20 February 2011


I want to be the one person that proves society wrong, in more ways than one...

Have you noticed that if someone doesn't go to college for four years, it's agreed bu the majority of society, they're known as being 'stupid,' 'less than' or 'worthless' to the use of society...? Have you noticed that society has a certain outward appearance that we all expect everybody to live up to, and if you don't, then you might as well be garbage? Well, lately I have ONE goal in life: To prove society wrong in EVERY aspect possible.

I want to be the one person that does thing her own way, but still finds a way to make her life worthwhile.
I want to be the girl that touches the life of everyone I meet.
I want to NOT go to college, but still make a killing.
I want to fall madly &hopelessly in love.
I want to live happily ever after.
I want to be a famous writer.

I want to do so many things in my life, but the things is just this: I don't need college for most of it. Now granted, yes, college would probably make life a little easier, but what's the point in living this life, if you take the easy way out? To me, the point of life is to just barely get by. You're supposed to slide into home, with cuts all up and down your side, bruises covering your whole body, and a whole lot of GREAT stories to tell your grandchildren once your time is almost over. I believe this life was made so that we could find the meaning of it, and to me, you can't do that if you have all of your doors opened for you &you not having to lift a single finger in the process.
I want to be the one person that goes against what society expects of teenagers anymore. I want to do everything different than people would expect. I don't necessarily want to be classified as a 'rebel.' No, I just want to be able to look back at my life and know that I didn't just do the things that I did because they were socially acceptable.
I want to be the one person that travels around the world purely for pleasure, and soon, I will do just that. Call me a dreamer? Sure. But I see it as extremely ambitious. Most people my age have dreams of going to college, and then getting the job of their dreams. Truth is, as far as I can tell, is that people go to school for years, spending thousands on majors that they feel passionate about NOW, but in years down the road, it turns out to be unrealistic. I want to be the one person that has dreams out of this world, but I'm not afraid to chase them. I want to go on missions over seas and see what it's like for some African tribes and the way they live compared to the way that I've been raised. I want to work for a nonprofit organization. I want to publish books. Novels, photography books, story books, you name it, I want to publish it. I want to work for National Geographic. I want to meet celebrities like P!nk, Taylor Swift, Shakira, Jessie James, Ryan Reynolds, and so many more. I want to be able to sit down and have conversations with them all. I want to open my eyes to everything that this world has to offer. I want to travel to every continent. I want to play every sport at least once. I want to drive the world's most expensive car, and race down the road in the world's fastest sports car. I want to experience everything, at least once. To me, anything less than EVERYTHING is nothing.
To me, the meaning of life is taking every single opportunity that is thrown your way, be it good or bad, they will all make us better people in the end. I want to be the one person in the world that proves that just because society has a vision of the perfect person, that will never be achieved, so why waste your time trying for the impossible when you can life your own life the way you want to? No, I plan on taking every moment I have, and doing everything I can. There are so many things that I want to do, and now, being realistic, they may not all happen, but until the day that I lose all hope, I plan on doing everything on that list. I have yet to write it all down, but it's in my mind. Things change on a day to day basis, but in the end, I know how I want to live my life.
I'm ambitious, I'm a dreamer, I'm a lover &a fighter. I'm everything, but I'm not a quitter. This life is limited, and tomorrow is never guaranteed. Today is a gift, &I plan on taking that gift and making the best of it.

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