20 July 2011

Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you’d love to travel
The World.
I want to travel the world. I WILL travel the world. There are so many beautiful places on this planet, and there are so many people who have never, nor will they ever, get the chance to see them. Unlike those people however, I will go there. I want to be the one lucky person who gets to travel the world. I want to photograph places few people have ever seen, I want to write about things few people have ever heard about. I will travel to every continent, I promise you that much. How will I make it happen? When will I go? Who will go with me?
Those are answers I don't have yet. All I know, is that I'm more determined than most people my age, and I won't let it get away from me. I plan on taking that passion and making something good of it. You may doubt me, but that doesn't matter. People tell me I'm crazy, look at me like I'm stupid, and tell my family that  I'm a bubble brain who has no plans for the future. Traveling, is my future. Like I said, I don't have all of the details worked out, but I'm 18. I have plenty of time for planning.
For now, I'm more worried about living my life and not wasting a single moment of it. Traveling will happen within the next few years. But for now, the biggest dilemma I have is where to go first!
Doubt me, tell me it won't happen, look at me like I'm a crazy kid who's telling you what they want out of life when they're 5. It doesn't matter what anybody says or does because this is one thing in my life that I'm 100% sure about. I will make it happen. Say what you will, but one day, I'll prove you wrong. Just watch me.

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