28 February 2011


Him:"Hey Lydia, do you remember that one time...?"
Me: "Ahaha, that ONE time. Yeah, right!"
Him: "No, you'll remember this one."
Me: "Okay, what is it?"
Him: "Do you remember that one time we went on the field trip, &I spend the whole day trying to hold your hand?"
Me: "Ahh! Of course I do! That was so funny!"
::He looks to K:: &says, "Yeah, I wanted to hold her hand because she was the prettiest girl in the group."
K: ::Looks puzzled:: "Was this like, yesterday?"
He &I laugh
Me: "No, this was in grade school!"

Aha, don't you just love those "Remember When" moments? I know I sure do! They're so funny, &the best part is that even if it was really embarrassing, it was so long ago and we've all changed so much that we can look back at it and laugh.
I just love memories. They are things that some of us forget to remember, but as soon as someone reminds us, they come back bright &vivid as ever. Memories are the things that don't change. Once we remember something, and then forget to remember it, it stays the same, that way, the next time you remember it, you will think of it just how you left it. Memories don't go anywhere.
The beauty of memories is that even if the people in the memories change, those memories won't. People change every day, we lose friends, make new ones, tell lies, make changes, and life goes on, but when it comes back to almost any memory, it will always be the same. That's the thing that I love.
I didn't remember that moment until he brought it up, but as soon as he said the words 'field trip' I knew exactly what he was talking about, and it all came flooding back. Nostalgia? Of course, but it's the good kind. It's not the kind that sends me into a spiraling depression because I miss the past, but instead because the past is gone, but they are memories that I wouldn't change for the world.
Memories are a beautiful thing because no matter what happens or who was there with you to experience something, all of your memories are as unique as you are. Depending on how you take the situation, you interpret it different ways, and it becomes special to you for a very special reason.

Memories are a beautiful thing, if only we could remember them all... (:

--EHildenbrandt, KWalker

27 February 2011


"I mean if you eat, you're fat. You don't eat, you're a freak. You drink, you're an alcoholic. You don't drink, you're a pussy. You read, you're a nerd. You don't read, you're stupid. You tell a secret, you're an attention seeker. You don't tell a secret, you're still attention seeking. You let someone in, you're easy. You don't let someone in, you're too uptight. You smoke, you think you're cool. You don't smoke, you're a loser. You've had sex, you're a slut. You haven't had sex, you're a frigid little prude. You wear make up, you're a slag. you don't wear make up, you're ugly. You can't please anyone. ever."


Again, one of my friends wrote this, and it's so true in today's society. Anymore, we all find something wrong with everything. We call someone a slut if she kisses a boy, but if she doesn't she's a prude &a goody two shoes. There's just no winning. Either you're worthless, or you think you're better than everyone. There's no happy medium, there's no middle ground, there's nothing that's 'acceptable' anymore. We all just want to be able to criticize each other.
I have noticed a lot lately that we are all looking for something in each other to criticize, but is that really the right thing to do? I don't think it should be. I think we should all do our best to look for the best in people, not for something to make fun of.
Just because we can use words to make people feel worse about themselves, it doesn't make us any better.
Calling someone else STUPID won't make you any SMARTER.
Calling someone else FAT won't make you any SKINNIER.
Calling someone else UGLY won't make you any PRETTIER.

What is the point of calling people mean things? Now, I know that we won't all like each other, but just because we have a little dislike for someone, does that really give us all the right to make their life a living hell? No, it doesn't. They have just as much of a right to be happy as you, so who do you think you are, saying mean things about people when they did nothing to hurt you?

Now for the picture: No, I do NOT think that Taylor Swift is perfection, I just think she is amazing. I love her music, her lyrics, and her personality [from what I've seen from behind-the-scenes & interviews]. I think she is the kind of person to look up to, I know I do. She's so glamorous, she's so pretty, she's timeless, and above all, she's honest. There is something about her music; it's so infectious. Whenever I listen to it, I just want to get up and dance, I belt it out in my car at the top of my lungs, because her lyrics, can relate to every situation there is in the life of a teenage girl. Unrequited love, boys who always keep you as the friend, but are too afraid to make you their girlfriend, or the guy you know should be with you, but instead, he's with the wrong girl. She writes about the things that we can all relate to, as if she were watching a movie of our lives, and writing her songs straight from that. There's something almost magical about Taylor Swift and her music. She's the girl next door that we all want to be best friends with.

At this point in my life, I don't see the point in everybody constantly hating on each other, mocking each other, sabotaging one another, and doing everything they can to make the lives of the people around them intolerable. I think we should just all be friends. This life is temporary madness, so why waste it being mean to people, spending your life, making other people's lives sucky, when you could be living your life, for YOU, and having the time of your life?

24 February 2011


Yep, I got my first college letter today, and sadly, it was a rejection. Yes, it sucks, but surprisingly, I'm not nearly as bummed as I thought I would be. The past few months of my life have really opened my eyes to so much. I realized that life is only so long, and there is so much that I want to do with my life.
A few years ago, I thought that the only option to anything after high school was college; but that's not even close to true, that's just society's expectation of everyone.
Yes, I think that everyone should go to college, but, for some, college isn't in the plan for them, and to be honest, lately. I'm debating that maybe I'm one of those people that it's not made for. I don't know if I'm supposed to go to college. I'm such a free spirit, and right now school is so much of a hassle, I don't know how truly committed I could be. The only thing that's on my mind: living my life, one day at a time, and not regretting anything. I want to live out my dreams, and not listen to society. I don't want to be a 'rebel,' but I want to live my life, the way I see fit, not the way my peers see fit.
College is a great idea, but I just don't know if it's for me anymore. I think if it were, I should have been pushed to tears when I read those words, "we reject to inform you..." but I wasn't. I read it, and set it on the table, and went and made a sandwich. Should that be how someone reacts when they just found out that they didn't get into their top college choice? Ha, I don't think so.
But to me, that's not that big of a deal. I've got the bug; the travel bug. I want to spend my life working for a few years to save money, and then take the next few years after that, to travel the world. I want to meet people from every culture, I want to touch the lives of millions of people, if only for a moment. I want to make a change in the world, & I really don't see how I can do that sitting in a classroom for 4-5 more years of my life. I'm more of a hands on learner, so those long, boring lectures that I hear about all the time, don't really do much for me. I think that I could do so much more if I'm actually out there interacting with people, taking sufficient time to learn about them and their cultures; what they love about life, and what they wish they could change. I want to spend my time touring this world while I still have the chance. There are so many people that tell me that they always wanted to travel, but they never got the chance, so when I tell them that in 2 years, that's what I want to be doing, they tell me one thing, and they all tell me the exact same thing: DO IT.
They all tell me that if I don't do it while I'm this young, life will happen &the opportunity won't ever roll around again, and that choice I will forever regret, and the more I think about it, the more and more I believe them. I want to travel to every country. I want to meet people that I can teach, and people that can teach me, I want to meet people who will make me fall in love, who will cause heart break, who will show me the true meaning of life. I want to live overseas for a portion of my life, but I have no idea where: Traveling could help me decide where I want to live.
I was raised, not knowing really that there were any other options than going to college. But now, as I grow up, I see that there is so much more to life. Yes, I still want to further my education, but I don't want the same kind of education that some peers want. I want to see the world. I want to photograph the world as I see it. I want to write about the world as I see it. I want to show the world, about everything else that's out there. I want to run marathons, I want to publish books, I want to hold art exhibits with nothing but my finest work. I have so many hopes and dreams for my life, but lately, I've been doubting that college in in those dreams. I want people to change my life, show me different ways of looking at things, show me so much more than I could ever imagine. I just think there is so much potential in this world, but so few people actually get to experience any of it, and I refuse to die as one of those people. I'm going to be someone who sees the world.I have to, that's the only thing I want to do, is travel. It's just a matter of making it happen. But honestly, that's not really the problem. I just see so many things that I want to do, I don't know how I'm going to get it all done in this short thing we all call life...

&Just think... This all came, from a college letter of rejection.

23 February 2011


Too many people nowadays say that love isn't real, that nobody gets their fairytale ending, that there are no princesses, and no prince charmings. We grow up hearing all of these amazing fairytales, with our parents always telling us that we can always live happily ever after, but once you reach a certain age, people start telling you the exact opposite.
There are days that I believe that it's a lie when people say they married the love of their life, but then I see pictures of friends that are happily married, and I believe again.
I will always be a hopeless romantic. I may not seem like it on the outside, but I'm a serious sucker for a love story, for a happy ending, or for that story that proves that true love does exist. I believe that there are so many people out there for us to fall in love with, it's just a matter of time before we meet the right one; the one that we're supposed to spend the rest of our life with.
I have, do, and always will, believe in love. Love at first sight. A love story. A happily ever after. I believe in it all. I believe in love so much, it's ridiculous. I'm a hopeless romantic to the highest degree. I love watching movies that make me laugh and cry, I love seeing pictures of friends being in love, and I love seeing people get married to their best friend in the whole world. I just hope that I'm lucky enough, one day, to find that one person that I'm supposed to be with for the rest of my life.
No matter what anybody tells me, I will always believe. I will always be that eight year old girl that will believe wholeheartedly in fairtales, in happy endings, and in 'happily ever after.' I will ALWAYS be that girl.

22 February 2011


On the first note:::
Yes, so I realized something today. I thought that if I ever did end up realizing this, I would be so lost, but surprisingly, I'm not. I have yet to tell anyone, but... the internet??? Hmm, maybe not the smartest idea. Oh well!!
Well, TODAY, I found out that I think I'm falling... for a friend... who has a . . . girlfriend... Yeah, that won't make things complicated or anything! Ha, what a joke.
But yes, this could become very complicated. I've known him for years. It's just amazing, isn't it? How one day, you're just friends, but then the smallest thing happens, and you start to think... what if?
Now, here's the catch. He has a girlfriend. BUT, he doesn't really like her. Well, he does, but he doesn't want to date her anymore, &he hasn't wanted to for the longest time... He is still going out with her because he doesn't want to risk breaking her heart if he breaks up with her. Now, yes, the idea is really sweet, but if you really didn't like someone, would you keep dating them just to ensure that you don't break their heart?
In my mind, that's only going to make things worse. Because he's in a way leading her on. When they do break up, she will be so crushed, and it will suck for everyone involved because we'll all have to take sides... And if she ever finds out that he went on for so long not wanting to break her heart, I think it will just make things that much worse, but hey, who am I to talk? I don't know her, I can just imagine what it would be like, as a girl, to know that your boyfriend really didn't want to date you anymore, but he didn't have the guts to break up with me... Just food for thought, yet again...
BUT, I do think I'm starting to fall for him. I really want to go to prom with him, whether it be friends or more; either way, he's the one that I want to go with... For now. ;)

On the second note:::
What is it with facebook becoming more and more like myspace? Seriously, if you want myspace, just go recreate a profile over there! I got facebook to keep in contact with friends and family, I really don't care about your stupid surveys, all of your dumb posts on hundreds of people's walls. I just like to know what people have been up to lately, new friends, new relationships, new heartbreaks, new pictures, you name it. BUT, I hate the fact that every time I get on, someone's asking people to like their status if they want a 'you remind me of...' or, 'send a number to my inbox and I'll tell you what I think of you over a status..." If I wanted to know what you thought about me, I would ask you, face to face. In my opinion, people do it online because someone's not going to be too likely to trash talk someone publicly over facebook so the whole world can see it. If you really wanna know someone's opinion of you, grow some balls, walk up to them, and ask them. Most people will tell you if you ask them.
It just bugs me when people leave on site because it's not 'in' anymore, but move to a different site, and in the end, end up making it just as bad as the initial site. Am I the only one who notices this?!?
And what's the deal with people 'creepin' on pictures? Really? Just because someone liked a picture that was from last summer, doesn't mean they were stalking your page. It means there was nothing better to do so they're going through friends' pictures. I do it, but it's not creeper status, that's for sure. &if you don't want people to stalk your pictures, then why do you have them posted in the first place??? Yeah, that's my question to the people who complain. If you don't want people looking through your pictures, TAKE THEM OFF! It's a no brainer, really.

, PThorton, BPaulsen

21 February 2011


Yes, to the right, IS a picture of my tattoo. Remember what it looked like when I first got it? Yeah, me neither.
It got infected, hard core, and the best part?
Tattoo: $260
First Doctor Visit: $75
Second Doctor Visit: $95
Third Doctor Visit: (Well, I didn't pay anything today because I'm broke. BUT If I had the doctor just LOOK at my foot for like 3 seconds, it would have cost me ANOTHER $75.)

Now, you tell me, knowing all of that, that this country is not a scam. Don't get me wrong, I'm so thankful that I live here in the US, but really?!
I went in once and they gave me medicine, that didn't work. So I went back in. Should it be MY fault that the medicine they gave me didn't make it any better? Should I have to pay another copay just because they were wrong with what they gave me? I don't...

It's absolutely ridiculous. If you ask me, someone shouldn't have to keep paying for medical treatments if every time you go into the EXACT SAME PLACE, they always tell you that what the last person told you to do, was the wrong thing. All three times I went in, they were all different people, they all told me to treat it differently, and every time, they said that I would have to pay the copay, plus any extra fees they felt like charging me for. IT SHOULD BE CRIMINAL!
Yes, it is my fault that it got infected in the first place because I didn't properly care for it, BUT, should it also be my fault that the 'professionals' told me different things, three different times? Should I have to pay, over and over and over again, for different treatments, just so someone else can tell me they didn't tell me to the right thing, YET AGAIN?!

This is absolute nonsense. I hate people, for just this reason. It's not my fault that YOUR staff 'forgot' to tell me about your protocols, about the different treatment options, about the fact that every fricking time that I go in for a follow up, I would have to pay AGAIN, just so that the doctor could make sure it's making the necessary progress. It's so stupid, and for this reason exactly, I'm thankful that I don't get sick more often than I do. I would kill someone if I got sick really often and had to keep going to the same stupid, incompetent people, time after time.

Ugh, it's just so frustrating, that our society has come to this. Usually, I don't get involved in politics and government and stupid stuff like that because I know that I have a very strong opinion, and it tends to piss people off, but I mean, really? This is common sense. Our country was founded on the idea that we would be different from Britain.(?) We have more taxes, taxes on everything, laws saying practically when we can &can't breathe, we have general rules for society as to what is and isn't acceptable, basically, you name it, there's a law, a rule, or just generally known that it's not allowed. This country is tighter than most, and for that, I hate it. What's the point of life if you're living by nothing but rules. To me, we should live life the way we want to, and all of these restricting rules are exhausting. Our country is broke beyond broke, we spend hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars on useless things that the general population doesn't know about or agree with, we vote on meaningless things when we could be doing so much more.

Is this really what this great nation has come to? Really???

20 February 2011


I want to be the one person that proves society wrong, in more ways than one...

Have you noticed that if someone doesn't go to college for four years, it's agreed bu the majority of society, they're known as being 'stupid,' 'less than' or 'worthless' to the use of society...? Have you noticed that society has a certain outward appearance that we all expect everybody to live up to, and if you don't, then you might as well be garbage? Well, lately I have ONE goal in life: To prove society wrong in EVERY aspect possible.

I want to be the one person that does thing her own way, but still finds a way to make her life worthwhile.
I want to be the girl that touches the life of everyone I meet.
I want to NOT go to college, but still make a killing.
I want to fall madly &hopelessly in love.
I want to live happily ever after.
I want to be a famous writer.

I want to do so many things in my life, but the things is just this: I don't need college for most of it. Now granted, yes, college would probably make life a little easier, but what's the point in living this life, if you take the easy way out? To me, the point of life is to just barely get by. You're supposed to slide into home, with cuts all up and down your side, bruises covering your whole body, and a whole lot of GREAT stories to tell your grandchildren once your time is almost over. I believe this life was made so that we could find the meaning of it, and to me, you can't do that if you have all of your doors opened for you &you not having to lift a single finger in the process.
I want to be the one person that goes against what society expects of teenagers anymore. I want to do everything different than people would expect. I don't necessarily want to be classified as a 'rebel.' No, I just want to be able to look back at my life and know that I didn't just do the things that I did because they were socially acceptable.
I want to be the one person that travels around the world purely for pleasure, and soon, I will do just that. Call me a dreamer? Sure. But I see it as extremely ambitious. Most people my age have dreams of going to college, and then getting the job of their dreams. Truth is, as far as I can tell, is that people go to school for years, spending thousands on majors that they feel passionate about NOW, but in years down the road, it turns out to be unrealistic. I want to be the one person that has dreams out of this world, but I'm not afraid to chase them. I want to go on missions over seas and see what it's like for some African tribes and the way they live compared to the way that I've been raised. I want to work for a nonprofit organization. I want to publish books. Novels, photography books, story books, you name it, I want to publish it. I want to work for National Geographic. I want to meet celebrities like P!nk, Taylor Swift, Shakira, Jessie James, Ryan Reynolds, and so many more. I want to be able to sit down and have conversations with them all. I want to open my eyes to everything that this world has to offer. I want to travel to every continent. I want to play every sport at least once. I want to drive the world's most expensive car, and race down the road in the world's fastest sports car. I want to experience everything, at least once. To me, anything less than EVERYTHING is nothing.
To me, the meaning of life is taking every single opportunity that is thrown your way, be it good or bad, they will all make us better people in the end. I want to be the one person in the world that proves that just because society has a vision of the perfect person, that will never be achieved, so why waste your time trying for the impossible when you can life your own life the way you want to? No, I plan on taking every moment I have, and doing everything I can. There are so many things that I want to do, and now, being realistic, they may not all happen, but until the day that I lose all hope, I plan on doing everything on that list. I have yet to write it all down, but it's in my mind. Things change on a day to day basis, but in the end, I know how I want to live my life.
I'm ambitious, I'm a dreamer, I'm a lover &a fighter. I'm everything, but I'm not a quitter. This life is limited, and tomorrow is never guaranteed. Today is a gift, &I plan on taking that gift and making the best of it.


Let me just start with saying that I just LOVE sitting around my house for weeks not being able to do anything. Grounded? Nope. I have an INFECTED FOOT!!! WooHoo. NOT. It's been infected for... 11 days now. I hate it. I can't go to school, can't work, can't go to school events, can't walk on it, NOTHING. Yeah, it sucks. Word of advice, before EVER getting a tattoo of any kind, be sure you consider all possible outcomes of what could happen, &yes, even the bad ones. Nobody ever told me that my foot could get this bad, but it has. Just take every precaution that you can. I still love tattoos &yes, I will be getting more, but before I do, I will be taking all precautions before hand, &I highly recommend that you do the same....


"I hate when people complain about how other people are two faced and fake,
when truth is, we all lie, we all go behind each others back, and most of

all we fuck up. So before you go calling names, look in the mirror hypocrite."

One of my friends posted this on her facebook, &it really got me thinking. In today's society, we're all so quick to judge one another, and take stabs at one another, but the sad thing about it is just this: We do it behind backs. We've lost the decency to do it straight to someone's face.
We all going around calling each other fake, saying we're all two faced, that we all lie, and that we do nothing but stab each other in the back. Truth is, THAT is the truth. Honey, welcome to life as a teenager. We do that. ALL OF US. Now granted, some of us do it more, but we all do it to some degree. We all have that one friend that we secretly can't stand. We have that one friend that we keep around because they always make us look good, because they make us look smarter than we are just because we know a little more than they do. We all go around exaggerating stories that may or may not have happened, which is a lie.
We all go around wishing that one of our friends will eventually trip &fall flat on their face, we ALL do it. It's human nature.
But here's the catch. WE ALL WANT PEACE. Too bad, that's not natural. That's the key here. We all want to get along; we don't see the point in arguing with everyone, picking a fight around every corner, WAR. Well, we do it because we as a human race, don't know how to just get along with each other.
We argue because it gives us a way to express what we feel &believe is right.
We fight because it shows just how 'tough' we all are.
We're all two faced because act differently around different people.
We go behind each others backs because we're closer with one friend, than another.
We all screw up; WE'RE HUMAN. Only God is perfect.

So, just as my friends said, before you start calling other people names, go take a look in the mirror. Are you really any different?


18 February 2011


What's so great about art, you ask? What's NOT great about art, I ask in response. Art is the one thing in this world that is different. There's no right or wrong when looking at art. The beauty of art is that anything and EVERYTHING is art. A drawing, a sketch, graffiti, tattoos, piercings, hair color, poetry, and so much more...
Art is the one thing that, I believe, can change the world as we know it. It is all so different and versatile. Everybody interprets it differently because we are all in different stages in life. Just because we do something that someone else sees as 'weird' may be the one thing that could change a person's life.
One man's trash is another man's treasure.
&I believe this goes for art too. You see, what I see as totally and completely worthless in our society, could be life changing for you. It could make you see the world in a different way, or open your eyes to another way of seeing things. &vice versa.
That's the beauty of art. There are so many different things in the world that can be considered art, and it all means something different to different people. I could read a book that could change my life and bring me to tears &a friend could read the exact same book, and go through it laughing because he/she is getting something different from it.
The thing that bothers me though about society is the fact that some people are very picky about art. They think that only certain things can be considered art. Some people think that only true art are the pieces that are displayed in museums and such, but I disagree. I believe that art is anything that can get a person thinking, anything that can open a person's mind, if only for a second. I believe that art has the power to change the world. It has the power to change a life. It has the power to take a life. Art, I would argue, is one of the most powerful things in the world.
Art, is my life. Most would never guess such a thing because how I look at art, may not be how they look at it. But to me, art is anything that I can find meaning in, anything that can make me think for hours on end, anything that can open my mind.
To me, a simple statement from a friend, can be art, just because it makes me realize something that I never thought much about before.
To me, art is life. Art is such an amazing thing, and I don't believe anybody can go through life without experiencing it in some way, shape, or form.

16 February 2011


Teenage love. Yeah right. Is there even such a thing? In my opinion, there isn't. We're so young, we think we know everything, especially love, but I don't think we really know anything. Well, nothing of great importance anyway. What's the point of any of it anyway? Girls lust after guys who don't know they exist. Boys do everything they can to impress girls that won't even give them the time of day. So, what is the point?
Is it so that we can all have broken hearts? Is it so that we can learn that jealousy isn't a fun emotion to experience? Is it so that we learn what really hurts us, so we can learn not to do the same thing to someone around you? There are so many question, but so few answers.
If you ask me, teenage 'love' is a joke.

Story of my life:
I like him. He likes her. She's my best friend.

I always end up liking the guy that's falling for a really good friend of mine, which means that she too is falling for him, which means that I can't tell her how I feel, which means I hate my life. AWESOME! ha, not.
Will I ever be the girl that they fall for, or will I always be the one doing all of the falling, winding up at the bottom, with nobody to catch me? Hmmm.....

Welp, that's that. I hate unrequited feelings. I wish we could all just walk up to someone, tell them exactly how we feel, and then everybody's happy. Too bad that never happens. Welcome to life.

15 February 2011


Ahh, high school basketball. There's nothing better(: Nothing beats a night that we play our rival, with a close score. Win or lose, it shouldn't matter. Yes, it is nice to know that we won the game, but if not, then let's not be sore losers, yeah?
The reason for going should be to have fun. Winning or losing? What does it matter? The point of playing is purely for the love of the game. But what has winning done to sports. Yes, sometimes winning helps, for example, football &the Superbowl. Need I say more? I think not.
But tonight PC played LHS. We lost, so why be sore losers? They beat us today, we beat them last time. Ya win some ya lose some.The reason we, the fans go, is to cheer you on. We don't go just because we know you'll win. We go for the hope of winning, but to be able to hang out with our friends, feel adrenaline rush through our veins, and have the best time of our lives.
That's why nobody likes games that are won by tons of points. They're no fun because anybody can predict the outcome. No, I like a game that close. The kind of close that the teams are a point off of each other, so every shot that's made, puts one team another point ahead of their opponent. I go to cheer on my school because I love the spirit, I believe in the players, and no matter what happens, I love to see the smiles on their faces when they get a call for them, when they make a shot that puts them ahead on the scoreboard, and just because I love watching them do something they all love. I go because, to me, nothing beats being able to experience your friends being passionate about something that you also care so much about.

Twice the security of any other game? Thinking that fights will break out? Possible threats? All for a high school basketball game? Now come on, that's going too far. What ever happened to the love of the game? Yes, it's good when people get heated, but should it really ever get to the point of going beyond school spirit? Yes, talk crap, show the best spirit you can. That's what high school is all about, but anything more than that for sports, is just unnecessary.

I love going to the game, for the game. For the social part. I don't go because people go way too far. I will always show school spirit. Why would you go to a school that you despise? No, I go to a school that I'm in love with, I will proudly stand up for it no matter what. Try &disrespect it &you will hear from me. But get to the point of threats? That's just too far.
I hate how far it's gotten, it's really gone too far. All the more reason for me to want to get out of here.

Graduation, you couldn't be coming at a better time.


"There's so many people that live vicariously through you...
That feeling doesn't come every Friday night. It comes, when you get married, it comes when your child is born, so you get it, you just don't get it every Friday night. You're gonna miss THAT more than anything in the world.
So you Seniors who are focused on college, you're focused on your work after high school, what you're gonna do next, you're focused on tomorrow, aren't you? You've got plenty of time for tomorrow, but these tonights, they're going by fast. You focus on tonight. This is about, you guys. This is about the guys in this room, that care about each other, that know there's only so many more of these nights left. It's about you. They're a faceless opponent. They just happen to draw the short straw tonight."

What we would say to young kids, is LEARN TO DREAM. You can accomplish anything you want to. What a wonderful time in your life... There's nothing wrong with dreaming big.

So many people are so excited for high school to be done. They're so anxious to finally be gone, and moving on with their lives, but do any of them realize that THESE days are the days that we're all going to look back on, and want back, years down the road. These are the days that everyone looks forward to. When we're little, we all want to be in the amazing HIGH SCHOOL! When we grow up &have kids, we'll want to be back in HIGH SCHOOL. But when we're still stuck in it, we don't want it anymore. I just hope you all realize that soon, this will all be history. Today, will be nothing more than a memory, you won't remember yesterday, and tomorrow, well, you'll want it to come even faster.

There so much going on RIGHT NOW, but there are so many people who are worried about what's happening tomorrow, they forget to live for today. Tomorrow's never guaranteed, so why put off tomorrow, what you can do today.
There are so many people that go through life living for tomorrow, always forgetting about this moment. That's all life is, is right now. That's all we have, so why take for granted what we are lucky enough to have?

Yesterday is gone &there's nothing you can do to change it. Tomorrow never guaranteed. Live for today, it's all we have, it's all we know. Make use of what you have at this moment in time, and NEVER take any of it for granted, it could all be gone in the blink of an eye. Keep that in mind.

14 February 2011


Would you say that I go around acting like the world revolves around me &that everybody should feel sorry for me?
Does the fact that I have a highly swollen &possibly infected tattoo on my foot change anything? It shouldn't Yes, it hurts like hell, but have you seen me wallowing in self pity about it? No. Because I chose to get it done, and now I'm living with the consequences.
Does it make me a bad employee for calling in TWICE because I could barely move around my house, let alone stand on it for hours a day at work? I don't think it does, but according to SOME PEOPLE, it does.
The worst part of it all? I've tried to keep a smile on my face through it all, taking the mean remarks and the snide comments that people mumble about me, but tonight I just can't.

Tonight, I can't stop the tears.
Tonight, I can't vent enough.
Tonight, I need a good friend to be there for me, just as I have for them through the years.
Tonight, I need to be vulnerable.
Tonight, I need someone to reassure me that they will always be there for me.
Tonight, I need him to understand that it's not a fight.
Tonight, I need them to understand I just need someone to listen.
Tonight, I need a friend that will tell me the truth, but won't worry about hurting my feelings.
Tonight, I need my friends to have my back, no matter what.
Tonight, I need to be, dare I say, me.

Yes, I am a tough person. I'm a fighter. I fight for what I love, and I won't settle for less than what I know is my best. I have pushed myself through thick and thin, but for just tonight, I need to be the one that falls to pieces, with assurance that there will be someone at the bottom to catch me &put me together again. I need to be able to look at someone and just know that they know what I'm going through. For once, I just want to be the one being taken care of, not just the caregiver.
I just want someone, for once in my life, to tell me that I don't have to be strong. I don't have to have the walls around my heart.
&the part that makes it even worse? The fact that I wasn't exactly NICE tonight, but the people I was talking to, didn't take an extra second to think about it. They told me they understood, they completely know what I feel, and that I was more than welcome to take all the time I needed. He gave me the time I needed, and he didn't push it. I was rude, but they were understanding, and to boot, they were downright nice about it.
That I fear, is the hardest thing for me to grasp. That even though I was so mean to them, if only for a second, when it came down to it, they were still as sweet as ever, and more than willing to give me the space I needed. That's so hard for me to grasp, because in today's society, if you're mean to one person, you don't deserve the understanding smile of anyone. Not a friend, nor a stranger. If you're rude, even once, you deserve to be treated like hell, forever.

So with all of that being said, I don't see it as self pity, but if you do, I'm sorry. I don't, by any means, tend it to be that way. I'm in more pain than you would ever believe, I have taken the time that I believe I need, but for some reason, that still makes me the bad person? That sill puts me in the wrong? I just don't see the logic in that, but if it's true, then so be it. Maybe I've blinded myself to something. I just see it as taking care of what I love, and this week, it's my tattoo. I don't want to have to get a million touch ups, I don't want it to get infected. I want to let it heal like it should, and I just want it to look like it did the day I got it done. I just want the pain to be over with, so I can get back to being the me that I know I am. I want to be back to walking like I really do, to running around, to not having to worry about what will hurt, and what will hurt the tattoo. I want to get back, to life.
So if that takes a few extra days, so be it. Please, just let me take the time, so I can get back, to being, ME.


13 February 2011


I just love browsing the internet and just stumbling across new bands, that I ju
st happen to love at first song(: Ahh, it's amazing! &I feel like sharing. So, below are band names/ pictures/ links... yeah, you get the picture. If you so wish it, go browse. I hope you enjoy(:

+ Joe Brooks - Superman


+ME VS HERO - Can You Count Suckers


+ A Day To Remember - I'm Made Of Wax Larry What Are You Made Of?


+ Amber Pacific - Poetically Pathetic


+ There for Tomorrow - Pages


+Chunk! No Captain Chunk! - In Friends We Trust

+ KSM - Don't Come Crying To Me


12 February 2011



Ah, there's nothing better than a good song by a great band(: You could say that I'm slightly obsessed. With this song? Eh. With the band? Maybe. With music? HELL.YES.

There has always been something about dance. Maybe it was the grace, maybe it was the power, maybe it was that I never got to do it. Either way, I've always wanted to know how to dance. &I'm not just talking about high school dance, grinding, or anything like that. No, I want to learn classic ballroom, I want to learn tap, I want to learn ballet. I want to learn to street dance, I want to learn how to move like they do in the movies. I want to be able to really dance.

I've always wanted to be able to sing. There's something about being able to win someone over with your voice. Be able to take a message, and make people listen to it. There's something therapeutic about words in a song, versus words coming out of a mouth during casual conversation. Maybe it's the melody, maybe it's the instruments behind it, but I believe it's all in the voice that's singing the words. I've always wanted to be able to sit down, with a guitar, and just write a song. Then and there. On command. &have it be amazing.

I've always wanted to be able to draw. I've wanted to be able to take a pen and paper, and sit down and just draw, and have it turn out simply stunning. No, I draw like a 5 year old. I always have, I always will. I can't draw something that will move people, I can't draw things that make people laugh, I can't even draw something, and have people actually know what it is. I draw, and it looks like random scribbles on a page.

I've always wanted, to be, T A L E N T E D .

The beauty in it though, is that I am. You are. We all are, talented. We are all good at something. We may not all be great at everything, but we are all good at something. The hard part though, is finding that one thing. Maybe it's making people feel good. Maybe it's singing. Maybe songwriting. Maybe photography. WHO KNOWS!

But I can guarantee that we are all given a gift at birth. Some find it easily and know it from the second the experience it for the first time. Some of us go through life looking for it, but wondering if we'll ever really find it. Some of us, *couch, me, couch* stumble through life wondering if we were ever really given anything that we're really good at. But you know, maybe the adventure is in the looking. Maybe I'm not good at one thing. Maybe I'm just good at looking for it, &enjoying my time while doing just that.

What are you good at? Do you know, or are you still on the crazy ride of finding out?

11 February 2011


So, it seems that I have just had a revelation. I have learned so many things in such a short amount of time.

1.) NEVER get a tattoo on your foot if you then have to work for the next week straight, and your job consists of you standing on your foot for hours a day. IT WILL NEVER HEAL.

2.) Because of this new tattoo, I will now be calling into work for my next 3 shifts and calling off. Yes, I need it to heal because frankly, I'm sick of coming home, and having to peal my sock off of my foot, &finding that there is an outline of ink pigment on the inside. Yeah, I'm not looking forward to having to get the thing touched up a million times before it starts looking like it's supposed to.

3.) Boys, for the most part, I find extremely annoying. Their voices, their laughs, and just the stupid things they do that they think makes them cool. I've noticed that a good portion of the guys I know walk like they have a stick up their ass, they think they're on top of the world, &most of all, they think they can treat everyone however they please, and think they can get away with it.

4.) I will be single forever. AWESOME. This is just the kind of thing that I love realizing. I am very particular. I know exactly what I want, and I refuse to settle for anything less. I won't date someone that I have known for less than a year, at the absolute minimum. I get so tired of people, I need a guy that will have a life outside of our relationship. BUT! Since that's like impossible at this age, I'm gonna stick with being single. Great.

5.) I'm going to work on growing my bangs out. I want nice side swept bangs that are thinner and more graceful. I'm sick of waking up every morning dreading the moment when I get to style my hair. My bangs are way too short, they're choppy, and not one bit flattering. I want to be able to wear baseball hats &not have to think about my frickin hair. I've never hated my hair, in my entire life, but for once, I hate everything about it. I want to dye it, get a new cut, a new style, and something just fresh. I'm sick of the same ole, same ole.

6.) I truly dislike school. There are very few classes that I actually look forward to going to. I rarely do my homework, and the motivation? Yeah, it's just not there.

7.) I need a change. In every way. I want new faces at work, not the same stupid faces that piss me off at the mere sight of them. I need a new state, a new home, a new wardrobe, a new EVERYTHING. I'm sick of it all. It's time for Springs cleaning, and this year, I actually wanna do something. I want to color my hair in a million different ways. I want the world. &I want it NOW.

8.) I'm done. With school. With stupid drama. With two faced coworkers. With the same stupid music playing on the radio. Nothing new to listen to. UGH! I'm just done with it all. I need a change, and I mean pronto!

9.) Yes, I laugh at just about everything. Key words? JUST ABOUT. Not everything, just about! Is it really that hard to take someone like me seriously. Yes, I am a peppy person. Yes, I do laugh at just about everything. But is it really so hard to believe me when I say that something's pissing me off? Is it really that hard for people to want to take me serious for once in my life!?

10.) People don't keep their promises. What most people don't know about me: I do still make pinky promises, and when any kind of promise is made, I expect it to be upheld through everything. BUT once a promise is broken? Yeah, sorry means very little. People say one thing, but they do the exact opposite.

11.) People like to take advantage of the fact that I'm trusting. Yeah, I never saw that coming. Honestly. I always assume the best in people, but it turns out, they lie to my face, and when the apologize, they just assume they'll get a second chance. In truth, they will, because I believe very strong in second chances.People lie straight to my face, Spread rumors about me, talk crap about me, and tell people the worst lies, that still somehow manage to be believed, &yet, still expect me to trust them. The worst part? I do. I see the best in people, and that means that I give them 2, 3, 4... well, too many chances.
They walk all over me, &yet I still trust them, &I still believe that we can be friends. Yeah, that's a HUGE problem.

12.) There's a song for absolutely everything in life. I come home everyday after school or work, and I must listen to several hundred songs before I go to bed. There are a millions songs out there, and they all do something a little different for you. I love it. I just wish there was more GOOD music out there, but instead, it's all the same to me. That's why I listen to stuff from years ago. The classics. (:

13.) I don't think I want to go to college. I really don't. Now, I know perfectly well that that idea isn't 'socially acceptable' but honestly, who the hell cares? What does it matter to you, whether or not I go to college. If I really don't see the point in spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, learning about things that I find pointless, then why should I do it? I could take that money and put it to so much better use. No, I'm not going to share what I would use that money for, because, well, that's my choice. But for now, I don't really know if going to college is for me... Just food for thought.

14.) There is absolutely, positively, NOTHING better in this world, than a good dose of Michael Buble. Mmm(: He's amazing, &his songs are beyond life changing. Yeah, it's love! That's all I have to say about that. Just go listen(:

15.) My tattoo. It's Peace&Love. Two of the most important things in my life. It sounds corny, but I don't see the point in everyone hating everyone. I think we should all just get along. Learn to face each other face to face, instead of saying things behind people's backs. I think we should all just get over this stupid thing of hate, and just get on with our lives. After all, nothing in life is guaranteed, so why waste time hating everything, when we're all so blessed in life? We need to learn to love the things we have, while we have them. We could wake up tomorrow, and all of what we have ever known, could all be gone. We need to love life, and learn to live it while we have a chance. Careless&Carefree. That's how I think we should all live. But hey, what's one girl's opinion?

16.) There are so many things I want to. Some people call it unrealistic, I call it ambitious. I know what I want, and I will do just about anything to get it. I don't need a boyfriend to keep me happy. Give me good friends and a good time, &I'll be good for the rest of my life. I refuse to waste away in this thing they call life. I'm going to take mine, and take full advantage of that. All I need now? A partner in crime... Hmm.

17.) I.MISS.MY.BEST.FRIEND. Now, I'm sure you're thinking about who I'm closest to at work or school. I have a ton of really good friends, but to be honest, I don't call any of them best friend. There is only one person I trust with the title. There have been so many people that I have called best friend, who have abused the title. No, my brother is the one and only person that I dare call my best friend. I miss him so much. It's been years since I've seen him, &there aren't even words to explain just how much of my life is missing with him gone. He is my role model, my inspiration, my best friend, and my everything. He is the one person that has been there for me through everything. I want him home, and I want him home NOW. Everyday that passes, I miss him more. I fight ever day to keep a smile on my face when I think of him, but to be honest, everyday gets harder. He's coming home for graduation, which just makes me want grad to come that much faster. I miss him. So much. :'(

Well, I could go on &on, but I'm sleepy, &I wanna sleep. So I must bid you adieu. Goodnight. Sweet Dreams. I will be back tomorrow.
OH! One more thing. Some day, my name will be known. For what? I have yet to figure that out. But I won't go through life unnoticed. I will be known, that I can guarantee you. Good night(:

10 February 2011


"Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional."
When you're given the choice, which will you do? Grow old &never grow up, or grow up as you grow old?
As we move along through life, some things change, while others stay the same for eternity. We all change, some for the better ,&some for the worse, but what's really what when it comes down to it? Who's to say that my growing up is any worse than yours? Who's to say that even though we grow up differently, we're really so different?

We live &we learn. We make our own choices, and learn to live with the consequences. We are all different people, but are any of us really that different?
You say that something I do is wrong, but I say that something you do is weird. Is there really such a thing as right or wrong when it comes to growing up? Everybody goes through different things in this life, &we all learn different lessons. So what's good, and what's bad. Everything we all go through helps to make us what we all are, which is different. Nobody wants to call someone 'good' or 'bad' so why do we label actions that way?

Some are artistic, so they choose to get tattoos, color their hair crazy colors, or get a face full of piercings. Some grow up to be business men, wearing nothing but suits, more than willing to take notes, and always making sure their vocabulary is nothing less than perfect. Yes, we're all so different, so what's the point in judging people just because they're a little different than you are?
We all see what we do as acceptable, so why should anyone think any differently?

And again with the growing up. Is the drama and all of the stupid rumors, is any of it really worth the hurt in the long run? All it does for anyone is looses trust from the people around you, and maybe losing a friend or two along the way. I mean, seriously. Is it really so hard to ask everyone just to get along?
You have a problem with someone? Confront them. Say something to them; to their face. What's the point in saying something behind someone's back, when you know it will eventually get back to them &they'll be even more mad at you then, instead of just bringing it up to them from the get go? I know this sounds incredibly cliche, but what's so wrong with just beign happy, &getting along with everyone? Now granted, we won't all get along with everyone, but is it really a crime just to ask people to try? Well, it shouldn't be.

As the quote says, we all grow old, but some of us never grow up. Will you grow up as you grow old, or just get old &wrinkly while having the personality &maturity of a 5 year old?

09 February 2011


Mmm, my newest addition(: &it's easy to say, I love it. I was supposed to get a simple heart/peace sign, but this is about a million times better! I absolutely love it.
There are so many people out there who disapprove of any and all tattoos with everything in their beings, but to be honest, what's so bad about them? The fact that they're permanent?
Yeah, that's why you don't just walk into a tattoo shop &ask them to tattoo something random onto your body. Both that I have, hold great meaning to me. I'm not going to get into describing this one on here, because to be honest, if you really want to know, you'll ask me in person &I'd be more than happy to explain it to you.
But I have to say, there is something about getting a new tattoo or piercing that is completely indescribable. There's something about them. They're just you, and there are no two tattoos that are exactly the same. Every piercing &tattoo, in my opinion, are unique. Everything we do hold special meaning to each &every one of us.
So, do me a favor. Before you judge me because I have tattoos, or countless piercings, get to know me, and see just what they all mean to me, and then tell me that you disapprove.

"There's only one difference between people that have tattoos and people that don't. Those who do, don't give a damn whether or not you have one!"
I heard this once, and it's so true. If you have tattoos, you don't really realize when others have them unless they're in obvious sight, but if you have virgin skin, you will always notice what people have that you don't, and most will judge.

Don't do it. Every tattoo means something to it's wearer; see what it means before you hate on all of them. Who knows, one day you may feel strongly enough to get one. Don't hate; appreciate. That's all I have to say about that. (:

08 February 2011


What if? Do you ever think about the past? Do you ever sit in your room going back over memories, thinking to yourself, 'what if?' Do you ever think to yourself, 'what if I had done that differently? What if I were friends with different people? What if I had done one thing differently? Just one little thing that we could have done differently, how would my life be different today?'
I do; all the time in fact. I can't help but wonder, that's what my mind does best. It wonders about how the littlest things in life, can somehow make the biggest difference.
What if I had never changed schools? I would have all different friends, and the ones that I made at other schools, well, I wouldn't know they exist, I wouldn't have learned the lessons they taught me.
What if my mom hadn't married the guy she did? (BTW, I'm NOT referring to my dad. I already know the answer to that question.) I can't stand the guy. The meer thought of him drives me insane, and whenever I see him, on the rare occasion that I do, I have to do everything I can to refrain myself from punching him in the face. But there's always the question of 'what if?' Would I be the person I am today? Did he really effect the person that I've turned into, more than I like to admit?

What if I hadn't joined that club? What if I hadn't befriended that one person? What if I had talked to that person when they were having a bad day, instead of just standing by as my friends made fun of them? What if I got a different job? What if I hadn't warned him, and they had continued to break each others hearts right in front of me? What if I didn't trust as much as I do?

There are so many question I could write, but to be honest, what's the point? I love questioning, but why question the past? It's already happened, and we all know that we can't change what has already happened. But, do you really believe that a small choice you made years ago, really could have had the power to have changed your life? Do you think, that one single moment, has the power to change EVERYTHING?
I believe that one single moment, a word, an action, or a smile, has the power to change the ripples of the world. If we had done one thing differently, the response from people around us would have been different, therefore changing the reaction of the people around them, and so on &so forth. I believe that one smile, can change a person's day. One rude comment, can end a life. The sound of laughter around you, can change a perspective. One picture, can bring tears, laughter, and nostalgia.
There is so much that can come from one, anything. One thing, can truly change the world. It won't have an immediate effect, or ever a big one for that matter. But everything you do, is seen by someone. One thing that you do when you think nobody is looking, is the thing that is seen by more people that you even know exist. Every action has an equal &opposite reaction. Everything that is said or done today, will forever effect the world. You may not know it, but one smile you show someone today, could stop someone from killing themselves, therefore stopping a lot of suffering from people that are close to that person. One rude remark can cause a person to go home and proceed to kill themselves, forever changing your life.
There is so much power in every action, that most people don't even realize it. But truth is, what you do today, will effect you tomorrow, &for the rest of your life. So why spend the time you have, ridiculing the people around you, making their lives miserable, when you freak out when people give you a hard time? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It's the golden rule that we all learn in grade school, but believe it's a lesson we should never forget.
That, and Karma. What you do to others, will someday come around to haunt you, or thank you. Either way, how you choose to act today, will have it's consequences. Do good today, be nice to the people around you, laugh &live like there's no tomorrow, &no matter what, always treat others how you want to be treated. Yes, this may sound childish, but I believe they're things that can change a person's life for the drastic.

So, I leave you with this. Do you ever wonder, how your life could be different? What if the mean girl in school didn't make fun of you for a day? You'd feel amazing, and like maybe you're doing something right. Just image what you do to the people around you, can effect them, and in return, you.

--THale, KHastings, SWilliams, KFeldman, NDion, and so many more.

07 February 2011


There's something missing. I haven't had anything new to write about lately. Or, well, let me rephrase that, there as been plenty for me to blog about, but none of it is for anybody to see or to know for that matter. I feel like there's something missing. But not in a sad, depressing way.
My life is amazing, &I like it that way. I have amazing friends, and I love everybody that's in my life because they are all there for a reason and those that are no longer in my life, have been taken out for a reason. I love to do random things for other people because I love to see them smile because of me.
But Valentine's Day is coming. I have always hated the holidays, and VDay has always been the worst. There's really no point to it. It's just a reason for us to spend the money we don't have, on people that probably don't share the same feelings that we do. What's the point? Valentine's is, in my opinion, the dumbest holiday ever, but I'll let everybody else keep their own opinions. I just don't see the point. If you really love someone, do you really need to spend all of your money on materialistic things that they will forget about within a week, or chocolate that will be eaten within 2 days? It's stupid. Yes, we all have hearts, and yes, we all love, but sometimes, love is best showed in the smallest gestures, like a kiss on the cheek, not by a big stuffed bear.
I hate the holiday, and I plan on wearing all black to school that day, no joke.

Yeah, this is my little rant about the stupid day. I hate holidays, and VDay is the dumbest out of them all. That's all. Goodnight(:

05 February 2011


This is a very short blog, as you can probably see. Lately I just can't seem to get enough music. So, below are some links to just a few of my favorites(: Some have names, but the ones that don't are because I got lazy &didn't want to go back and figure out which song was which... ha
Enjoyyy!!!! :D

All About Him: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBz5Rmc9l1Y
La, la, la: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Iq-jY7qct8&feature=channel
Perfect Two: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXxbC0B_74s&feature=channel


The Cataracs/DEV:


Christina Perri:
Jar of Hearts: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8v_4O44sfjM

Summer Set:
Chelsea: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEbOPaMyM_s


Three Days Grade:
Break: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4VCpTZye10

Long Live: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1PQi3seCCk&feature=related

Avril Lavigne:
What the Hell: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQmEd_UeeIk
Girlfriend: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bg59q4puhmg&feature=channel
Alice: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyDRbx8nWFg

Carrie Underwood:
Ever, ever after: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikuiewliF3Y

This one just makes me laugh(:

Welp, yeah, just a few. There are so many more, but these are most of the ones that I have been watching/listening to the past few days...(:

04 February 2011


This blog may be harmful to those who are nice to everybody, every second, of every day. If you love drama, keep reading. I will get heated, I will voice my opinion &for once, I WILL name names. Ready? Let's go.


You, with your words like knives

And swords and weapons that you use against me,
You, have knocked me off my feet again,

Got me feeling like I’m nothing.

You, with your voice like nails on a chalkboard
Calling me out when I’m wounded.

You, pickin’ on the weaker man.

Well you can take me down,

With just one single blow.

But you don’t know, what you don’t know,

Someday, I’ll be living in a big old city,
And all you’re ever gonna be is mean.

Someday, I’ll be big enough so you can’t hit me,

And all you’re ever gonna be is mean.

Why you gotta be so mean?

You, with your switching sides,

And your walk by lies and your humiliation
You, have pointed out my flaws again,

As if I don’t already see them.

I walk with my head down,
Trying to block you out cause
I’ll never impress you

I just wanna feel okay again.

I bet you got pushed around,
Somebody made you cold,

But the cycle ends right now,

You can’t lead me down that road,

You don’t know, what you don’t know

Someday, I’ll be, living in a big old city,
And all you’re ever gonna be is mean.

Someday, I’ll be big enough so you can’t hit me,

And all you’re ever gonna be is mean.

Why you gotta be so mean?

And I can see you years from now in a bar,

Talking over a football game,

With that same big loud opinion but,

Nobody’s listening,

Washed up and ranting about the same old bitter things,

Drunk and grumbling on about how I can’t sing.

But all you are is mean,
All you are is mean.
And a liar, and pathetic, and alone in life,

And mean, and mean, and mean, and mean

But someday, I’ll be, living in a big old city,
And all you’re ever gonna be is mean.
Someday, I’ll be big enough so you can’t hit me,
And all you’re ever gonna be is mean.

Why you gotta be so ?

Someday, I’ll be, living in a big old city,

And all you’re ever gonna be is mean.
Someday, I’ll be big enough so you can’t hit me,
And all you’re ever gonna be is mean.

Why you gotta be so mean?

This is my one ranting session I will ever do on this blog. This is the only time I will name names. If this post is ever seen by the wrong person, I can guarantee, this won't make things better, but to be frank, I'm sick and tired of walking on glass to make people happy. I'm pissed &just downright furious, so here goes.

Laurin Speight. Ramzi Bahu. I can't stand you two. You are the most bipolar people I have ever met. Yes, go ahead &try to make me jealous with you two being in 'love' and planning on moving to Cali &having a baby boy. Yeah, it's not working. I have no intention of EVER being jealous of people that can't stand to talk to each other, yet can't be away from one another. &yes, I did just delete you both from my facebook friends because I can't stand the sight of either of you. Work is bad enough, I'm not going to let you interfere with my personal life too.

Laurin- You think you can out bitch me, but you think wrong. You are a passive aggressive bitch who has to spread rumors to make friends. Ya, well, just so you know, I don't care anymore. You think you can spread rumors about me at work, & talk crap. Go right ahead. At least I know that at the end of all of this high school drama, I will know who my true friends are. Cliche? Yes. But very true. You can have Ramzi. I never wanted him. You have fun being a teenage pregnancy, have fun being his baby mama, and have a GREAT life. *Heavy on the sarcasm, just in case you didn't catch that. You're s stupid, passive aggressive bitch, &have no real friends. People just hang around with you because either 1.) they think it'll make them look 'cool' or 2) they're afraid of what you'll do to them if they get on your bad side. Consider me officially on your bad side. Wanna hurt me? Wanna try to make me want to kill myself? Go for it, I dare you. You don't have that kind of power of me, &if you really think you do, then you're pathetic.

Ramzi- You're the rudest guy I've ever met. There are girls who don't see you as a player, but truth is, you WANT to be a player. Honestly, what kind of person strives to play girls? You are the kind of guy that I avoid at all costs, &truth is, it's worked out pretty well thus far. But you go around being 'in love' with Laurin. Yeah, how's that one working out for ya?! Not well. I can tell you that much. She did lie to you, &she will continue to lie to you. She made out with a guy at work, and went on a date &made out with another. Don't believe me? Just ask around.

You guys are the reason that people are mean to one another, but seriously, what's the point? What does this do for you, Laurin? Prove that people listen to your stupid drama, that's probably not even half true? Well good for you. Tonight, I already learned who one friends WASN'T. &I thank you. If you hadn't started this whole charade, then I would still be going around calling him my BFF. Glad that's over! Well that just makes you awesome, now doesn't it.

Bottom line: You both are a hand full, and are the only ones who can really deal with each other. You were probably meant to be together because you're both a pain in the ass, neither of you are worth my time, &as of right now, the only time I will ever see or talk to you is at work, and that will only be as the last resort. I have deleted numbers, FB friends, and all memories with you both. I thank you both for this incredibly stupid drama. It's taught me about myself, who to trust, why I have so many walls around my heart, &who really will stick by my side through thick and thin. So, THANKS!

You are both pathetic, immature, and I can't wait to see what kind of kids you'll produce. They'll be bipolar, rude, have ZERO friends, &nobody will like them. HAVE FUN WITH THAT LIFE! Goodbye.