30 July 2011

Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss
Hannah Kuechle. Gah, I miss her so much. We would still be best friends had I not changed schools last year, but I did. We stayed close, and slowly started to drift. It hurts to look at pictures of us now though because we were literally the best friends ever, and that was the best thing I'd ever had. But then she and Melissa blocked me from Facebook, and I got the picture, loud and clear, that we weren't friends anymore. Talk about being shown a point, in a very blunt way, without knowing anything was wrong. I seriously do miss her though. More than any words can describe. :/

29 July 2011

Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile
Bahahaha, really any picture that was taken on this night would classify under today's topic. That night was so much fun. We didn't even really do anything of consequence, but these are easily two of the greatest people on the planet.
Lindsay and I have been friends since my freshman year, and Nicki and I have been friends for about two years now. This picture is freaking hilarious. If it doesn't make you smile, you're insane! Just look at our faces!
Bahahaha, good times(: I love my friends.

28 July 2011

Day 28 - A picture of something you’re afraid of
Love. Commitment. Trust. Relationships. Friendship. &Anything else of the sort.
It's not that I'm afraid of Love, it's that I fear I won't ever find it.
It's not that I'm afraid of Commitment, it's that I won't trust someone to commit to only me.
It's not that I'm afraid of Trust, it's that I have very little of it left, so I give it out sparingly, and the smallest thing can make me lose it for someone.
It's not that I'm afraid of Relationships, it's that I fear I won't ever have the courage to really try it.
It's not that I'm afraid of Friendship, it's that I fear I won't ever find a true friend who will stay by my side even when I try my hardest to push them away.

I'm afraid of myself. I don't trust myself. I doubt myself. I am my own worst fear. I fear that I won't ever really be able to follow my heart, because my head is always on a different page. I'm a logical person, and yet, I'm a hopeless romantic. I have a soft spot for a good love story, and I really want one for myself, but I fear that I won't ever be able to give into my feelings to be able to experience.
The biggest thing I'm afraid of, is myself and what I will and won't let myself do with my life.

27 July 2011

I'm using this for strictly advertising.
Following are links to all of my other pages. Please read them &feel free to look around! I hope you enjoy my lack of a life. Ha

My blog with Kellyn:

...Uhh, I think that's all. For now. Ha. Please look around. Toodles! (:
Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member
I couldn't just choose ONE family member, because these two people are my only family [besides my friends, of course].
These two are my rock and the reason I am who I am today. They are the people I turn to when I don't have anything left. They are the people who see the real me, and love me despite the flaws that send people running the other direction.
These are the only two people who have proven that they belong in my life thus far. I love them with all my heart, and I will do everything in my power to keep it that way.
These are by far the absolute my important people in my life, and they always will be(:
Best Friend. Brother. Mother. Role Models. THEY ARE MY FAMILY <3

26 July 2011

Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you
My camera means the world to me. To me, to be able to say your (in any way) artistic, is all the power you can possibly ask for. Art has the power to make a change, enforce what you love, show the world what you see, and so much more. My camera means so much to me, I can't even explain it. No, I may not take [this particular camera] everywhere with me, but I take it anywhere important.
I take pictures of everything. Literally. I take pictures of pictures in my room, or friends, with friends, family, houses, anything that inspires me, you'll find pictures of it on one of my cameras.
There are other things that also mean a lot to me, like friends, family, life, love, laughter, and dreams, but my camera is one thing that I NEVER get tired of seeing. My camera will probably be the main thing in my life that ever stays consistent.

25 July 2011

Day 25 - A picture of your day
I worked. From 8am (way too freaking early) until 430pm (way too freaking late). Yep, that was my day. Pretty cool, huh? I know, you're jealous. What can I say? Bahahaha :P

24 July 2011

Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change
There is one main thing that stands out in my mind that applies to this. My brother. I am so proud of the fact that he's in the military. &Because he is, it has changed both of our lives more than either of us know.
But because of the fact that he's in the military, and his job choice, we hardly ever get to see each other, and we rarely get a chance to talk. And when we do get a chance to talk to each other, it's much too brief.
The only thing in my life that I really want to change, is the amount of time I get to see the one person in the world that never fails to make me smile. Chad Armstrong. Brother. Role Model.
He may be all of those things, but above all, he's my BEST FRIEND. I just wish I could see him more often than once a year. :(

23 July 2011

Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book
When I first saw the topic for the day, I had a slight panic attack. There are so many amazing books in the world, how could someone possibly pick one? Then I realized how it's possible, because I definitely have one. Pride &Prejudice by Jane Austen. Really anything by Jane Austen could fall into this category.
I never thought I would love books so old, but they truly are my favorite. I love the old fashioned things, and this is just the topping on the cake. I had to read this book for my AP Lit summer reading before my Senior Year in High School, and it was love at first read. I love the way they speak, the words they use, the love story, and everything about it. I think there need to be more Mr. Darcy's in the world, but that's just me.
Just your everyday hopeless romantic, with way too much nerdiness on the inside. Ha.
If you ever need a good book to read, and you're open to trying new things, this is number one on my list of recommendations. LOVE LOVE LOVE! :D

22 July 2011

Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at
Art. I absolutely love it, but I don't really think I'm good at it. People tell me I have an eye for photography, that I have a way with words, and that I can sing pretty well. But honestly, sometimes I doubt it.
I know I want to be a photojournalist, but there are days when I really wonder if I'm cut out for it at all, or if I'll be the one stuck at Target for the rest of my life. I have my dreams and ambitions, but sometimes I wonder if that's really enough.
There are so many ideas I have in my mind, but when words fail me, I really wish I could sketch. I mean, I can't even draw something as simple as a butterfly or a tree. I CAN NOT DRAW for my life.
If there was ONE thing in the world I wish God had blessed me with, it would have been the talent to draw. I want to be able to draw in my spare time, sketch people, and be able to draw out what is in my head.... If only.

21 July 2011

Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget

There is on picture for today because, cliche as it sounds, there is nothing I wish I could forget. There are times when I wish I could go back and undo something stupid I did, but honestly, everything I've done or gone through has made me who I am. There are things about myself that I wish I could change, but I can't so why waste time wishing for something that won't ever change. The things that I sometimes want to forget are the things that I never will, and the things I want to remember forever are the things that leave my memory first.
I have been through things most people would never believe, but honestly, I don't care. I don't live to please anybody but myself. Every moment of every day that I've lived has helped shape me into the person that I am right now. Nothing will change that. Plus, why would I want to forget about something that has made me the person I am? They may not be happy memories, but they are the things I think about when I start doubting myself. They are the things I look at and say, "Lydia, if you can make it through something like that, getting through this will be a cake walk."

20 July 2011

Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you’d love to travel
The World.
I want to travel the world. I WILL travel the world. There are so many beautiful places on this planet, and there are so many people who have never, nor will they ever, get the chance to see them. Unlike those people however, I will go there. I want to be the one lucky person who gets to travel the world. I want to photograph places few people have ever seen, I want to write about things few people have ever heard about. I will travel to every continent, I promise you that much. How will I make it happen? When will I go? Who will go with me?
Those are answers I don't have yet. All I know, is that I'm more determined than most people my age, and I won't let it get away from me. I plan on taking that passion and making something good of it. You may doubt me, but that doesn't matter. People tell me I'm crazy, look at me like I'm stupid, and tell my family that  I'm a bubble brain who has no plans for the future. Traveling, is my future. Like I said, I don't have all of the details worked out, but I'm 18. I have plenty of time for planning.
For now, I'm more worried about living my life and not wasting a single moment of it. Traveling will happen within the next few years. But for now, the biggest dilemma I have is where to go first!
Doubt me, tell me it won't happen, look at me like I'm a crazy kid who's telling you what they want out of life when they're 5. It doesn't matter what anybody says or does because this is one thing in my life that I'm 100% sure about. I will make it happen. Say what you will, but one day, I'll prove you wrong. Just watch me.
Day 19 - A picture and a letter
“If I had a penny for every time you made me feel worthless, I’d be worth something by now.”

Dear Myself in 20 Years,

There is so much that you’ve been through, and so much that you will go through in the future. There will always be people who will try to run you down, break you down, and get you to give up on everything that means anything to you; don’t let them. You are the strongest person I know, and you are the only person that has any power to do or change anything in your life. You have to remember that when you feel like the world is taking it’s toll on you.

There are so many things that you have to learn, but at the same time, don’t ever lose your innocence. Don’t let others pressure you to do things you’re not comfortable doing. Don’t change who you are in order to impress somebody, because as soon as they leave your life, you won’t know who you are, and that is my biggest fear. Don’t let anybody or anything take away what you believe it. You have to stick to your guns no matter what. &Those people that are by your side at the end of the day are the people who really do love you.

There will always be people begging for you to screw up and fall on your face. Ignore them. There will always be people who want you to fail, let them wish that. You can achieve anything you put your mind to. You are the only one who can make your wildest dreams come true, but don’t be afraid to ask for a helping hand when things get hard. 

And finally, don’t be afraid to let people in. I know the thought of that is absolutely terrifying, especially after everything you’ve been through, but I fear the biggest mistake you will make in life is to never let anybody close enough to hurt you. It’s scary; being vulnerable, letting somebody that close.

Don’t ever forget your past, but NEVER let it get in the way of your future. It’s much brighter than you might ever think, and things WILL work out. Just give it time and He will make sure everything happens just the way He planned it. Never forget who you are, the things you believe in, and the people that have been by your side through thick and thin. Don’t push away the people closest to you like you always do. Take the time to actually let somebody close, you won’t regret it.

Last but certainly not least, NEVER give up. On anything. On anyone. If you believe in it, it can happen. If you love somebody, tell them. Don’t be afraid of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, because you’ll regret NOT saying anything if you never give yourself the chance to make stupid mistakes. If you believe in something, voice it. If you feel strongly about something, make sure you’re heard. Learn when to speak up and never let anybody silence your voice, and Learn when to keep your mouth shut. This will be your hardest feat in life, but you can do it.

No matter what life throws at you, you’re strong enough to overcome it. Don’t fear love, Be the best friend you can be, Accept people for who they are, Laugh at yourself, and Live life. You only get one chance, so make sure you live a life worth living; make it one for the books.

When in doubt, turn to the people who have always been in your life and won’t ever leave, even if you want them too… Your family. They are your rock, no matter how much you may seem to hate each other. Learn to rely on the people around you, you need them.

Bottom line,
You’re strong enough for anything, but don’t be afraid to ask for a helping hand every now and then.

This song, is my letter to myself, wrapped in a 5 minute melody: 

18 July 2011

Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity
Silly people, you actually thought I was going to post something like that on the internet! Bahaha, try again.
Nope, I won't tell you my biggest insecurity. Yes, I have them. Plenty. Probably even more than most people, but I've gotten pretty good at hiding them and playing them off. We all have things we're self conscious of, but the truth is that if you live your life in fear of somebody making fun of your insecurities or letting them get in your way, you won't get anywhere. We all have fears and insecurities and things that make us self conscious in our daily lives, but if you never get over them, they will take over your life.

I am probably just about the most flawed person you will ever meet, but there is no way I will let the little things like that get in the way of my dreams.
It sounds cliche and most people think I'm crazy when I say that, but it's true. Yes, there are days when they take over my mood, but I do everything I can to make those days as rare as I can. I keep people around me who I can lean on for a word of encouragement, and I make sure I always have something to cheer me up.
The bottom line is just this. Yes, I have insecurities, and there are things that are more prominent than others, but no, you won't know them unless you're a VERY close friend, and even then you're not guaranteed to know them. The difference with me and the next person, though, is that I try to overlook those things that make me doubt myself, and do my best to focus on the things that make me stronger, not weaker.

17 July 2011


Yeah, that basically sums up today. It was amazing and then it turned straight to crap. I was having the time of my life, then I found myself on the verge of a mental breakdown. I kid you not I'm so tired of being a girl. AND I'M NOT EVEN ON MY PERIOD!
I went up the the lake today with a friend, and she told me that she invited one of her guy friends, and he was bringing a friend. I have absolutely no problem with it because to be honest, I prefer to be in a coed group versus a group of just girls... It's just easier.
But then there's the exception to the rule. I don't like being in a group with one other girl, and two other guys, especially when my GIRL friend and one of the guys are all over each other all the time, and the second guy is king of awkwardness.
The day was going really well when we were all just hanging out as friends... But then the two of them had to get all mushy.
That's one thing that I hate about any friends that I have. It's like, yo, hun, we've been friends for years, &you met him like a month ago, and you're going to ditch me for him? SERIOUSLY?! That's why I don't have a lot of friends (Yes, it is by choice, and Yes, that is the reason). I hate when I get ditched by friends so they can hang out with someone they hardly know, and then come running back to me when it doesn't work out the way they want it to.
And the thing that really gets to me?! The fact that guys have no problem hitting on me until ANY friend of mine walks up and suddenly I might as well just be another rock on the road that they won't eve notice again. This is another reason that I've become such a home body. No, I may not be the skinniest or most fit girl, but honestly, who cares?! Besides the shallow guys who want nothing more than a pretty face to flaunt around town to make their friends jealous...?
No, I'm not the skinniest, I'm not the prettiest, I'm not the funniest, &I'm not going to be the one to jump at the chance to sleep with you. I'm me, and that's all I am or ever will be. Take it or leave it, I really don't care, just don't waste my time.
And then as we pull into her house, she and her boy toy jump out of the car and basically run into the house, so I take my things and head to my car to go home. She comes out of her garage and yells across the street, "You're leaving?!"
I'm like, Uh, yeah. And she puts her arms out for a hug, and that's one of my biggest pet peeves. In my mind, I'm like no, actually, I'm not going to come and ATTEMPT to give you a hug around that THING wrapped around your waist like a stupid little puppy dog!

Gahhh! People just piss me off. Sometimes I just want to scream at the top of my lungs the things that people should know about me; the things I love, the things I hate, &the things that drive me absolutely crazy! But then again, I don't just want to tell people things like that, I want to see who will stick around &care enough to figure out those kinds of things. At this point, nobody has stayed around long enough or cared enough to try to figure any of that out. I mean, yeah, they know the trivial things about me that most people would get after hanging out with me for a few hours... I'm sarcastic, I hate people, I'm a hopeless romantic, I love music, I love photography, and all that jazz. But with everything that's happened in my life, no it may not be worse than what's happened in your life, but I am the person I am because of all of it. I have been hurt, betrayed, stabbed in the back, walked over, and taken advantage of. &Because of all of that, I have walls up, I use sarcasm as a way to avoid what I really feel, I plaster a smile on my face to hide the tears brimming in my eyes, and I wear make up to cover the bruises of my past.
Is it really too much to ask for to want to find just ONE friend who will know what to say to me when things get really rough? To find a guy who will look at me and love me, even after he's met my friends? Is it too much to ask for when I want to find SOMEBODY who can lay with me when I wallow in self pity, and know just what to tell me to make me actually feel better? Is it too much to finally want people in my life that deserve to be there, versus me just putting them there to see if they fill the void, just so I can get hurt to figure out that they aren't really what I want and NEED in my life?
Is any of it really too much to ask for?

On another noteeeee, I feel like it's time for some spring(ish) cleaning. I am going to go through my facebook friends, figure out who my TRUE friends are, I'm going through my cell phone contacts and getting rid of stupid things in my life. I just feel like my life is getting so cluttered with the dumb things that I can't even see through any of it to see what's real and what's fiction. This is why people move out and go to college at this point in life. I need to move away from here. I need a new scene, I need new people, a new job, new experiences, and I need to try to find myself.
But I guess for now, that's just too much to ask for...
Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently
College. That's the one thing that has basically changed my life. It's done it slowly, but it's still changed it. The fact that this was my number one school, the only school that I wanted to go to or WOULD go to, and I got rejected, has changed a lot of things for me. It has made me think about whether I really want to go to college or not. I have always dreamed about it and I've always wanted to go to college, but I never knew what I wanted to pursue. I know what I'm passionate about right now, but that's just it... It's RIGHT NOW. I change my mind more often than the average person changes their underwear, and that's a lot. I have phases and it's really a problem. I'm a dreamer and my dreams change all the time. On day I want to be a writer and go live in NY and work with a big magazine firm, and the next, I want to be a freelance photographer and just travel the world and hope I get the chance someday to get my work published. I know that I love English, I love art, and I love children, but really? A triple major?! Is that even allowed?!
The fact that I was rejected from the one school that I wanted to go to, and one of the two that I actually applied (I got accepted to UCCS), has made me look at my life and try to figure out what I want to do with it, before I go off and spend thousands of dollars that I don't have, just trying to figure out what I want to do, when I can do that while still living at home, with a job, making money... At this point I still don't know what I want, but every day, I can feel I'm getting a little closer to figuring it all out.

16 July 2011

This is the friendship I want.
They hate each other, they get in fights, they disagree, but in the end, no matter what happens, they're all friends. They're best friends. They accept each other for who they are, they tell it like it is, they get in trouble, and they all have their secrets. They make each other who they are, the fight with each other, they fight FOR each other. They can hate each other, but they're the only ones that can. The stand up for each other, and they never lose faith in the friendship.

Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you
Inspiration. It's everywhere &nowhere. You can't look for it, you just find it. You stumble upon it. It can be as big as a flashing neon sign in Vegas, or as small as a bubble floating through the air at a fair. Inspiration is wherever you look. Some people spend their whole lives looking for it, and I am fortunate enough to find a little of it in everything I do, see, hear, write, or create. There is no ONE person in the world that inspires me more than another. I find inspiration in the little things in life. I'm inspired by something a friend tells me, by a photograph that I see, by a lyric that I hear on the radio, and so much more. Me being the artistic/creative type, I find most of my inspirations in things like pictures from websites, celebrity tattoos, articles that I read, and the small things that usually go unnoticed. I can find so much inspiration from something as simple as a piece of graffiti, a glimpse of a tattoo, etc. There isn't one person who inspires me, because everybody inspires me in some way, shape or form. Some people may call it things like judgements, jumping to conclusions, or something like that, but I take what I see, think of something, and turn it into something I can work with. Inspiration is everywhere, and just like beauty, it's all in the eye of the beholder.

15 July 2011

Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die
There are so many things I WILL do before I die, but above them all, I want to live my life the way I see fit. I don't want to change the way I live based on what society tells me is right or wrong.
I want to fall madly in love, I want to fight at 2am, I want to find true friendship, and I want to find the one person on the world that loves me for who I am, teases me in the RIGHT way, pushes me to do better, and isn't afraid to tell me what they really think.
Basically, when it all comes down to it, I just want to live MY life. I don't want to look at somebody else's life for the rest of my life, and wish I had their life. I want somebody to look at my life, and wish it was theirs. I want to find what my purpose in life is. I want to travel the world and photograph it. I want to change somebody's life, if even in the smallest way. I want to inspire, and be inspired. Bottom Line : I want to just live, the way I so desire.
Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without

Chad Armstrong.
My Best Friend. My Role Model. My Inspiration. By BROTHER.
He is the ONE person who has been there for me through thick and thin. He may not be here with me at this very moment, but he's always in my heart, my thoughts, &my prayers. He was there for me through my parents divorce, through fights with parents, when he gave me a black eye, and everything else that's happened. We fight, we bicker, we disagree, but at the end of the day, he's really all I have. I try to be like him as much as I can. He is wise(?) beyond his years and I admire him so much for that. Whenever I need advice, I know I can always turn to him. Whenever I need a word of encouragement, he's there for me with it. Basically, if I didn't have him as a brother, I would be a totally different person, and to me, that thought is absolutely terrifying. He's my everything, my sanity, the voice in my head. He is the definition of a hero. In my book, he is the best brother God could have blessed anybody with. I'm forever thankful he's mine.

13 July 2011

Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist
Do you even have to ask. If you know me, you know the answer to this, hands down. TAYLOR SWIFT. Duh.

Gah, there are so many artists in the world that I absolutely love, but when it comes down to it, Taylor Swift will always be my favorite. I own every one of her albums, every song, I've watched all the interviews, all of her home videos, music videos, you name it. I absolutely love her. She's beautiful, inside and out, and she's so real. And what's not to love about her lyrics, I mean, come one!
"Bad day? There's a Taylor Swift song for that."

Other bands/artists I love?
Cady Groves, Stiff Dylans, Joe Brooks, All Time Low, Every Avenue, He is We, Parachute, FTSK, Cute is what we aim for, Honor Society, Justin Bieber (Sometimes),  Lights, Ryan Star, LIGHTS, Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, Miranda Lambert, Carrie Underwood, Keith Urban, Kenny Chesney, Trace Adkins, Brad Paisley, Chris Young, Usher, Chris Brown, Bryan McNight, etc. The list goes on. But TSwfit always wins.

12 July 2011

Day 12 - A picture of something you love
Oh gosh, this post could go on and on, just listing all the things I love, but I figure that's not such a brilliant idea. Ha
I love the little things in life. I love, LOVE. I love cute pictures, cheesy quotes and the tacky things that make a moment what it is. I love seeing people in the moment, and I love being able to capture that moment on film. I love having true friends that tell it like it is, but know when to hold back sometimes. I love having people who know me better that I do sometimes. I love having people around me that know me and love me for who I am. I love dreaming big and knowing that it is possible if I just put my head and heard into it 100%. I love animals, I love people that care about the little things, and I love music. I love tattoos &piercings. I love the way lyrics can say exactly how I feel, when I can't find the right words for myself.
You may see me as a negative person, a pessimistic, or even rude, but when it comes down to it, I truly am an optimist with pessimistic moments, I tell it like it is, and I love life. I honestly do! I promise. <3

11 July 2011


What ever happened to true, honest to God friendship. What ever happened to meeting somebody on the playground, and they're your best friend for literally your whole life. What ever happened to friends being able to argue, and still be friends?
I hate the feeling that nothing is anymore what it used to be or should be. I know that I am very old fashioned and into the vintage things in life, but is that really a bad thing?
What ever happened to the true love stories in life? What ever happened to happily ever after? What ever happened to people having hopes &dreams &aspirations in life? When did it become a crime for people to want to be their own person, and standing by that, whatever it was.?

I know exactly the kind of life I want to live, the friends I need, the things I want to see happen, the things I WILL accomplish, &the things that I want to see change. I just don't know how to make it happen. Sometimes I ask myself if it's even worth it.
I have my dreams, I know what I want out of life, but honestly, is it even possible? I am one of the post inspired people you will ever meet. You might not think so, and it might not always show, but it's true. I want so much out of this life, every day I spend sitting around this town, I just see it as wasted time that I will never get back. And the part that breaks my heart the most is the fact that at this point in my life, I can't really do anything about it.

But then again, I know exactly what my problem is. It's two little letters &it's been there my whole life, and it will always be there. It's ME. I'm critical, I'm cynical, I'm contradictory, I doubt myself, I believe I'm untouchable. I am my own best friend &my own worst enemy. I am the only one that can make my dreams come true, and at the same time, and I the ONLY person who can get in my own way.
I accuse others of being the bad person, when it's me. I want to be the kind of person who follows their heart in every choice, but in reality, my brain overrules everything in my life. I over think everything. LITERALLY. Whether it be a little thing or a life changing decision, I can't just go with my heart, or my gut for that matter. I have to weigh the pros and cons of it all, and see in the end which one will end up getting me the better result.
I want the perfect life, but when it comes down to it, there's no such thing. I want to find the perfect guy for me, I want to find the perfect best friend, I want to have the perfect life. In my mind it's possible, but then my overactive mind gets in the way. I want to find the friend that will love me what with all of my flaws and imperfections. I want to find a friend that is just as spontaneous as me. I want to find a guy that will love me for me, and challenge me in every day life. I want to find those people that can make me a better person every day, and still push me to change myself, never loose sight of my dreams, and be able to put up with me when my self esteem is at an all time low.
I push people away, I second guess things that should be left alone, I dream too big, I love too much, and I have too much passion. They're all a mixture of good and bad. I just haven't found a way (yet) to find the perfect balance for all of this nonsense called LIFE.

&Just for your viewing pleasure, another picture(: Sadly though, I didn't take it. I wish I did, but I didn't.
Day 11 - A picture of something you hate
Before you start judging me based on my picture choice, let me explain. It's not that I hate people who are insecure, because to a point we all are. It's not that by any means. The thing that pisses me off to no end are the people that are so insecure and so lost in themselves, they need constant reassurance. I mean, when I have to look at somebody 20 times a day and tell them something to boost their confidence, it just makes me want to look at them and yell, 'Yes, you are a worthless piece of crap, and you will be until you stop needing people to tell you otherwise!' It may be rude, but it's the truth. I hate when people are so insecure in themselves, they have little to no self esteem, and they make it my job to tell them they aren't completely worthless.
Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most ****** up things with

I have been thinking about this one for forever, and I can't come up with anything. The truth is, I'm seriously just your average teenager. I do things like TP houses, play my fair share of pranks, I'm sarcastic 99% of the time, I do all the wrong things, but I have all of the right intentions. I don't really do anything that would fall into the category of being truly f-ed up... Sorry to disappoint.

09 July 2011

Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most

There have been two people in my life, that have always been there. They are the two people that I tell everything to, they're the ones that can hurt me the most, they're the ones I look to for guidance and advice. These two very special people are my family; My mom, and my best friend, brother, &role model, Chad. I love them both with everything inside of me. They drive me insane, they tell me the truth, they dry my tears, and they're always there for me. They are the only two people in the world that have always been there for me, &because of that, they are the only two people in the world that will always stay with me. Then again, they don't really have a choice. ha

08 July 2011


Me being bed ridden since Monday, and knowing I won't be going anywhere for still about another week or so, I have had way too much time to think about things; Life, Dreams, what I want to do, how I can make it happen, etc. The main thing that I haven't been able to shake, is the desire to start traveling. I'm not going to school this year, and to be completely honest, I don't think I will be going for a few years. I just don't want to go. At this point in my life, I just want to get out and see the world. I want to see all the places that 99% of people never see. I want to experience things most only dream about. I want to actually live my life, and not just exist. I want to do something bigger, something better. I want somebody to be able to look at my life and say, "Wow, she really did have it all. I wish my life could be like hers."
I want my life, to be one that people look at and can say to themselves that my life, was a life not wasted. I want to live my life, the way I see fit. I don't want to live by what other people tell me is right or wrong, and what others say should or shouldn't be done.  I want to make my life my own, no matter what I have to do to make it just that...

So, with that being said, here is a list of a few of the places I want to go to within the next 5 years.
  • South Africa
  • Italy
  • France
  • London
  • Mexico
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Switzerland
  • India
  • Shanghai
  • Delhi
  • Beijing
  • Tokyo
  • Bangkok
  • Egypt
  • Cape Verde
  • Botswana
  • Ethiopia
  • Morocco
  • Nigeria
  • Sudan
  • Uganda
You name it, I want to go there. And I don't just want to visit and be on my way... No, I want to live there, I want to learn about the different cultures, learn the languages, I want to be included in the rituals of the lands. But most of all, I want to be able to just pack up my cameras, a laptop, and just go wherever I want, whenever I want to go.
I want to visit every continent, and I want to visit every country on every continent. I want to go everywhere I can, as long as it's safe and there isn't a risk of me getting killed. I want to go to places like Afghanistan; I want to be able to photograph every day life of those that our government won't let us see. I want to photograph the lives of the military personnel that risk their lives for us; I want to photograph the children that have nothing left.
I want to make a difference. I WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh

Can I just start with saying that this has been the hardest one yet? I have more pictures that I can count, or can remember taking... &yet, I couldn't find a picture that makes me laugh. I think it's because I'm looking in all the wrong places. I can look back at text messages from months prior and laugh hysterically, but I just can't find a picture that genuinely makes me laugh...
But I guess this one is pretty good. I always giggle when I see this picture. I don't know why, but I simply love these girls so much. They are the farthest from boring you will ever know. They are hilarious and so much fun to be around. There are so many stories behind everything we all do together, I can't even begin to explain them. So I will just leave it with, this picture, makes me laugh, all the time. (:
Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item

The intangible in my life is what I treasure the most. I live for the things that I can't see or touch, but instead the things that I dream for, hope for, and wish for. My most treasured item(s) are the things that I can't touch, and they're the things that change every day. My most treasured things in my life, are things like my hopes and dreams; the things I want out of life; the things that can't just be given to me, can't be bought, but instead have to be earned.
I say my hopes and my dreams and the things that I want out of life, because no matter what happens in life, I will always have them, and nobody can take them away from me. My house can burn down, my pictures can be taken away, people can tell me I'm worthless, whatever; I am the only person that can change my dreams, ignore them, or make them come true. The things that I want out of my life, are by far, my most treasured things. My dreams, my mind, my hopes, and everything I am willing to do and to sacrifice to make them happen.
&Can I just add, that yes, this is my picture. I took it, and before you judge it or call it something it isn't, ask me for the story behind it. To you, it's just a picture of a road, but to me, it's so much more. Don't judge, don't steal, don't hate.

06 July 2011

Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day

There are so many people I think it would be cool to trade places with for a day, but I would say that if I had to pick one person, I would choose myself.
I have been through so much in my life, but that's an understatement. I know that this day is supposed to be about picking somebody else to trade lives with for a day, but when you really think about it, you were given the life you were for a reason, so why would you want to trade that? Yes, we all have our good days and our bad days, but that's just part of life.
My good days are better than anything I could even imagine, and my bad days are simply the worst, but it's what makes my life, my own.
Besides, if I traded places with somebody that wasn't me, I wouldn't have the life I have, the friends I have, I wouldn't have been through the things I've been through. I wouldn't know what I know, and all of that, isn't worth trading for anything.
Yes, there are those certain celebrities that have 'the perfect life' but what is that worth? You're always in the public eye, people judge you on things they know nothing about, and to me, it's not real. Celebrities, hollywood, 'the perfect life,' they're all overrated in my eyes. My life, is the true thing. I have good days when I'm high on life and never want the day to end, and on the other hand, I have bad days when time can't go fast enough, and I can't manage to do anything right. We all have ups and downs, but that's the beauty of it all.
My life may not be perfect in your eyes, but in mine, it is. My life is what I want it to be, &it's whatever I make it into. My life fits who I was yesterday, who I am today, and I can mold it to fit who I will be tomorrow. I can't say that about somebody else's life.
Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory

California : October 2008
The Best Day of my Entire Life.
My brother is the one person that has been there for me through everything. We argue, we bicker, we can't stand each other, but at the end of the day, we love each other. He is by far m favorite person in the world, and one of the few that I truly look up to.
I have written college essays about him, school papers, reports, presentations, letters to him, notes to myself, and so much more. He is my everything; I hate him, because I love him. He is the person that is most like me, while being my total opposite. He is the one person that I rarely talk to, but I know deep down that he will always be there for me. He is far too wise for his years, but when I need advice, I go to either him or my mom.
This picture (the picture inside the picture), was taken the day he graduated from boot camp. This day, has changed my life, forever. At the moment I didn't even realize it, but it has changed me way more than I ever thought a single day could. Before he left for California to become a Marine, the most I had ever spend away from him at a single time was no more than 72 hours, and that was hard enough. But when he left, he was gone for 3 months, and might I add, it was the hardest 3 months of my life. It was the 3 months that he wasn't around, and the 3 months when I needed him the most. This day, was the happiest day of my life, and it will be a hard one to top. I love you, Chad. And no matter what I say or do, I always have and I always will. <3
Day 04 - A picture of your night

I'm going to alter this one just a little. Instead of a picture of my night, I'm making it a picture of my day. I haven't been on here in a few days, because my fourth of July, was once again, far too eventful. Last year I thought was terrible; there was a massive hail storm the night of the fourth, so we couldn't light fireworks, I got hit by more pieces of hail than I could count, my feet nearly froze off from running around in frozen water, and to top it off, I got over $3500 in hail damage to my car. Yeah, not the best night for me.
But turns out, this year wasn't much better... This year, I was riding around a friends neighborhood on the back of a dirt bike. Sounds fun, right? It was, until my knee got caught on a power box on the side of a road, I got torn from the bike, thrown around the road, and I got massive road rash. And to top if off, the next day I got a trip to the ER.
Bad News: I can't work for 7-10 days.
Good News: I was the hit of the decade in the ER (literally) and myself and the doctors all decided that when I do something, I don't mess around. I go all out, and I go out with a bang. Clearly.

03 July 2011

Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show 

I don't have television at my house, and even if I did, I wouldn't ever have the time to watch. but when I was in NY over Christmas, I watched TV every night to fall asleep to, and while I was there, I fell in love with 'My Life As Liz.' Don't ask me what it is about the show, but there's something about it that I absolutely loved. I just wish I could watch it more now &keep up with it... But then again, no I don't. I don't have time to get addicted to a TV show.

02 July 2011

Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest

Who have I been the closest with for the longest? Me, Myself, &I. I know it's tacky and extremely cliche, but that's me.
I have known myself my whole life, and I'm the only person that knows everything about me, good and bad, private and public, and I am the only person that will ever be able to say that. 
When asked this question, I used to always say my brother was the person I've been closest with, but that's not really true anymore... When he came home last, we argued and bickered and fought, and it showed me that maybe we aren't as close as I always thought we were.

I am the only person that knows my deepest fears, what I'm really thinking, the feelings behind the smile, and the honestly behind the tears. I'm the only person that I dare trust, because I am my own best friend and my own worst enemy. I am my hardest critic in tough situations, and I'm the only person that knows when to take it easy on myself. I'm the person that can hurt myself the worst &because of everything that I've been through, the people that have hurt me, played me, betrayed me, left me, and made me into the person I am, I have always been &always will be, the person that I have been closest with for the longest.
Day 01 - A Picture of Yourself with 10 Facts

1. The name is Lydia, don't wear it out.
2. I hate the term, 'Best Friend.'
3. I'm an English/Grammar Nazi.
4. I'm addicted to quotes.
5. I can count my true friends on one hand.
6. I have learned that trusting others is the one mistake you can make.
7. I believe that love is out there for everyone.
8. I pick up on song lyrics crazy fast
9. I love tattoos and piercings.
10. I'm 18 and I have no idea who I am or what I want out of life.


01 July 2011


I have decided to take a stab at doing the 30 day photo challenge.
There are exactly 30 days in July, so I will post something every day, since I have been slightly slacking lately. I know this is usually done through facebook, but I don't want to do it on there, so I will do it on here....
The days are as follows. I will post Day 1 later today. For now, just the layout of what to expect on what days.

Day 01 - A picture of yourself with ten facts

Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest

Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show

Day 04 - A picture of your night

Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory

Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day

Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item

Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh

Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most

Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most ****** up things with

Day 11 - A picture of something you hate

Day 12 - A picture of something you love

Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist

Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without

Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die

Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you

Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently

Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity

Day 19 - A picture and a letter

Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel

Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget

Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at

Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book

Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change

Day 25 - A picture of your day

Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you

Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member

Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of

Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile

Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss