24 July 2011

Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change
There is one main thing that stands out in my mind that applies to this. My brother. I am so proud of the fact that he's in the military. &Because he is, it has changed both of our lives more than either of us know.
But because of the fact that he's in the military, and his job choice, we hardly ever get to see each other, and we rarely get a chance to talk. And when we do get a chance to talk to each other, it's much too brief.
The only thing in my life that I really want to change, is the amount of time I get to see the one person in the world that never fails to make me smile. Chad Armstrong. Brother. Role Model.
He may be all of those things, but above all, he's my BEST FRIEND. I just wish I could see him more often than once a year. :(

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