16 February 2011


Teenage love. Yeah right. Is there even such a thing? In my opinion, there isn't. We're so young, we think we know everything, especially love, but I don't think we really know anything. Well, nothing of great importance anyway. What's the point of any of it anyway? Girls lust after guys who don't know they exist. Boys do everything they can to impress girls that won't even give them the time of day. So, what is the point?
Is it so that we can all have broken hearts? Is it so that we can learn that jealousy isn't a fun emotion to experience? Is it so that we learn what really hurts us, so we can learn not to do the same thing to someone around you? There are so many question, but so few answers.
If you ask me, teenage 'love' is a joke.

Story of my life:
I like him. He likes her. She's my best friend.

I always end up liking the guy that's falling for a really good friend of mine, which means that she too is falling for him, which means that I can't tell her how I feel, which means I hate my life. AWESOME! ha, not.
Will I ever be the girl that they fall for, or will I always be the one doing all of the falling, winding up at the bottom, with nobody to catch me? Hmmm.....

Welp, that's that. I hate unrequited feelings. I wish we could all just walk up to someone, tell them exactly how we feel, and then everybody's happy. Too bad that never happens. Welcome to life.

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