07 February 2011


There's something missing. I haven't had anything new to write about lately. Or, well, let me rephrase that, there as been plenty for me to blog about, but none of it is for anybody to see or to know for that matter. I feel like there's something missing. But not in a sad, depressing way.
My life is amazing, &I like it that way. I have amazing friends, and I love everybody that's in my life because they are all there for a reason and those that are no longer in my life, have been taken out for a reason. I love to do random things for other people because I love to see them smile because of me.
But Valentine's Day is coming. I have always hated the holidays, and VDay has always been the worst. There's really no point to it. It's just a reason for us to spend the money we don't have, on people that probably don't share the same feelings that we do. What's the point? Valentine's is, in my opinion, the dumbest holiday ever, but I'll let everybody else keep their own opinions. I just don't see the point. If you really love someone, do you really need to spend all of your money on materialistic things that they will forget about within a week, or chocolate that will be eaten within 2 days? It's stupid. Yes, we all have hearts, and yes, we all love, but sometimes, love is best showed in the smallest gestures, like a kiss on the cheek, not by a big stuffed bear.
I hate the holiday, and I plan on wearing all black to school that day, no joke.

Yeah, this is my little rant about the stupid day. I hate holidays, and VDay is the dumbest out of them all. That's all. Goodnight(:

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