second chances.People lie straight to my face, Spread rumors about me, talk crap about me, and tell people the worst lies, that still somehow manage to be believed, &yet, still expect me to trust them. The worst part? I do. I see the best in people, and that means that I give them 2, 3, 4... well, too many chances.
They walk all over me, &yet I still trust them, &I still believe that we can be friends. Yeah, that's a HUGE problem.

12.) There's a song for absolutely everything in life. I come home everyday after school or work, and I must listen to several hundred songs before I go to bed. There are a millions songs out there, and they all do something a little different for you. I love it. I just wish there was more GOOD music out there, but instead, it's all the same to me. That's why I listen to stuff from years ago. The classics. (:

13.) I don't think I want to go to college. I really don't. Now, I know perfectly well that that idea isn't 'socially acceptable' but honestly, who the hell cares? What does it matter to you, whether or not I go to college. If I really don't see the point in spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, learning about things that I find pointless, then why should I do it? I could take that money and put it to so much better use. No, I'm not going to share what I would use that money for, because, well, that's my choice. But for now, I don't really know if going to college is for me... Just food for thought.

14.) There is absolutely, positively, NOTHING better in this world, than a good dose of Michael Buble. Mmm(: He's amazing, &his songs are beyond life changing. Yeah, it's love! That's all I have to say about that. Just go listen(:

15.) My tattoo. It's Peace&Love. Two of the most important things in my life. It sounds corny, but I don't see the point in everyone hating everyone. I think we should all just get along. Learn to face each other face to face, instead of saying things behind people's backs. I think we should all just get over this stupid thing of hate, and just get on with our lives. After all, nothing in life is guaranteed, so why waste time hating everything, when we're all so blessed in life? We need to learn to love the things we have, while we have them. We could wake up tomorrow, and all of what we have ever known, could all be gone. We need to love life, and learn to live it while we have a chance. Careless&Carefree. That's how I think we should all live. But hey, what's one girl's opinion?

16.) There are so many things I want to. Some people call it unrealistic, I call it ambitious. I know what I want, and I will do just about anything to get it. I don't need a boyfriend to keep me happy. Give me good friends and a good time, &I'll be good for the rest of my life. I refuse to waste away in this thing they call life. I'm going to take mine, and take full advantage of that. All I need now? A partner in crime... Hmm.

17.) I.MISS.MY.BEST.FRIEND. Now, I'm sure you're thinking about who I'm closest to at work or school. I have a ton of really good friends, but to be honest, I don't call any of them best friend. There is only one person I trust with the title. There have been so many people that I have called best friend, who have abused the title. No, my brother is the one and only person that I dare call my best friend. I miss him so much. It's been years since I've seen him, &there aren't even words to explain just how much of my life is missing with him gone. He is my role model, my inspiration, my best friend, and my everything. He is the one person that has been there for me through everything. I want him home, and I want him home NOW. Everyday that passes, I miss him more. I fight ever day to keep a smile on my face when I think of him, but to be honest, everyday gets harder. He's coming home for graduation, which just makes me want grad to come that much faster. I miss him. So much. :'(

Well, I could go on &on, but I'm sleepy, &I wanna sleep. So I must bid you adieu. Goodnight. Sweet Dreams. I will be back tomorrow.
OH! One more thing. Some day, my name will be known. For what? I have yet to figure that out. But I won't go through life unnoticed. I will be known, that I can guarantee you. Good night(:

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