10 February 2011


"Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional."
When you're given the choice, which will you do? Grow old &never grow up, or grow up as you grow old?
As we move along through life, some things change, while others stay the same for eternity. We all change, some for the better ,&some for the worse, but what's really what when it comes down to it? Who's to say that my growing up is any worse than yours? Who's to say that even though we grow up differently, we're really so different?

We live &we learn. We make our own choices, and learn to live with the consequences. We are all different people, but are any of us really that different?
You say that something I do is wrong, but I say that something you do is weird. Is there really such a thing as right or wrong when it comes to growing up? Everybody goes through different things in this life, &we all learn different lessons. So what's good, and what's bad. Everything we all go through helps to make us what we all are, which is different. Nobody wants to call someone 'good' or 'bad' so why do we label actions that way?

Some are artistic, so they choose to get tattoos, color their hair crazy colors, or get a face full of piercings. Some grow up to be business men, wearing nothing but suits, more than willing to take notes, and always making sure their vocabulary is nothing less than perfect. Yes, we're all so different, so what's the point in judging people just because they're a little different than you are?
We all see what we do as acceptable, so why should anyone think any differently?

And again with the growing up. Is the drama and all of the stupid rumors, is any of it really worth the hurt in the long run? All it does for anyone is looses trust from the people around you, and maybe losing a friend or two along the way. I mean, seriously. Is it really so hard to ask everyone just to get along?
You have a problem with someone? Confront them. Say something to them; to their face. What's the point in saying something behind someone's back, when you know it will eventually get back to them &they'll be even more mad at you then, instead of just bringing it up to them from the get go? I know this sounds incredibly cliche, but what's so wrong with just beign happy, &getting along with everyone? Now granted, we won't all get along with everyone, but is it really a crime just to ask people to try? Well, it shouldn't be.

As the quote says, we all grow old, but some of us never grow up. Will you grow up as you grow old, or just get old &wrinkly while having the personality &maturity of a 5 year old?

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