27 February 2011


"I mean if you eat, you're fat. You don't eat, you're a freak. You drink, you're an alcoholic. You don't drink, you're a pussy. You read, you're a nerd. You don't read, you're stupid. You tell a secret, you're an attention seeker. You don't tell a secret, you're still attention seeking. You let someone in, you're easy. You don't let someone in, you're too uptight. You smoke, you think you're cool. You don't smoke, you're a loser. You've had sex, you're a slut. You haven't had sex, you're a frigid little prude. You wear make up, you're a slag. you don't wear make up, you're ugly. You can't please anyone. ever."


Again, one of my friends wrote this, and it's so true in today's society. Anymore, we all find something wrong with everything. We call someone a slut if she kisses a boy, but if she doesn't she's a prude &a goody two shoes. There's just no winning. Either you're worthless, or you think you're better than everyone. There's no happy medium, there's no middle ground, there's nothing that's 'acceptable' anymore. We all just want to be able to criticize each other.
I have noticed a lot lately that we are all looking for something in each other to criticize, but is that really the right thing to do? I don't think it should be. I think we should all do our best to look for the best in people, not for something to make fun of.
Just because we can use words to make people feel worse about themselves, it doesn't make us any better.
Calling someone else STUPID won't make you any SMARTER.
Calling someone else FAT won't make you any SKINNIER.
Calling someone else UGLY won't make you any PRETTIER.

What is the point of calling people mean things? Now, I know that we won't all like each other, but just because we have a little dislike for someone, does that really give us all the right to make their life a living hell? No, it doesn't. They have just as much of a right to be happy as you, so who do you think you are, saying mean things about people when they did nothing to hurt you?

Now for the picture: No, I do NOT think that Taylor Swift is perfection, I just think she is amazing. I love her music, her lyrics, and her personality [from what I've seen from behind-the-scenes & interviews]. I think she is the kind of person to look up to, I know I do. She's so glamorous, she's so pretty, she's timeless, and above all, she's honest. There is something about her music; it's so infectious. Whenever I listen to it, I just want to get up and dance, I belt it out in my car at the top of my lungs, because her lyrics, can relate to every situation there is in the life of a teenage girl. Unrequited love, boys who always keep you as the friend, but are too afraid to make you their girlfriend, or the guy you know should be with you, but instead, he's with the wrong girl. She writes about the things that we can all relate to, as if she were watching a movie of our lives, and writing her songs straight from that. There's something almost magical about Taylor Swift and her music. She's the girl next door that we all want to be best friends with.

At this point in my life, I don't see the point in everybody constantly hating on each other, mocking each other, sabotaging one another, and doing everything they can to make the lives of the people around them intolerable. I think we should just all be friends. This life is temporary madness, so why waste it being mean to people, spending your life, making other people's lives sucky, when you could be living your life, for YOU, and having the time of your life?

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