28 February 2011


Him:"Hey Lydia, do you remember that one time...?"
Me: "Ahaha, that ONE time. Yeah, right!"
Him: "No, you'll remember this one."
Me: "Okay, what is it?"
Him: "Do you remember that one time we went on the field trip, &I spend the whole day trying to hold your hand?"
Me: "Ahh! Of course I do! That was so funny!"
::He looks to K:: &says, "Yeah, I wanted to hold her hand because she was the prettiest girl in the group."
K: ::Looks puzzled:: "Was this like, yesterday?"
He &I laugh
Me: "No, this was in grade school!"

Aha, don't you just love those "Remember When" moments? I know I sure do! They're so funny, &the best part is that even if it was really embarrassing, it was so long ago and we've all changed so much that we can look back at it and laugh.
I just love memories. They are things that some of us forget to remember, but as soon as someone reminds us, they come back bright &vivid as ever. Memories are the things that don't change. Once we remember something, and then forget to remember it, it stays the same, that way, the next time you remember it, you will think of it just how you left it. Memories don't go anywhere.
The beauty of memories is that even if the people in the memories change, those memories won't. People change every day, we lose friends, make new ones, tell lies, make changes, and life goes on, but when it comes back to almost any memory, it will always be the same. That's the thing that I love.
I didn't remember that moment until he brought it up, but as soon as he said the words 'field trip' I knew exactly what he was talking about, and it all came flooding back. Nostalgia? Of course, but it's the good kind. It's not the kind that sends me into a spiraling depression because I miss the past, but instead because the past is gone, but they are memories that I wouldn't change for the world.
Memories are a beautiful thing because no matter what happens or who was there with you to experience something, all of your memories are as unique as you are. Depending on how you take the situation, you interpret it different ways, and it becomes special to you for a very special reason.

Memories are a beautiful thing, if only we could remember them all... (:

--EHildenbrandt, KWalker

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