02 February 2011


I just love how people can go around spreading rumors and starting drama, but still manage to blame it on everyone else. I love how people can go around doing things, but then lie straight to someone's face about it, &not think they're going to get caught.
So sue me for trying to be a good person, and warning the ONE person you're lying to and for telling them to be careful in trusting you. I should have known though that he wouldn't trust me. Why would he? In his mind, you're never wrong, and I always am. Too bad for you though that I have people on my side that are willing to prove to everybody that I'm telling the truth. You say that you're going to make my life a living nightmare? Have fun trying. You can keep on with your stupid &extremely immature drama. It's so stupid and I'm not getting involved. I know that what you're going around telling people is far from the truth. If people w
ant to believe you over then me, so be it. At least then I'll know who are real friends, and who were just standing by my side as long as people were looking at them too.
We live &we learn. I'm prepared to take this as just another lesson. I have learned about myself just this: I will go into any friendship or relationship assuming that the other person will always be truthful to me. I like to believe that there is good in everybody, but maybe there isn't. You're so proud of being the bitter person that you are, I just want to know why. What satisfaction does it give you? Are you happy knowing that he trusts you &will never speak to me again? Does it make you feel proud knowing that some people will stick by your side, even though you're telling the truth, just because they have faith in you?
Fine, so be it. I know that the friends I have at the end of this whole thing are true friends. You turn people against me? Turns out they weren't meant to be in my life. You have fun with your stupid drama, I will keep on with my life.
I enjoy being a happy person, letting very little truly get to me. Keep trying, but people like you make me laugh. You think that the world revolves around you. Well, honey, one day you're going to have a very rude awakening. One day you're going to meet your match, and then you'll see where I'm coming from.
But until that day, you have fun trying to make my life a living hell, because I won't let you. You may think you run everyone's life, but you don't run mine. It ran just fine before I met you, &it won't change now that I've seen who you really are.

I hope you have a nice life, and one day you find someone that will be worth the truth, no matter what. I hope one day you become comfortable enough in your skin, that you won't have to lie to everyone around you. I hope one day, you find the one person that will call you on your bullshit, and will love you despite all of the stupid drama. Until then, this is goodbye.


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